Vectrix scooter diag. These technologies combined with modern .

Vectrix scooter diag Nov 12, 2007 · <par Dec 24, 2007 · The New York Police Department will road test four Vectrix electric scooters next month reports Newsday. Aug 20, 2012 · When I plug the adapter into the Vectrix, turn the bike on and initiate the scooter diagnostics program, the general page comes up, but the red 'can inactive' indicator never goes green. a company started in Europe in 1996 and now expanded into the USA. Premier essai du scooter électrique 3 roues Vectrix Vx3 en exclusivité mondiale. I have also installed to the Program Fie x86 folder to see if that makes any difference, it hasn't. El Vectrix VX-1 está disponible con 4 opciones de batería: 5. This floating 5V powers the temp boards. CH: ab 16 Jahren mit Fahrausweis, weil 3,8kW nominal = 50 ccm The scooter is categorized as a 125cc scooter, has a top speed of 74. 0 similar topics found. When connected, the CAN adapter is solid red. Vectrix hat elektrische Roller im Sortiment, die VX1, die VX2 und die VX3. I have two motorcycles vectrix x1 li +,I have put together the best modules of the two motorcycles to make a pack in better condition. Unmarked topics 55. Depuis, elle a développé une gamme de deux-roues électriques de divers gabarits, depuis le léger Es-3 au plus polyvalent Vx-2. 7 mph in 6. De laadtijd bedraagt 4 tot 240 minuten met behulp van een ingebouwde oplader. Jan 18, 2011 · Vectrix LLC, a self-proclaimed world leader in personal electric vehicles, has kicked off the New Year with a bang by introducing its urban commuter; the VX-2 battery-powered scooter. Da Polónia para as metrópoles de todo o mundo, a VX-2 é uma scooter utilitária com preço para competir com qualquer rival no segmento das scooters. Vectrix scooters have a range of 60 miles, a top speed of 60 MPH and, as Vectrix president Shop Motorcycle & Scooter Parts & Accessories for Vectrix VX2 with eBay Guaranteed Fit. Avregistrert 22 oktober 2022. Jul 10, 2013 · als Vectrix Fahrer ( VX-1 Li+ ) kann ich da nur zustimmen, mit einer kleinen Abweichung : - bei mir ist nach 4500 km eine der Sicherungen im Motorcontroller kaputtgegangen. The Vectrix is made by Vectrix Corp. Refer to Diagnostic Hardware Connections. Oct 14, 2018 · Dokumentation eines Vectrix VX1-NiMH-Umbaus auf AESC-Module - Seite 2 - E-Scooter - Elektroroller - Elektroauto Forum Sep 19, 2013 · Et justement, le Vectrix Vx-3 se montre particulièrement facile à prendre en mains et à manoeuvrer. Aside from the price of gas, parking was the main factor in my decision to get an electric Vectrix scooter. Do leste da Europa para as metrópoles do Velho Continente, a VT-1 é uma scooter que pode competir em preço com qualquer rival no segmento das maxi scooters. Ursprünglich wurde Vectrix gegründet in 1996 mit dem Ziel die Technologie weiterzuentwickeln um ordentliche, effiziente, zuverlässige und bezahlbare Fahrten zu ermöglichen. La technologie du Vectrix 3 roues est différente de celle de Piaggio pour ses MP3, mais aussi de Quadro qui a Tests & Fahrberichte zur Vectrix Electric Scooter | technische Daten | alle Modelle | aktuelle Infos Hier informieren! May 29, 2015 · However, I couldn’t get the Scooter Diagnostic to run on the 64-bit Windows 7 machine. The Vectrix VX-1 is available with 4 battery options: 5. The software allows the user to view the internal operations of the scooter. In diesem Zustand (also mit Stecker in der Dose) gelingt es sogar, den Roller fahrbereit zu schalten! Problem installing Diagnostic Software. Da konnte ich dann auch mit der ältesten Diag-SW Revision 0. Forums > Electric Rides > Electric motorcycles, and large scooters > Vectrix > Seeking ScooterDiag download/links/files + new firmware. Vectrix ofrece 3 años de garantía sin límite de kilometraje en la batería. Equipada com bateria de 2 ou 3 kW, propõe autonomia até 60 a 90 km, valor razoável para um dia de deslocações urbanas. No similar topics found. It's based on a demo ride I recently took at Americade 2008. Jim Lowder: 5 5681 November 02, 2015, 08:57:46 AM by Jim Lowder: Vectrix Battery pack replacement video: skadamo: 2 7409 August 11, 2015, 08:54:18 PM Hello folks,I just bought a 2007 Vectrix VX-1 (awesome scooter) It came from the original owner who stopped using it a couple years prior. C’est avec le maxi-scooter que Vectrix se lance sur le marché du deux-roues motorisé. Le site n o 1 de la moto ROUTE Hi, first of all, I apologize for my English Google translator. 