Rimworld recreation variety. But, the game is not .
Rimworld recreation variety Then a bit of recreation and two blocks of working with an anything break in between. Sep 12, 2021 · I have a colonist who's already gone catatonic once over this and it's getting ridiculous. Pawns will get bored of recreation types if you don’t have enough. Do note that moral guide and leader roles in Ideology need more recreation variety than the rest. The amount of different kinds is linked to the expectations. in my experience, they have weird time overlaps with other actions that take longer, and recreation tends to take a long time, whatever sort it is, so they often miss their sceduled recreation. Sleep, work, anything and recreation (meditation if ideology is used) the game has sleep and anything set at the beginning but i set work during the day and then 2-3 hours of recreation before they go to sleep. It will let them finish up, and several things can stop them from recreating. At least 2 of them must be traded which is the telescope and game board of Ur. I schedule 4 hours of recreation time each day, yet some colonist for You can do the same for recreation: "Every 2 days only if recreation is below 60%" or you can set it up for both (you can pick whatever values you want). They have plenty of recreation variety and it shows up in the tooltip if I hover over their recreation need. Drugs and a TV are later game. It seems like for 3 or so day intervals, certain colonists are just working themselves into mental breaks. ). all my pawns are even scheduled to recreate for two hours before bedtime and are allowed to do anything when not sleeping. If you have only “dexterity play” or “cerebral play” things around your base, try mixing it up and adding new items to recreate with. Books and music expanding easy variety means I often forget to even get a tv some colonies. Also some items will provide better recreation wile running up their boredom less. 1K votes, 43 comments. I. This is also a form of recreation (you can get same recreation from drugs, but your Ideoligion might frown upon it. Fixes - The "need recreation variety" alert now takes into account the availability of books. the drum is listed under rec (music) when you hover over the rec bar in needs tab. You aren't providing any recreation variety. All books have an inherent recreation power of 1, placing them on par with the chess table and horseshoes pin, but behind more advanced diversions such as the billiards table, poker table, or any form of television. I put all those on a schedule so they can have them, but only every so many days and only if their recreation is so low at the time. Make sure you have chairs for the poker table and chess, and that the horseshoes and billiards playing areas are valid. " This policy does not cause addictions for pawns 18 and over. HOWEVER, I don't know that it satisfies the variety requirements. u/feriou02 is correct - the wealthier and/or late-stage your colony is, the more variety of recreation types is needed to keep pawns happy. Have hoop & go boards Colonist has full 100% recreation schedule Removed all work priorities. Oct 28, 2020 · So I'm somewhat new to rimworld, I definetely have my hours but only until recently have I been looking at tips online and such since I've been having trouble (2 colonist dying, and the last survivor colonist being a pyromaniac and burning the base to the ground is a good example) Anyways I've always have had this issue. Recreation tolerance decreases while awake at a rate dependent on the wealth of the colony, with higher wealth colonies needing more recreation variety to combat the lower rate of tolerance decrease. Colonists get less joy from the same activity over and over. Pawns need a diverse variety of recreational activities. I've tested this 5 times and if the doctor doesn't talk to the pawn then they continue to not pursue recreation activities when healed. They'd wake up one day and never do recreation, even if I filled their schedule with it and restricted them to only the rec room. The game of Ur is 'cerebral' and hoopstone is 'dexterity'. O. Reply Jan 24, 2020 · I've had minor problems with keeping recreation high in caravans in the past, but I'm about to embark on a much longer journey than ever before and I've got major concerns about recreation starvation. Jan 26, 2020 · What I'm guessing is happening for you though is you don't have enough recreation variety. Still, the pawn just keeps working and feeling sad. Using drugs for recreation is largely unnecessary. Try to make those stats better, keep recreation variety up as it changes with expectations which are tied to wealth. Horseshoe pin provides less dexterity recreation than a pool table. i have horseshoe pin, archery target, chess tables, poker table and pool/billard. Poker Table and Chess Tables are both a form of Cerebral Play and so only counts as 1 recreation type. That is three types of recreation