Waiting for device fastboot. And yes I did change recoveryfilename.
Waiting for device fastboot Thank you May 6, 2021 · fastboot devices; 로 device가 나오지 않을 때 난감하다. He instalado los drivers, etc. Reconnecting allowed it to realize the change in state, and now it was properly recognized ( fastboot devices ) and it would follow any instruction properly. In case the “fastboot devices” command is still showing no devices on Windows 10 or 11, then move to the next step. 1. Jan 19, 2025 · ```bash # 检查当前fastboot版本 fastboot --version ``` #### 使用命令验证连接状态 可以通过运行如下指令查看是否有可用设备被成功枚举: ```bash # 列出所有连接的ADB/Fastboot 设备 adb devices fastboot devices ``` 以上措施有助于解决大多数因环境配置引起的 "waiting for any device Waiting for device è uno degli errori più frequenti che puoi riscontrare utilizzando Android ADB e Fastboot in fase di collegamento del tuo dispositivo Android con il PC per eseguire l’installazione di recovery personalizzate, l’ottenimento dei permessi di root o altro. img(4. Phone is rooted. - you need to unlock bootloader -> a small [howto] to unlock Aquí te explico como solucionar el problema de "Waiting For Device", por medio de 3 opciones, la cual alguna te lo va resolver. 344311e6a0604 fastboot . img to the name of the file that I downloaded, which I placed on my desktop. -ADB can only find the device when it is on normally 'lsusb' looks like this when the device is turned on normally: Desde el símbolo del sistema (iniciado en la carpeta que contiene ADB y Fastboot) escriba los siguientes comandos y presione Entrar: adb kill-server; adb start-server; Ahora conecte su teléfono inteligente a su PC y verifique si la conexión con ADB y Fastboot funciona correctamente. UBports simply won't continue. Waiting for device — Ошибка в ADB или Fastboot (Андроид). I am after wiping caches, data and system from my phone, so I can only access bootloader and twrp. Neste guia, tentaremos tentar corrigir Aguardando erro do dispositivo do ADB e do Fastboot que pode ser gerado ao usar o ADB e o Fastboot no PC. total time: 0. Also, check out, How to Fix USB Device Not Recognized - https://bit. 打开设备和打印机,右键删除设备2. Nov 9, 2016 · He estado mirando y al intentar poner el recovery TWRP mediante comando ADB, al introducir el comando fastboot oem info-devices la consola se queda con el mensaje "waiting for devices" como si no reconociera el telefono. Решение waiting for device в ADB. Jan 18, 2025 · 解决等待设备“Waiting for Device”问题的方案 背景介绍: 在使用电脑与Android设备(如手机或平板)进行ADB连接时,经常遇到设备长时间处于“Waiting for device”的状态。有时即便设备已经安装了合适的驱动程序依然会出现这一情况。这可能由于多种原因导致,包括 Dec 23, 2024 · Extract the "usb_driver" folder from inside the ZIP archive, then select your device from the device manager while it's in fastboot, select "Install drivers from this computer" and select the folder you've extracted. So I couldn't do anything Edit 1st post: I'm using 8. 2, but decided to go back to stock today. This time, it will detect your device. Verified all drivers are installed, including: ADB & Fastboot Jul 25, 2015 · En la ventana de comando ingresa, mfastboot devices o fastboot devices si no funciona el anterior y te tiene que salir el dispositivo conectado ahí, proba conectando a otro puerto USB también Enviado desde mi XT1032 mediante Tapatalk Jun 12, 2023 · When i execute the command fastboot devices it shows 3419116439001S1 fastboot and trying to use fastboot bbk unlock_vivo or fastboot vivo_bsp unlock_vivo only shows FAILED (remote: Unrecognized command bbk unlock_vivo) finished. U. 3. THANKS ! 前言. 