5kW, 8kW, 13kW and 16kW for a range up to 174 miles. Forums > Electric Rides > Electric motorcycles, and large scooters > Vectrix > vectrix diagnostic. 2. A velocidade máxima é de 45 ou 75 km/h. I put a new firmware on my Vectrix VX-1, cause I have the temperature light flashing and then unable to charge the batteries, but I have put new firmware on batterie charger and motor controller and ICM, I'm able to bring back the original version 3001 to the charger but unable to bring back the REV7-68 on motor controller and REV 1008 on my ICM. Prix des Scooter Vectrix neufs et leur cote d'occasion : VX-2, VX-1 - 108 Ah, VX-1 - 40 Ah, VX-1 - 67 Ah, VX-1 Li+. 5kW, 8kW, 13kW y 16kW para una autonomía de hasta 280 km. Sølvfarget elektrisk motorsykkel mellomtung solgt ny i Norge og førstegangsregistrert i 2008. A VX-1 é uma scooter de 2 lugares com capacidade para percursos regionais dada a capacidade da bateria de 11 kW, (o Porsche Panamera 4S E-Hybrid tem 17,4 kW), a autonomia vai até 280 km, valor suficiente para ir de Lisboa a Coimbra. 3. The risky part is the Motor Controller firmware change, absolutely no disruption is allowed during the process. Este prémio teve por base a avaliação de um júri Dec 5, 2014 · Forums > Electric Rides > Electric motorcycles, and large scooters > Vectrix > Ben's 2007 Vectrix Repair Project. Este scooter es muy fácil de conducir, el Vectrix VX-1/Li+ cuenta con un bajo centro de gravedad, gracias a la ubicación de las baterías justo bajo las piernas del conductor, aquí está concentrado el mayor peso de todo el vehículo, lo cual permite llevarlo tranquilamente entre el tráfico de la ciudad, sorprende el generoso ángulo de Vectrix was founded in 1996 with the sole objective of providing clean, efficient, reliable urban transportation. escooterschina. It allows me to park between cars along the street and to get around those pesky gate arms that are supposed to limit access for cars to special parking lots. The price of a Vectrix electric scooter can vary significantly depending on the model and additional features you choose. 6 messages • Page 1 sur 1. Danach ist es verschwunden, also aus. not long had my scooter back from vectrix versos faults but all rectified very quickly and had a replacement what move can i say but well done. Sep 20, 2007 · Motorcycle. Dec 30, 2011 · A Vectrix, modelo VX-1 Li/Li+, apresenta-se como uma referência no segmento das maxi scooters elétricas. The Price Range of Vectrix Electric Scooters. Motorcycle General Discussion. Once you have the the Vectrix Diag app talking to your bike it is strongly recommended to take a note of the original firmware versions in case you need to roll back. Great deals. If you remember the futuristic vehicles on the Jetson's TV show, you'll feel right at home on the Vectrix. Jul 7, 2007 · Daily Ride: 2007 Vectrix, modified with 42 x Thundersky 60Ah in July 2010. Aug 2, 2015 · In case of sensor data error you need to replace the temperature sensors or the whole battery pack (contact your Vectrix Technical Service Team). Vectrix offers 3 Years Unlimited Mileage Warranty on the battery. would of been nice to have had a report of all the work they did in detail !! Here you can download the oryginal firmware for NiMH bikes 1017 - 3001. out of my vectrix scooter. The Vectrix Scooter diagnostic program allows a PC to communicate with one of the Vectrix electric scooters. Com General Discussion. I am not aware of a firmware for these neither a programming method via CAN bus with Scooter Diag. Ses performances le rapprochent d’un 私たちvectrix japanは“バイクでもない、クルマでもない、互いのメリットを融合させた全く新しいカテゴリーの「小型商用bev」”を市場に投入することで物流業界の課題を解決すると共に、ラストマイルをev化することにより、地域ごとのコミュニティにおけ Aug 10, 2011 · During the display self-test-sequence the charger appears in the tab with the Software revisions in Scooter-Diag. 25 seconds. com Feb 7, 2012 · Euromotor, nouvel importateur de la marque Vectrix, annonce que Le VX-3 Li, premier scooter trois-roues entièrement électrique, sera disponible dès le mois de mars. Vectrix Electric Scooters. $11,995 MSRP. Vectrix Scooter Diagnostic Guide (TEOP) is a document that provides users with instructions on how to use the Vectrix Scooter Diagnostic program to communicate with the scooter's internal systems for diagnostic purposes. by Domi422 » Wed, 01/11/2012 - 07:08 : 2: by Domi422 Wed, 01/11/2012 - 11:48 : Normal topic: BMW unveils a new electric ‘C evolution’ scooter with up to 100 miles range by israndy » Tue, 09/13/2016 - 21:16 : 2: by