in addition to solitary relaxation, which is available by default. If you hover over the notification of insufficient recreation variety, it should list you what recreation types you already have and what recreation types you are Hi, so just an update for anyone else that might have this problem I was able to fix recreation after doing some mod pruning via RimPy. You need to provide variety and depending on your colony wealth they’ll expect more variety. I have smokeleaf, psychite, and beer. PsycastersContent added by the Royalty DLC can have the two hours of recreation in the morning be replaced with mandatory meditation, as meditation counts as recreation. Just hover over their recreation need and you will likely see exactly that. Is there something I'm missing or is this Oct 17, 2021 · Having recreation time designated (3hrs before sleep), the game not saying that I need new types of recreation and there are enough recreation objects for all pawns. I am 95% sure that the cause of my issue was the mod "chill the f*** out", which apparently was meant to just be able to manually make colonists do recreation, but in turn completely broke autonomous recreation. That helps avoid big tolerance and addictions. Type Building – Recreation Mass 60 kg Beauty 0 HP 250 Flammability 100% Path Cost 42 Posted by u/Nesano - 3 votes and 13 comments Colonists refusing to do recreation despite me giving them time, variety, and setting the schedule PC Help/Bug (Mod) I'm playing a heavily modded colony, and it's not a catastrophically bad issue but it does lead to me having to micromanage and deal with way more mental breaks than I need to, but they won't do any recreation. It's a major problem and they've constantly got the -20 of recreation deprived moodlet. recreation starved Discussion my biggest problem in the game is that there is always recreation starved pawns, and its one of the biggest debuff honestly, i give them plenty of recreation time, and variety (tube tv, chess, loophole, horseshoe) and yet they just never do any recreation during their schedule and keep working until they have a There are different types of recreation, known as the 'play' type. Posted by u/phcgamer - 20 votes and 14 comments It is worth noting that the Horseshoe Pin does give a different type of recreation gain as well, and you need to have enough variety. The wealthier your colony is, the more recreational variety colonists will demand. Are they bored the entire day despite doing recreation? I typically just set my colonist's schedules to all 'anything' so they can fill their needs as desired and things work out so long as there is enough recreation variety. com If a colonist has passion for a task, it counts as recreation (AFAICR). I am guessing the variety has to match their interests. Chess and Ur are the same type for example, but chess is just better so never build Ur. Started new game with 3 colonists, everything fine, then about 5 hours in 1 colonist has same problem. Just downloaded the expansion and updated, tried a game with 1 colonist 5 hours in recreation starved, despite playing horseshoes up until then. All four are different categories of recreation IIRC, so you can go for any of them. it's causing stress and a fight even broke out because of someone getting rec-deprived which put them in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mood and started picking fights with Nov 6, 2024 · Honestly I find with the dlc and updates recreation types have had enough types added it's practically impossible to ever be in a situation where you don't have enough types these days. There's like a weird formula for if somebody gets pregnant after getting some loving, but I found I've had most success with obviously putting try for a baby on the relationship tab and have as many people between the ages of 20-35 in relationships, I say 35 because the success chance after that seems to drop exponentially every year older than 35 they are it seems to pretty much stop at 40 in my eight pawn strong colony, from day to day up to three pawns refuse to recreate. On this schedule, if your pawn has low mood due to low recreation then your pawn will take drugs due to their low mood. I had a similar situation and my pawns wanted to socialize instead. You get a notification shown for recreation variety if you do not have enough _in general_, but Ideology adds moral guide/leader which increases which are 2 levels about the general pawns expectations. It trains shooting ability. No idea what to do. Also recommend Kure's Rimworld of Magic Class Expansion Pack for it, although some of it does break the balance of a mod that already breaks the balance of the game quite a bit. If you hover over the notification of insufficient recreation variety, it should list you what recreation types you already have and what recreation types you are missing on. Look up sir Francis johns tutorial on recreation on YouTube. double check that all of