常见问题 1:waiting for device. boot in to fastboot mode on your device. img" the command prompt just says "waiting for device". ly/3zcPP0nWel Aug 2, 2021 · 文章浏览阅读7. Jan 26, 2024 · fastboot waiting for any device问题通常是由于缺少驱动引起的。要解决此问题,您可以按照以下步骤安装驱动: 1. 감사합니다. `apt install adb fastboot` 2. 0系统,进行解锁操作: 出现问题:按照网上的解锁教程,输入adb devices能检测到设备,输入adb reboot-bootloader也能成功进入bootloader模式,但是在输入fastboot devices时被提示waiting for device,无论是重新插拔USB还是更换驱动都不能解决问题(其实能在前面检测的设备证明不是 Apr 6, 2020 · Fixed: fastboot device not detected and fastboot waiting for device problem. Método 5: desconecte los cables USB innecesarios Oct 16, 2023 · 筆者がPCを変えるたびに遭遇しあたふたするFastbootコマンド入力後のwaiting for devices の表示はこの前の項目のドライバの適用で治ると思われます。 ドライバが正常に当たっていてもコマンドが入力できない時は、項目1のfastboot, adbコマンドの導入をやり直して Jun 26, 2013 · I have read so many guides over the last month on flashing using adb/fastboot. Jan 15, 2025 · Issue: Stuck on "waiting for device" during fastboot flashing unlock What I've Done So Far: ADB works fine – adb devices detects my phone without issues. 다시 ADB 창에서 . Once your device is recognised, report back here for further steps Waiting for device — Ошибка в ADB или Fastboot (Андроид). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jan 26, 2024 · 在Ubuntu操作系统下,当你通过FastBoot模式连接你的Android设备时,可能会看到"waiting for device"的提示。这表示你的电脑正在尝试识别并建立与手机的通信连接,以便进行各种固件更新、恢复出厂设置或其他快速命令 Mar 3, 2020 · Хотя почти все причины сообщения решаются одинаково для удобства статья будет разделена на решение «waiting for device в adb» и «waiting for device в fastboot». 好多人在FASTBOOT模式,虽然装好驱动,但是执行ADB命令时候会遇到一直waiting for device,网上一大堆人各种方法没一个能解决的。 有效解决办法,fastboot模式下用数据线连接电脑,然后下载驱动精灵安装,打开检测驱动,里面有一个手机ADB驱动点击安装,重启电脑 То есть когда когда вы пытаетесь что то выполнить в adb или в fastboot и у вас появляется сообщение waiting for device в командной строке, то это означает что ваш Android смартфон или планшет не виден! То есть когда когда вы пытаетесь что то выполнить в adb или в fastboot и у вас появляется сообщение waiting for device в командной строке, то это означает что ваш Android смартфон или планшет не виден! Jan 28, 2025 · I need USB driver for CMF Nothing Phone 1, please help me with that I am facing issue with my phone, as i am rooting my phone where in my CMD i am facing issue of ""waiting for device "" please share usb driver for this nothing cmf phone 1 . Oct 26, 2016 · unplug your device if plugged in. 를 가서 보면. I got ADB from the A. 一、数据线问题 解决办法: 1、重新插拔,换个USB接口 2、一些便宜的线会阉割数据传输,只保留充电功能。 Dec 3, 2022 · 无法使用adb或fastboot与设备建立连接?本文将引导您解决“waiting for any device”问题,并提供解决问题的步骤和相关背景信息,帮助您快速连接设备并继续开发或故障排除。 Jul 5, 2022 · 11. GM21AA Appreciate any advice/help Jun 13, 2019 · Well, nothing really. Started cmd with adminstrator privileges 11. Aug 31, 2013 · Hey all. img it's works perfectly Daanmannetje Mar 2, 2024 · Хотел разблокировать загрузчик но мне пишет waiting for any device adb devices все ок пишу fastboot flashing unlock May 26, 2013 · adb fastboot fastboot oem writesecureflag 3 But after last command there is a line with: < waiting for device > and nothing happens Does anybody have an idea ? I used revone for S-OFF and Unlock bootloader and everything was successful but decided to go back for stock. Oct 29, 2016 · adb devices just shows: List of devices attached If I select USB charge instead of MTP, the adb devices shows: List of devices attached: LGH811***** device Then I can do "adb reboot bootloader" Phone shuts down and get on fastboot with this "waiting for device" I got stuck there. Ran fastboot flashing unlock, but it gets stuck on "waiting for device". 