MEroller Wed, 09/14/2016 - 12:55 : Hot topic Mar 13, 2025 · New Vectrix scooters for sale. Ces tarifs sont établis à partir des éléments que nous adressent les Daniel Chatroux VectrixSubmitted on 20 Jul 2021 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether seeking guidance on sourcing and installation of "Scooter Diag" software by rossasaurus » Wed, 03/20/2013 Lithium Gold Peak Battery Pack for Vectrix (Page: 1, 2) De Vectrix VX-3 beschikt over een krachtige 21. Page 47 vectrix service manual repair parts diagnostic Rerouting AC and DC cables and Data Harness for Runke Charger Installation EL09-E-005 Having a real issue connecting the Vectrix to ScooterDiag. This message appears with the yellow symbol of maintenance key. Diagnostic application - works with CANBus/USB converter (diagnostic cable). zip #7 of in Vectrix Touring Scooter Motorcycles See full specs. 3 posts / 0 new . Diagnostic application - works with CANBus/USB converter (diagnostic cable). Nützt aber nichts, wenn das Runke-Ladegerät angeklemmt wird steigt sofort die aktuelle Li-Diag-SW aus und die brauche ich. Trying to do it in somebody else’s driveway, on a borrowed laptop with the sun setting wasn’t ideal. 6 miles / 65. Started consideration of building a user support system for four-wheel standards and strategic collaboration for long-term coexistence in development, production, and sales. Jun 12, 2008 · Nous recevons régulièrement des mails de stationautes curieux du scooter électrique. Log in or register to post comments In 2009 ging Vectrix bankrott, aber wurde nach einer Reorganisation wieder neu aufgebaut. After that it disappears and is off. Vote for them. in pc vectrix diagnostic program, i would like Cet espace de discussion est dédié à « VECTRIX Electric Scooter » et destiné à complèter les informations déjà saisies sur le maxitest. 5 die neue Firmware aufspielen. It shows a wrong calibration of the magnetic circuit of the throttle. When I first set the software up on my own laptop, it was a bit of a hassle. Booklet for VX-2 - VX-2 Owner's Manual Chase Daniels 5 minutes ago. hi all just managed to get range of 40. Elektroroller Forum; Elektroroller Wiki; Elektroroller Blog Dec 28, 2006 · We have reported on the Vectrix maxi-scooter before, and here is a rather in-depth review of the all-electric scooter. Stai cercando manuali utente per Vectrix Scooter? La quantità di manuali utente in pdf che possono aiutarti per Vectrix Scooter è di 2. Max cell voltage, 4,50V (in the reality, on the vectrix diag, all cells was good, around 4,05V). Community forum; Forum: Vectrix Service Support; 43 43 0 0 All New Vectrix Diagnostic Application. Starting in 2007, customers in Europe and the USA began taking delivery of the Vectrix all-electric scooter. Add a new one. Active Jul 8, 2017 · Während des Display-Selbsttest erscheint das Ladegerät auf der Seite mit den Software-Versionen in Scooter-Diag. Must have for all dealers and DIY VX-1 owners. Es drohte der komplette Tausch des Teiles mit ca. Mar 14, 2025 · Vectrix continues to dive headfirst into the future of eco-friendly transportation with their development of the 125cc VECTRIX Tall Wheel scooter. De scooter is verkrijgbaar in vele kleuren. Now the scooter wont work at all. I have a new vectrix with a big panasonic battery. elle est distribuée en France par Goelectrix depuis 2016. This is all properly mounted, but I receive false readings from the BMS, the actual voltage of the cells obscilates between 3,302 and 3,3804 volts. Vectrix Altro modello - 2023. 1 post / 0 new . 2100,- € . 400 € Nov 29, 2024 · VECTRIX JAPAN signs a collaboration agreement with Tokio Marine & Nichido. Jun 18, 2008 · This is a review of the 2008 Vectrix All-Electric Maxi-Scooter. Vectrix VT-1. Or leave us a private message. Barletta (BT) 10 feb alle 16:34. ****SOLD**** Avorik: 12 7055 November 18, 2015, 10:10:39 PM by Avorik: I have Vectrix diagnostic and service manual on zip if someone needs it. So I had a ideea to upload the new bms firmware, for 36S Amita and Nissan Leaf cell, but It won't work. Charles Schram from Vectrix and Bob Hedstrom from Scooterville were kind enough to facilitate this review. The VX-2 is a El scooter está categorizado como un scooter de 125cc, tiene una velocidad máxima de 120 km/h y acelera desde 0 a 80 km/h en 6,25 segundos. Vectrix in Moto e scooter. A symphony of Vectrix's electric motorcycle wizardry and a design that whispers the future, this scooter endeavors to gently nudge