them have adequate variety of recreation, so that they dont get burned out on one type, which i believe you check by hovering over the recreation meter, and that if you have any Dec 19, 2023 · made a new colony, everything was going swimmingly for the few weeks they've been alive. No expectations is mood buff + only 2 or 3 kinds needed Great expectatiobs is way smaller mood buff + 6 or 7 kinds needed If adding more recreation types doesn't fix it, you could do what I did which was manually administer a recreation drug of choice and then send the effected pawn on a short caravan trip (the drugs are just to prevent a mental break while setting up caravan and travelling) , only travelling 2 tiles away. Hey! On top of using some chairs have you allotted specific times for your pawns to do recreation? You have 4 or depending 5 options. How can I counter this? I don't really have enough chocolate for that to be a viable option, and I've heard insect jelly can give food poisoning, so I need some other solutions. ) Drop some statues around the base for "viewing art" recreation. all of them have mood May 16, 2019 · Hi, I'm currently doing a medieval playthrough and have gotten to the point where expectations are sky high and now my colonist's are starting to get bored because of a lacking variety in recreation. Horseshoe pin gives dexterity play. The same thing happened with my moral Jul 10, 2024 · Recreation: increases the recreation of pawns around them Education: teaches colonists a random skill Propaganda: increases certainty in colony-beliefs The Projectors behave similarly to normal standing lamps and can even be coloured in a primary and secondary colour of choice. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! If you go onto a pawn's needs window and hover the mouse over the Recreation bar it'll show if the pawn is bored with any of the recreation types available. May 26, 2021 · How does recreation work in Rimworld and how do you optimize it. Hover over that recreation bar and go to the bottom left and click the room details mode on. Base Stats. As your colony gets richer and richer, your pawns need more variety of entertainment. 600 votes, 77 comments. If you're going to have just 1 big chunk of recreation you need to create a buffer in both the morning and the evening using 2 hours of "anything" and place the big recreation chunk in the middle of the day with the work hours in between the anything and recreation hours. I had each pawn dedicate themselves to certain tasks, but they've basically become work-aholics and won't take a break when needed, or asked to. Dedicated recreation time, built new recreation, still no play time. A soft-topped bounded table for playing a variety of billiards-type games. Keeps them happy because they have a lot of recreation, and they don't spend too much time in bed but do have a buffer for when they need more sleep for some reason. Televisions need power, but can be watched by multiple pawns at the same time. For the steam version you need to uninstall rimworld (make sure to find your saves and non steam mods within the game files and put them elsewhere before uninstalling). Jul 12, 2024 · Colonists can read books to gain "Reading" recreation. Bug. As your colonist expectations go up they start requiring more recreation source variety. Aug 26, 2019 · Recreation is divided into categories. I don't see any recreation either, you can add a horseshoe pin for cheap. i cant make them like i can make them prioritise tasks like hauling for example. I see you have a chess table and a television, as well as a table for socializing/eating. Recreation can be staggered in larger colonies to minimize the chance of all tables being occupied. So you do not have more than 6 things to do, you have a bunch of redundant recreation objects. Solitary relaxation (player has no control) Social Interaction (player has no control) Telescopic study. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Oct 30, 2018 · You want a wider variety of recreation so they wont get bored. A good mix would be a horseshoe, chess table, a table for colonists to socially interact, and maybe some art. Mass Graves: easy way to get rid of dead raiders if you don't have the research to cremate them Feb 28, 2019 · Pawns develop a tolerance for recreation activities as they do them, thus it's recommended you diversify as much as possible. I really wished that Rimworld would expand on the chess and recreation mechanics. I cannot figure this out for the life of me. Jul 30, 2022 · So effectively you've build one recreation opportunity several times. 