0 port try to plug USB Eae pessoal tudo bem? Espero que sim. the problem is here $ fastboot oem get_unlock_data this one just returns me <waiting for device> indefinitely. Not really sure what's to miss here. A: When you see the message “fastboot waiting for any device”, it means that the fastboot mode is enabled and is waiting for a device to be connected. I not experienced in android, and will be greatfull to any help. After this, you can run adb reboot bootloader to enter the bootloader and fastboot devices to verify, that the phone is being detected. 04 and also tried it with windows. Довольно очень распространенная проблема в Android Mar 2, 2023 · If you get your device, you can proceed with unlock process, but if it doesn't return anything or sits on "waiting for device", then the first thing you should do is to try to plug USB into another USB port (for some reason fastboot is a massive pain in the ass when you try to use it on USB 3. my device A: The “fastboot oem unlock waiting for any device” message indicates that the device is waiting for a command to be sent from the computer. Hey LovelyLucario! I think I've got a solution for you, my friend. Fiz esse vídeo para ajudar as pessoas que estão tendo dificuldade de conectar seu MOTO E/G/X/Z etc para que possam está Jun 15, 2022 · Решение waiting for device в fastboot. exe Sep 25, 2023 · Fastboot commands are answered "waiting for device". 1. img < waiting for any device > #Stuck here, but can exit ^C $ #I gain back control I try to stop/kill/terminate the first fastboot process from task manager, but it does not work. May 13, 2016 · -ADB can only find the device when it is turned on normally -Fastboot says "waiting for device" forever. Questo errore non ti consente di stabilire una connessione e di 最近学习Linux系统编程时,用到了 fastboot 烧写工具,但是在 fastboot 模式下烧写时,提示< waiting for device>无法继续完成烧写。上网搜索解决方案大多是更改权限,多次尝试无效后,便从驱动方面着手----- ’ ’ 问题在于:必须在 uboot模式下才能进入fastboot模式,fastboot使用时需要能够在设备管理器下 if you are stuck with message Waiting for device in fastboot mode, you can solve this problem by following this video tutorial, this error is mostly appear i Jul 31, 2024 · $ fastboot flashing unlock < waiting for any device > ``` ``` adb devices List of devices attached ``` OEM unlocking is enabled $ fastboot --version fastboot version 35. Trying to ignore that fact, doing something like "fastboot flashing unlock" just sits at "waiting for device". 可能没有安装手机usb驱动,然后识别不到设备。 Jul 5, 2021 · Jika, benar masalah ini datang dari USB Driver tersebut, maka sudah jelas Fastboot tersebut akan terus memunculkan pesan Waiting For Device, meski Smartphone Android sudah kalian hubungkan ke OS Windows dengan Kabel USB, jika USB Driver tidak ada, maka sudah jelas OS Windows tidak akan bisa memproses tindakan Fastboot tersebut. So it means that for sure the device is in fastboot mode and the computer recognizes it. . Jul 2, 2022 · < waiting for device > when i try adb devies it show my device but when i boot to fastboot in my phone i try fastboot devices didn't show fastboot devices i use Sep 19, 2012 · 3) Device manager will show you fastboot device for 2-3 sec (before the phone go to charge mode) Right click on fastboot device and install drivers from C:\Android\sdk\extras\google\usb_driver 4) Reconnect usb cable pushing volup button Dec 6, 2022 · Unclear at this time if it's an issue with fastboot or M1 Mac's OS; You can work around it by plugging in a USB device. Не у всех Android есть режим Fastboot (99% всех Samsung и Lenovo), соответственно данные модели работать не будут в этом режиме и всегда будут выдавать ошибку waiting for device! Nov 2, 2024 · 장치 관리자에 Android Device 아래 Android ADB Interface 장치가 