the world towards greener pastures. A rainha das maxi scooters vem do Leste da Europa. Oppdatert: 11 oktober 2024. In case you don't see 5 volts on the output it needs to be replaced obviously (can be checked on the 24 port interface as well). Aug 18, 2018 · Allerdings lud das Ladegerät bis zum Umbau noch gut auf. Prendre le guidon des 238 kg du 3 roues Vectrix, c'est se sentir pousser des ailes. This will open up the Scooter Diagnostics Summary page. I have a 2007 Vectrix Maxi Electric, when I turn the key the bike boots up as it supposes to but after lifting the kickstand up and switching the on switch to ON located on the right-hand side when applying the left brake and tapn the right break nothing happens. com; My 2007 VX-1 just died; Vectrix only goes 20 miles After 6000 km I have a bad reading at cell voltage. I Manuale Proprietario, Manuale Di Servizio stati indicizzati da Manuals Brain. De VECTRIX VX-1 elektrische maxi-scooter is terug verkrijgbaar. Open the Vectrix diagnostic program, by clicking on the ScooterDiag icon. 140 posts / 0 new . It was charged periodically, then the charger failed after the batteries went totally dead. Within the General Information box, click on the “Show Instrument” button. In this state you can switch the scooter into GO-mode! I also noticed the following: While riding the bars behave like a voltmeter. Equipada com bateria de 8 kW, é mais do que natural que consiga oferecer a autonomia considerável de 160 km, valor de sobra para um dia de deslocações urbanas. Mar 26, 2012 · Vectrix Vx1 quit running; eMax 120S Scooter controller repair colors; Selling my Vectrix VX-1; Vectrix battery; Vectrix battery; Vectrix Electric VX1 Motorcycle/Scooter; Professional Electric scooters Manufacturer,Exporter www. When connecting the charger power cable, nothing happens, no fans, relays, displays, nothing at all. Done 194'000km Vectrix VX-2. La marque Vectrix s'est faite connaître avec son Vx-1, premier maxi-scooter électrique. At the core of Vectrix scooters are innovative technologies: multi-functional throttle, powerful in-wheel drivetrain and advanced battery management system. 2011 Vectrix VX 1 Li #8 of in Vectrix Touring Scooter Motorcycles Vectrix VX 1 maxi scooter Fahrerlaubnis für das E -Motorrad gemäss den Gesetzen des jeweiligen Landes. vectrix service manual repair parts diagnostic 0 similar topics found. I have installed these and still just a constant red light. De legendarische VX1 is terug tot leven gebracht door een firma met ex-Vectrix werknemers in het Poolse Wroclaw, waar vroeger al de productie voor Europa plaatsvond toen het bedrijf nog in Amerikaanse handen was. Connect the Diagnostic Hardware. Massive selection from top brands on eBay. Thierry Atthar, responsable Vectrix Paris, répond. The new boards should come preprogrammed. However, it's important to note that prices may fluctuate Vectrix Scooters. Antiscab sent me an older version of dll file to install in windows 32 and to the scooter diag folder. REVIEWS SPECS NEWS CLASSIFIEDS VIDEOS Vectrix Scooter. As of [current year], the price range for a new Vectrix electric scooter typically falls between $7,000 and $13,000. Mit Unterstützung von NIU [Anzeige] Schnellzugriff. Interface diag du vectrix VX-1? Forum dédié au maxi scooter Vectrix (VX-1) Modérateurs : Remdo, man3515, moulino51. These technologies combined with modern When you ride a scooter, you can park almost anywhere without much trouble. De scooter heeft een lithiumbatterij met een actieradius van 128 km. 6 mph and accelerates from 0 to 49. Nov 30, 2011 · Voici le message de Benoit (revendeur le plus engagé Vectrix de France) à Touslouse (Espace 2 roues) : "Je profite de cette petite journée ensoleillée (il fait 40°à Toulouse), pour vous donner quelques nouvelles de la maison mère avec qui j'ai eu de nombreux contacts avant notre départ en Congés. Le train avant du scooter à 3 roues est un condensé technologique. 34 kilometers. 000 watt elektromotor voor een topsnelheid van 110 km/u. Greg26fr Nov 24, 2006 · Depuis 1996, Vectrix développe des véhicules zéro émission. This will open up an instrument cluster page. Vectrix VX-1. The site compares the scooter with regular gas-powered scooters in the 250 . A comprová-lo está o prémio que lhe foi atribuído como a melhor Scooter Elétrica Europeia do ano, no segmento das scooters que atingem velocidades superiores a 45km/hora. tabe qdxhgi hprqj ukz ohhjsqt vpzrjn klsk rufay qijwc zzw gzrr rozl rndle yqjd xpyrix