120% Cerebral play I have their schedule with a nice fat block of recreation time and they still just work through it. Pawn seems to actively avoid anything recreation related. I couldn't find any outdoor related mods in the workshop either. Turns out you want to cram all the recreation buildings into the best quality room you have. Just idles while having negative buff 0% rec He is psychotic if it makes a difference. (notice that pool table adds same tipe so supplementing horseshoe with it is not really adding variety) Feb 6, 2025 · Or just, bumbling around failing a bit. You need to build or buy more types of recreation such as telescopes, music instruments (Royalty), televisions, drugs, etc. At least the chess board/game of ur should be available without any research, which would offer cerebral. I built a campfire and like 3 of them immediately ran over there and started chatting. The game is looking for different types of recreation as variety, not different individual objects to interact with. I like picking one or the other cause you don't want to be in a situation where you need that mood boost but they just finished playing chess and you have to wait a day for their rec meter to 2) Only use the best of each recreation type. But they just ignore it all and sit there with a -20 recreation deprived mood debuff. Ambrosia is just mood and recreation, but psychite tea means you get more work per day per pawn, and they're less upset by any scars or injuries. Apr 13, 2023 · As your wealth increases and your colony improves, your colonists get bored of recreation faster and need more types of recreation to satisfy their recreation needs. Beer is also good for mood, but it does increase social fight chance and slightly reduce manipulation, and doesn't have the other bonuses of psychite tea. I've put enforced 'recreation' into the schedule, and still low recreation. I've had this happen to multiple colonists for a few in-game weeks. ye also he needs to eat more now too Sleep schedule will stop making pawns do work, allow them to finish up their current job or in the case of crafting and whatnot, get to a "stopping point" every 50 work or so. Mine have a lots of variety, and it's very hard to find them with low recreation. Apr 30, 2019 · Make sure they are allowed in the area with the chess table/horseshoe pit. Recreation is easy to manage through other means. 5 hours of sleep. 438K subscribers in the RimWorld community. Hover of over the recreation bar. Jul 9, 2022 · If their recreation isn't nearly full and they are working instead, it means you probably don't have enough recreation variety and they are bored of what you have. These are the mods that I have installed: Core Miscellaneous core Hugslib Colony manager Clutter structure Jul 29, 2020 · The richer you are, the higher your pawns' expectations are, the more variety of recreation you'll need. Sep 7, 2021 · Drop some statues around the base for "viewing art" recreation. May 3, 2022 · How much variety they need depends on expectation level. Solitary - meditation in room, skygazing, building a snowman, etc. Recreation soes NOT force a pawn out of sleep or work. I like picking one or the other cause you don't want to be in a situation where you need that mood boost but they just finished playing chess and you have to wait a day for their rec meter to You can do the same for recreation: "Every 2 days only if recreation is below 60%" or you can set it up for both (you can pick whatever values you want). I'm looking for anything that could either replace or alter recreation The "anything time" minimizes the time wasted sleeping. Ben Lubar presents: Vanilla Books Expanded Expanded, an unofficial addon for Oskar Potocki's Vanilla Books Expanded mod for RimWorld Adds some features to Vanilla Books Expanded (which must also be installed for this mod to work). So early game I didn't have an issue with my colonists using the alotted recreation time for recreation but recently they have just been ignoring the schedule and doing work instead. Feb 2, 2021 · I have 10 pawns, but one of them refuses to use any joy/recreation. A variety of kinds of activities should be made available to avoid tolerance buildup. See full list on rimworldwiki. Forces them out of recreation. Even with Hospitality, your colonists won't shop in the guest shopping area. it's causing stress and a fight even broke out because of someone getting rec-deprived which put them in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mood and started picking fights with Outside of horseshoes, there's not a lot of options for outdoor recreation. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Members Online My bases from 2020 to 2023 or "how i build the same thing every time" Apr 21, 2019 · I've got around 5 types of recreation and have tried dedicating the whole day for recreation yet they still won't do it. I've put out stone chessboards in the past, which still has some degree of authenticity to it, but it still feels lacking. There's a piano and 2 harps, poker, billiards, horseshoes, plus some mods to add more options. A Rimworld of Magic: because magic is fun. The idea is "don't have a mood breakdown, instead take drugs. The Billiards table and horseshoes and hoopstone are all 'dexterity play', meaning if you have the table adding horseshoes still may not satisfy variety because although the games are different, they are still the same type. The tooltip also suggests how many sources of recreation the colonist probably needs. Recreation is available in types: Social - sitting at a table/campfire or visiting a pawn in hospital. Mouse over the recreation need for the moral guide and you will see that your available recreation sources are marked with (bored). He also doesn't have a trait that causes this. Colonists can only use the same recreation types so many times in a certain period before they become bored of it and it becomes a waste of time for them to use it again. When I build something new in a Rec-room she'll run over and use it You'd probably go up an impressiveness tier just from the space and wealth increase of taking out that wall. 445K subscribers in the RimWorld community. D legs LINK in the description hope you like it A telescope is a useful item to obtain if you need to increase recreational variety. ) Dec 16, 2021 · Just started a new crashlanded game, wealth is not too high so colonists aren't picky or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ yet But, out of the three colonists i start with, there's a single ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ one that simply refuses to do any sort of recreation, despite having 3 hours of rec in his schedule, he doesn't care and simply works like a mindless slave and then complains like a child that Not enough recreation variety (some pawns will get bored real fast of the same type of recreation and need another source of it) Areas with recreation items are not allowed/reachable, too hot, too cold, too dark(?) Pawns are working long tasks (like mining) and don’t have time to get recreation before they go to sleep. Try to have at least one of each type of recreation available. Last edited by AquaX ; Oct 30, 2018 @ 2:09pm Pawns get bored of doing the same types of recreation over and over again so you need to have a variety of types available. Even when I remove all their assigned jobs and force their entire day to be recreation, they wander around aimlessly (which doesn't raise recreation. For recreation, each recreational device adds variety, pool table, chess table, tv, campfire, etc. Chess, Ur, and Poker are all cerebral recreation. Then some more anything and another bit of recreation. 490K subscribers in the RimWorld community. Billiards, Hoopstone and Horseshoes are all dexterity recreation. Jul 30, 2021 · Have you got enough recreation variety? Do you have enough recreation sources? (A chess table can support two people at once for instance) Can they reach the recreation items? Is it safe to get to the recreation items? (50c indoors will prevent most pawns from recreation) trapbuilder2 • Low recreation variety • • Edited Additional comment actions Yeah, it's just a bit annoying because this is actually a secondary game that we play whenever we can't play the main game, so I didn't want to have to put as much effort into it as the main one The expectations level you start with on basic scenarios require 3 recreation types. (Just idles around) Reloaded twice Tried locking him in a room with a campfire, go board & hoop. 1. I'd throw a 4 tile wide roof around the edge to keep fires away from the wood structure (the plants will die under the roof creating a firebreak). But if you have a pool table that has higher recreation speed than the horseshoe pin, then by all means. Is there anyway to remove this since they're asking for tv, telescopes and the lot, which being medieval, I can't offer them. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Click on an item and read the “i” information action tab to check what kind of recreation it is. Edit 2: r/RimWorld • are you tired of playing combat extended again and again? now i just have a new mod for you its WARHAMMER GRIMWORLD 40,000-ANGELS OF DEATH it adds new ultramarine armor new explosive guns and new melee weapons and more!!! great for cutting V. Imagine if you were able to organise chess matches or if someone's mood could rise or fall depending on if they matched well against someone else. Lack of recreation variety. It'd be such a sweet feature. I've also tried reinstalling the game and mods but it didn't do anything. Dec 19, 2023 · made a new colony, everything was going swimmingly for the few weeks they've been alive. I seem to recall six different types of recreation ensures no tolerance buildup, but I cannot recall the source of the information so take that with a grain of salt. Watching TV is it's own recreation type, so combined with solitary and social recreation you have 5 types total. ) will cover all your needs. The wiki has accurate numbers on this, there are multiple ways to gain each recreation types, each of these gain recreation points at different rates. They're all able to go to the same area as each other. But, the game is not Recreation variety is