보입니다. R. <<waiting for device>> 이경우에는 . Такое сообщение на экране телефона говорит о том, что устройство находится в стадии подключения. Now, open the command prompt window and run the fastboot devices command. I've tested with both a USB hub and USB C headphones, both worked to bypass the issue. -(Did not try fastboot devices in windows. Nov 24, 2020 · Now Device Driver Signing should be disabled, allowing you to install any driver until you reboot, meaning we can install our unsigned OnePlus driver. O erro, uma vez exibido na tela, não permite prosseguir com as operações desejadas, pois o dispositivo Android conectado ao computador não é reconhecido corretamente e, portanto, não há como estabelecer uma conexão entre os dois. Dec 13, 2023 · 安装google的usb devices驱动即可 下载地址:https: 刷机过程之安装FastBoot驱动 解决fastboot waiting for any device问题 You're probably not booting to bootloader mode (fastboot mode) that is why no fastboot command is recognized by the device. eu fastboot image - Perhaps you have an update info on your phone -> Its only an info that an update is available - Update is only possible with fastboot / PC and not with TWRP and here we go . Executed "fastboot oem get_identifier_token" 12: *see Screenshot below* I figure, that in the end I did exactly the same as hasoon2000's tool was and was stopped at the same point. I'm already using the side USB port, so that's not the problem. In this guide, I'll show you how you can easily fix the common waiting for any device error when trying use fastboot commands to perform certain operations o Feb 7, 2013 · 8. 003s or FAILED (remote: Unrecognized command vivo_bsp unlock_vivo) finished. I can see the device initially with fastboot devices but then when I run flash-all, i get stuck on waiting for any device after it reboots into bootloader. Таким образом, если вы сталкиваетесь с проблемой "Waiting for any device fastboot", следуйте вышеописанным шагам и используйте соответствующие команды Fastboot для прошивки и управления устройством. 0系统,进行解锁操作: 出现问题:按照网上的解锁教程,输入adb devices能检测到设备,输入adb reboot-bootloader也能成功进入bootloader模式,但是在输入fastboot devices时被提示waiting for device,无论是重新插拔USB还是更换驱动都不能解决问题(其实能在前面检测的设备证明不是 Dec 3, 2020 · 问题: adb devices 显示设备,插别的手机可以正常输出日志,唯独这台设备不行,已开启开发者选项,usb调试,都开启了,但是输出日志提示**- waiting for device-** 解决方法: 多重新插拔几次手机数据线,让手机页面弹出授权弹框,授权下即可。 May 24, 2015 · 为什么我fastboot一直停留在waiting for device?驱动怎么安装啊建议在耍底包之前做好这些工作,驱动更新目录是刷机工具包里面的一个文件夹,如我的是:C:\Users\Think_Mr_L\Desktop\lt18i_tools	 May 27, 2021 · Before running fastboot commands rebooted device in download mode: adb reboot bootloader to get into fastboot; fastboot devices shows device serial; fastboot flash boot patched. bat scripts don't work properly. The reason why these commands why not be working for you, for some phones, OEM Unlocking commands don't work with a pin enabled! Try disabling the pin/password on your phone, enter fastboot mode and try "fastboot flashing unlock" or "fastboot oem unlock". Select "Next" and it should install the drivers from the path. miui. When I run the fastboot command, it freezes on "< waiting for device >". Any help would be greatly apprecaited. I think the problem is a missing (correct) fastboot-driver, but can't find a solution. 이경우에는 Android Universal Driver를 업데이트 해야한다. ) In Linux: -Fastboot can NEVER find the device. 그러면 성공한 것입니다. 화면이 나타납니다. The prompt waiting for device means the computer is waiting for a device connected in bootloader mode. Note that the USB hub was unpowered; You do not need to plug the device into the USB hub, it can still be plugged into your Mac Aug 10, 2022 · Fastboot should work now. If needed, I can flash from Windows May 31, 2022 · Решение waiting for device в fastboot. Не у всех Android есть режим Fastboot (99% всех Samsung и Lenovo), соответственно данные модели работать не будут в этом режиме и всегда будут выдавать ошибку waiting for device! Nov 17, 2022 · 常见问题 1:waiting for device. It would hang at "Waiting for any device", because my PC doesn't detect Fastbootd devices, I'm highly sure. Reconnect your device and everything should be working properly! Mar 1, 2024 · 本文提供了解决Android Fastboot等待设备问题的终极指南,深入探讨了导致此问题的原因,并分步指导如何解决它,包括检查设备驱动程序、更新fastboot二进制文件、将设备置于fastboot模式、重新启动fastboot、卸载设备驱动程序以及使用第三方驱动程序安装程序等步骤,还回答了常见问题,帮助用户彻底 用win10电脑给piexl2手机刷机的时候遇到 出现 . 기타장치에 Android 에 노란색 느낌표로 정상 작동하고 있지 않다고 표시가 나올 경우가 있다. waiting for any device > 问题,后来发现时fastboot 命令执行的时候没有驱动造成的,但是百度了好久,不知道驱动怎么装,不知道驱动下载那个,不知道去哪下等等问题。所以记录一下解决过程。 Feb 4, 2024 · waiting for any device 翻译意思:等待任何设备. El administrador de dispositivos lo reconoce como "Android Bootloader Interface" Jul 20, 2017 · Gone through all the steps, and everything I could find on Google as well, yet fastboot won't do anything for me. 华为P8手机,移动版,安卓5. See full list on getdroidtips. img时,命令行出现wait for device>提示且无进一步动作,经查询资料发现有极大可能是由于未安装adb fastboot 驱动程序,于是开始动手安装,结果遇到了一堆坑,故在此处记录下安装过程,希望能够帮助到有需要的人。 Aug 27, 2023 · Everything went well, up until the point where I actually had to flash the modified boot. Select Fastboot 9. 首先,您需要下载并安装小米USB驱动程序。您可以在小米官方网站或引用中提供的链接中找到下载地址 Sep 18, 2024 · 设备管理器标记着黄色感叹号 打开 MIUI 解锁工具官网下载解锁工具: https://www. html 解压后找到MiUsbDriver. other fastboot commands as fastboot oem unlock dont work too. img works :) fastboot reboot to get back to normal device state; Device is rooted and I see su permission requests; Note: Some devices of LG and Samsung lack fastboot Jun 6, 2023 · I do have USB debugging and OEM unlocking enabled, but the Vivo version of fastboot doesn't detect it, while the normal version does. 打开设备管理器,在其他设备中找到设备并更新驱动程序一步步继续操作即可_fastboot reboot一直wait I am having the same issue using ubuntu 18. As a side note, I'm using Arch Linux. Jun 13, 2019 · Well, nothing really. Feb 15, 2012 · but when I enter with fastboot flash boot boot. img to my phone. 1-android-tools android-udev-20240625-1 is up to date I'm stuck here any help is welcome Apr 13, 2020 · 华为P8手机,移动版,安卓5. @BenjaminPodszun actually it does need root permission, I don't know whether it changes or not depending on OS, but running Fedora 22 just typing a fastboot command will get the 'waiting for device', but typing sudo fastboot command will actually execute the command. I have installed mini adb on Win10, and also Clockworm. 在进行fastboot flash boot boot. 6w次,点赞12次,收藏42次。前言:用win10电脑给piexl2手机刷机的时候遇到 出现 < waiting for any device > 问题,后来发现时fastboot 命令执行的时候没有驱动造成的,但是百度了好久,不知道驱动怎么装,不知道驱动下载那个,不知道去哪下等等问题。 Aug 3, 2022 · So are you facing the same issue while using fastboot and your phone is not detecting, here is your solution. This command will unlock the bootloader, which allows you to install custom ROMs and other modifications. Aug 23, 2018 · edit: while sitting at "waiting on device" if I run "fastboot devices" I get my device. Falls Sie immer noch den Fehler „Fastboot Waiting for Device“ erhalten oder Treiberprobleme haben, können Sie zum nächsten Abschnitt übergehen, um eine mögliche Lösung zu finden. 出现现象: 电脑一直提示 waiting for device ,等了半个多小时还是没有动静。 原因分析: 这表示未检测到 fastboot 设备。一般都是在没有进入 fastboot 下或者驱动没有正确安装的情况下才会出现此问题。 解决方案: 1. Но по каким-то причинам ADB и Fastboot не видят смартфон или планшет. 在新的菜单中选择从计算机的设备驱动程序列表中选择。