based on the type of recreation rather than individual rec objects. Your colonists can have solitary relaxation type joy, social interaction type joy, dexterity play type joy, cerebral play type joy, and probably some others. Mouse over the recreation need bar for details. To find out what types of recreation your pawns are getting bored with, open up the Needs tab for any given colonist, and move your mouse cursor over the "Recreation" bar - a tooltip will pop up and show So like Planetbase recreation sources in RimWorld have a hidden cooldown between uses. Telescopes are the best because they don't need power and last forever, but they can only be bought from caravans. This should be avoided if you have a lot of recreation variety, but it can actually still happen if the pawn keeps making use of low-quality items - a poor quality Game of Ur Board will increase cerebral boredom at the same rate as a masterwork poker table, even though the latter fills her rec bar far quicker. While all telescopes only have 120% recreational power, they provide a unique Recreation "study" type that cannot be obtained from any other item. EDIT: I've built all available types . They're all allowed 5 hours a day for "joy" in their allotted time, but one of them is always stressed with a -20 in her mood I have a lot of time in Rimworld, but I've never seen this issue before. It adds a shooting target, archery target, and martial arts dummy so your colonists will train their combat skills a bit as recreation. I tried giving him a couple of 'anything' days in his schedule, he went and worked anyway. This makes no sense and how do I stop it? I have a recreation room that is accessible with a variety of things and that is "very impressive (106)" what is my issue? You can check how many different kinds of recreation you beed by hovering over the recreation bar. If I carry a If I attack the pawn and then if the doctor talks to the pawn while they're resting they will gain some recreation and then when they're healed they'll start doing recreation activities. It works like this: They do one type and a timer starts for that type (types are agility, cerebral etc. 'Area 1' that she is restricted to has no recreation facilities. There are different types of recreation and if you only have one type your pawns will get bored of it and not use it. Boredom. Hey All, So I have loads of recreational options, swimming pools telescopes chess pool hot tubs, loads of stuff, I have 3 hours set as recreation time but they all seem to be rec starved all the time. You've got a mod that adds shopping as a recreation type I guess, so that mod likely adds a form of shopping recreation that you'd need to Variety is important. It can be a bit jarring at first as randomly hearing gunshots can come as a surprise lol. Feb 25, 2020 · No mods, Royalty expansion Is consistently starved for rec. Schedule an hour of "anything" after each rec session, in case they didn't start rec on time (maybe they were finishing up a slow mining job or something). Recreation tolerance gained is 2/3 of the recreation value increase from the activity. Same with Pool Table and throwing ring/horseshoe pin. A table, horseshoe pin/pool table, chess table, a poker table, a television, drugs/chocolate, and any other forms of recreation added by mods (rimwriter adds writing, some mods add computers or arcade machines, etc. Not every object grants a different recreation type and I think there’s 6-7 types of recreation in the vanilla game so the further into your game you are the more options they need to be provided with so they aren’t bored. If you only have one or two sources of recreation and he is not using them he is probably bored of them (recreation source is on usage cooldown) and he literally CAN'T use it again. Reading and hovering over things is very important. 2 hours of anything. Sep 10, 2021 · Make sure your recreation varieties are covered with the best available item, you don't want any overlap. The fact she immediately played the game of Ur and is now satisfied suggests you were missing a source of cerebral recreation. The pawn just received a social role (moral leader) from Ideology, so he now has ridiculous expectations. Ive tried building more recreation, setting their entire work schedule to recreation, even unassigning all work, they'll just wander around idling, continuing to lose recreation points even though there are plenty of activities for them that they simply refuse to do (nobody will ever use Oct 3, 2019 · AFAIK the recreation for guests isn't even a thing you can see, and shopping isn't a normal recreation type for colonists. If they hit 50% (you can see it by hovering over the recreation bar), then they won't pursue that activity because they're bored of it. It has 6 stages at different wealth values. Recreation tolerance reduces recreation gained proportionally. sjwfpfzmdcbkdvqqksirmodeidreivqtooctpbgxnvrtepwzvvomwihpnzcqgkdanrltnoprmd