1. I do adb devices, it pops up the s/n but when I do the fastboot flash system (or recovery or boot) I get this returned: < waiting for device > it will stay like that no matter how long I let it sit! if anyone Dec 14, 2020 · Any fastboot command I issue returns "waiting for any device". Does anyone know the reason? Sep 4, 2019 · $ fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta. Dec 30, 2019 · Connect the phone to the computer again, find the now unknown device in the device manager and install the drivers by browsing the computer for drivers and selecting the corresponding files. GM1917 9. Jun 11, 2020 · That screen is fastboot mode, you don't need to select any further options. fastboot devices 입력하고 Enter 하면 ADB 서버하고 폰 하고 연결이 되었다고 나타납니다. Then check if the device is detected in Fastboot: fastboot devices Jan 20, 2024 · 华为P8手机,移动版,安卓5. Instead with the command fastboot -i 0xfce flash boot boot. Sep 19, 2012 · 1) Open device manager in windows 2) Connect usb cable to your phone pushing volume up button(for xperia sola) 3) Device manager will show you fastboot device for 2-3 sec (before the phone go to charge mode) Right click on fastboot device and install drivers from C:\Android\sdk\extras\google\usb_driver 4) Reconnect usb cable pushing volup button 文章浏览阅读8k次。有时adb reboot bootloader进入到fastboot模式就找不到设备了,有可能是硬件类型选错了。当然这只是其中的一种原因,供大家参考:1. 0系统,进行解锁操作: 出现问题:按照网上的解锁教程,输入adb devices能检测到设备,输入adb reboot-bootloader也能成功进入bootloader模式,但是在输入fastboot devices时被提示waiting for device,无论是重新插拔USB还是更换驱动都不能解决问题(其实能在前面检测的设备证明不是 Jul 5, 2022 · Learn how to install Fastboot drivers for Android devices from OnePlus, Xiaomi, Realme, Oppo, and more on Windows 10 or 11. Booted into Fastboot Mode via adb reboot bootloader. 002s – Jun 4, 2013 · The cmd still show < waiting for device> even after it's fully boot, it doesn't show fastboot screen I managed to go to Fastboot mode by using KF First Aide, but my computer couldn't recognize kindle while it's in fastboot mode. Their script would do its tasks, until "fastboot reboot fastboot". Connect the device to the computer, drivers should be installed . Довольно очень распространенная проблема в Android Dec 27, 2019 · So ADB worked [fastboot device] returns < waiting for any device > I've tried USB-C to USB-C and USB-C to regular USB Fastboot isn't finding my phone even though ADB is. Connected Desire S via USB cabel (Fastboot USB in red visible) 10. Pop open Device Manager. I have my phone on the bootloader/fastboot (black screen, blue LED) and it's connected to my computer but fastboot just won't find it. 제어판 > 컴퓨터관리. Índice 3 Soluciones: 01:33 In Go to device manager, right click on that "Unknown device" or "Other device" or whatever it is, then click update driver software, then click browse, then click choose a driver from installed drivers, then find ClockWorkMod in the left pane and select "ADB Interface" or something like that and click install. BTW, just use "fastboot devices" to check whether it works. You can press windows + x to bring up a menu, then you can press m or select device manager for quick access; Boot your device into fastboot mode. If your device doesn't appear, you don't need to try other fastboot commands - it won't work. com/unlock/download. exe版本不是最新的。2. 可能是fastboot. Mar 23, 2018 · Hi, I was on Resurection Rom 7. Nov 24, 2020 · D:\LENOVO TAB M8\platform-tools>fastboot reboot fastboot < waiting for any device > ^C D:\LENOVO TAB M8\platform-tools>fastboot reboot < waiting for any device > ^C As you can see , fastboot reboot fastboot was the last command I used and then my tablet restarted and fastboot mode disabled for ever. com That is, although it was detected by adb (adb devices), when i instructed it to reboot in fastboot (adb reboot bootloader), it did not recognize the device straight away. Trying to unlock my bootloader but fastboot keeps just waiting for device. Then reboot to the bootloader: adb reboot-bootloader. If I issue the "adb reboot bootloader" command when the phone is in TWRP or I select Reboot - Bootloader from TWRP the phone just reboots into CM. 5. GM21AA Appreciate any advice/help Oct 17, 2022 · 电脑PC端输入fastboot devices一直出现< waiting for any device >。输入fastboot devices可以出现以下内容,证明可以使用了。4. And yes I did change recoveryfilename. Unfortunately, I can't use the normal version since it doesn't work with Vivo devices. Try to switch to fastboot with the following: adb reboot bootloader Now check if fastboot sees your device: fastboot In this video, I will be discussing how to fix the "Fastboot OEM Unlock Waiting for any device" and "Fastboot device not detecting" issues that can occur whe Aug 9, 2024 · 驱动程序问题:如果计算机上没有安装正确的USB驱动程序,或者驱动程序损坏,也会导致“waiting for device”的错误。 手机设置问题:某些手机品牌和型号需要在特定模式下才能被Fastboot或ADB识别,例如进入Fastboot模式或开发者模式。 Jul 22, 2021 · My problem is, every Custom ROM with a Fastboot ROM doesn't work. 0 port, so if you have USB 2. I reboot to the bootloader, get to where it says "start" and then I fireup "adb devices", and nothing is found. Follow the steps to update, disable, or select the Fastboot driver and fix the error of "fastboot waiting for device". Oct 20, 2021 · Open "Device Manager", find your device in "Other devices", right click on it and select "Update driver" Select "Browse my computer for drivers" Input the path that you noted earlier to the Android folder with the drivers. Open a terminal and check if the phone is detected: adb devices (Windows) You should get some hex numbers as output. 出现现象: 电脑一直提示 waiting for device,等了半个多小时还是没有动静。 原因分析: 这表示未检测到 fastboot 设备。一般都是在没有进入 fastboot 下或者驱动没有正确安装的情况下才会出现此问题。 解决方案: Mar 2, 2024 · Fastboot waiting for device. Additional Note: You can also install VC Reddist Jul 12, 2022 · How to install a xiaomi. img, he show the message "waiting for device". Go to your PC and access device manager plug your device in and you should see "kedacom" instead of android interface now inside you wanna click update driver browse my compute for driver software > let me pick from a list of driver software > "Android adb sooner interface" Hier haben wir eine einfache Anleitung zusammengestellt, damit Ihr Windows-PC Android-Geräte über den Fastboot-Befehl problemlos erkennen kann. 0. I have to hold down the phone power button for several seconds to exit this screen and then the phone reboots normally. At least that's how I got it to work on a new PC. 7. To connect a device to fastboot mode, you will need to power it off and then hold down the power button and the volume down button at the same time. 4, hopefully the right one?) returns waiting for any device. Once in that mode, connect to pc, open adb and run the fastboot devices cmd. I have manually installed Apr 6, 2013 · I'm trying to install TWRP, and when I open the command prompt and enter "fastboot flash recovery recoveryfilename. Their Install&Format. What I've been trying is: adb devices shows device, reboot bootloader boots into download mode, fastboot devices returns nothing, fastboot flash recovery twrp. 1 rooted $ sudo fastboot devices this one returns me the device info, just as i expected. tccdjsslrtvkiqgmtajdwceppryrynvswcwnhbjozykhhozfezuqfidwidlpzpxrugsfqee