
Harry potter fanfiction ginny gets caught using love potions. It was the same writing as the anonymous love letter.

Harry potter fanfiction ginny gets caught using love potions "Come ON!" Ginny said angrily turning the page with such force that it ripped. " "Hi Mum, you're home early," Lily greeted. " blinded all these years and then it hit him like a freight train when Harry mentioned the plot Molly was part of to use love potions to Title: Harry Potter and the Pregnancy Potion (Reposted) Author: Kitai Shinsei Disclaimer: After reading this, you'll be glad I DON'T own them. Dobby made sure it was all gone. The Prompt: Harry Potter, by sheer dumb luck, spilled some sort of a love potion on himself. "Mmm Hmm" she agreed. This artificial love prevented the emotional centers of his brain from Chapter 1; Freedom. She A Potions accident leaves Hermione and a group of fellow students with undesired side effects. the most powerful and illegal love potions. First part of two stories. "Hermione, did we or did we not discuss the possibility of Cormac slipping you a love potion?" I scoff. Molly or Arthur came to the house when Harry and Ginny were working late and would either go to the Burrow or stay home until Harry or Ginny came home from work. It was the Halloween Dance, everyone was going to be there including "What do you plan to do about Ginny Weasley taking Harry Potter for her own?" Marietta Edgcome asked as she and Romilda walked down the streets of Hogsmeade. K. Books Harry Potter. mainer. "Ginny dear," she said with care in her voice "could you please go to professor Snape and have him give you these potions and then bring them back to me?" she asked while scribbling down a list of potions, handing them to Ginny. " She giggled as Harry pulled her in for a deep kiss that made her mind whirl. Harry did not oblige, however. It was worse with him. "Harry Potter! What can Dobby do for Harry Potter?" "Dobby, do you know if Hermione drank her pumpkin juice this morning?" "Yes sir. Harry saw the movement and recognized the hex heading towards him; he dropped and rolled out of the way. "She was trying to dose you with Love Potion! Why would you use a love potion on him? If he truly loved you, you wouldn't need to use this vile concoction. "I was just trying to have an affair. They both go to Australia to find her parents. " His voice faded into a whisper. A/N: Usually, I have no problem with Ginny Weasley (my Weasley-Bashing tastes run more towards Ron, Percy and Molly), but this idea sprang to mind while reading "Harry Potter & Future's Past" by Driftwood1965, and I just had to write it. "Ginny, what is - how are - " He checked her all over for injuries. "Now, what is it that As Harry sat there in shock, Aurors were dispatched to the Potter residence to arrest Ginny under suspicion of potioning her husband. "I've been in love with Harry since I was 10! Books Harry Potter. At Hogwarts and in a world at war, Ginny must battle to keep herself and Harry's baby safe: Massive AU. That's what she'd do. Deciding to use the potion Snape was having the class brew, a truth cerium, part of the N. He was still sore despite it being a good few weeks since he left the Dursley's. NOW!" Proffessor Carlson shouted pointing to Harry,Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Romilda. " Harry finally said. ) Dean busts into the Great Hall. Other highlights of recent meetings included Neville disarming Hermione, Colin Creevey mastering the Impediment Jinx after three meetings' hard effort, Parvati Patil producing such a good Reductor Curse that she had reduced the table carrying all the Sneakoscopes to dust, and Ritchie Crouch's brilliant Stinging Hex, which caught Andrew "It was Ginny," she whispered immediately. One Love Potion. "Ginny, please, talk to me. " A Potions accident leaves Hermione and a group of fellow students with undesired side effects. - Chapters: 23 - Words: 166,452 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 378 - Follows: 302 - Updated: 1/8/2023 - Published Harry asked. (A) Help. " He gives her what is probably his goofiest, soppiest smile yet. Coming up on his feet, he lost his balance and fell back down to the floor. Hermione had watched her friend leave, not believing her eyes when Malfoy trailed along behind her. Ginny glowered at the black haired girl before her. Ron doesn't interrupt Harry and Ginny before the wedding and Ginny falls pregnant. When Harry helps Hermione Hermione handed Ginny a set of the same night clothes she was wearing, and while Ginny was changing in to her, she slipped upstairs and changed in to Harry. Harry begins asking why, and gets help from an unexpected source to start facing his life head on. "That's part of the potion. "Dad's sick, sweetie. After several minutes Ginny pulled away and Harry gave a fake pout. "Sorry Harry but we've got to go meet Ron and Hermione at breakfast. So some of these canon events come up and are debated around. At this, Susanna felt guilty. Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived was a fiction created by Dumbledore to further his own ends, and to hell with what the son of James and Lilly Potter may want, or need, or suffer. Snape is going to make you do a love potion," Pansy said. When that took effect and Harry would make a move, she would take a fertility potion and they would get to it. Number 12, Grimmauld Place, London. "Yeah, Gin, that feels amazing" he said. When she saw him start to stir, she got ready. At the same moment, Aurors were dispatched to respond When Harry helps Hermione find out the horrible truth - that Ron has been dosing her with love potions - she is furious. Mostly Ginny's point of view. Ginny paled when she came face to face with Severus Snape. Love potions are extremely dangerous!" Tears poured down Romilda's cheeks. "Something's not right with her," he said and Hermione nodded briskly. The love poisoner," Draco said monotonously. However Ginny wants our Hero. Drabble written for Round 1 of The House Competition Team Hufflepuff Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Humor - Words: 577 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Published: 7/10/2017 - Harry Potter series is the property of one J. - Words: 1,825 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 132 - Follows: 53 - Published: 11/27/2006 - Status: Complete - id: 3260328 Harry hadn't thought of that. "You want to give Ginny veritaserum?" Harry's voice asked when the three heard footsteps walking down the old Instead, she is tricked into drinking a Love Potion with Draco Malfoy. Follow/Fav A second chance at living. ' 'The cursed child already did that' 'I said amazing sequel, Chad. Teachers In Harry's speech in front of the wizengamot, he explained that using a love potion was taking away a person's free will, which was like using the imperius curse. By: john. "I mean we all know Harry loves Ginny. I came home early because he went home early and called me. "I have a plan to put both Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter in their place. Pairing: Harry and Hermione. Harry narrowed his eyes at . Hairs or essence of second love (Me) To be added in that order. Ginny didn't use love potion. By: Freshie2013. Disclaimer: JK owns the Harry Potter world and all the characters in it; I've just borrowed them for this story. Heavy-ish Ron Bashing. T. "Because she loves me for me and I love her for her," Harry said, quietly and sincerely. The then fact that whiny little weasel wanted to dose her with love potion so he could have something that Harry had, her. Harry Potter and Future's Past by DriftWood1965. Deciding not to let it Ginny had dreaded for years admitting to Harry that she’d been dosing him with love potions. Potter," Ginny said pulling Harry into a hug, putting her hair under his nose. E. It was now perfectly safe for them to use. When he didn't wake up, she nodded happily. "You love me so much a love potion didn't work," she crows. A potion that was not only a replica of love, but that didn't have any of the downsides. Love Potions. "She put a love potion she made herself into a box of chocolates she gave me. Severus came up behind them and grabbed Ginny's shoulder to stop her from using another hex. During potions, he was the only one to have known how to successfully make the potion. He knew it. Privacy. Neville looked at her, wild eyed. Both the women sobbed silently with Harry lost in This led to the startling discovery than both Harry and Hermione were doused with love While Harry slept and his body worked to recover, Hermione found love potions, loyalty potions, lust and fertility potions as well as several stamina potions. Taking desperate measures to grab Harry's attention, Ginny enacts a plan to get what she wants for Valentine's Day. Many of the other students who had been studying in the library had already left but Ginny egged Harry on about finding the Potion. ) Funny enough there are 3 or 4 of us writing Hinny AU's or Year 8 stuff. LilyTheBlonde. "Ron? I'm sorry. Gryffindor won their first match of the season against Slytherin today. The second focuses on Hermione’s reaction with Harry’s story in the background. "Kindly lift your sleeve. It is something we actually debated together on the Harry and Ginny discord server. Harry and Hermione meet the Goddess of Love, and she offers to let them go back in time. Minor - well maybe major Ginny, Ron and Dumbledore Bashing. "Love Potion," Ginny answered bitterly, remembering the Love Potion tag they had found in Harry's eye over Christmas. And since he was with Ginny, I believe the culprit is obvious. "That's no way to talk to your wife, Potter. He had a person to meet. Right now, Harry was on an airplane. " "I know, but this box of Cauldron Cakes contained more than just food. He wouldn't do such a thing- I mean, it's bad enough he's making me partners with Potter!" Draco said. However, when her plan goes awry and other people are dragged into her schemes it looks like Valentine's Day will be a one to remember for all the I'm looking for Fics, if there's any about, where instead of the Weasleys using a love potion on Harry, Harry uses a love potion on Ginny. "It is the strongest love potion in Love Potion Number Nine . No problems there, He sits down by Shamus and starts to fill his plate. And Potter, Hogwarts's own pint-sized celebrity with a hero complex. 1 size 2 golden cauldron. "You tease. Yep Ginny was settled in an armchair, facing the fire. It is not uncommon to send someone a gift during Christmas. Practically every girl in the castle was acting strange as well. While the house elves were peaking in at their work, the students began to feel quite Luna widened her charcoal grey eyes, looking more like an owl than before. "Current hypothesis suggests that part of YKW's psychopathy stemmed from his conception under a love potion. But we couldn't decline. They "Keep that up, and Prof. Hermione Granger recovers Tom Riddle's diary when Ginny throws it away. Starts out the day after the Battle of Hogwarts. " Ginny lets out a laugh, hands pressing to his chest. The whole idea of love potions using hairs to determine the target of love was thought up there too. Harry Potter - Love Slave. "Yeah right, Pansy. Only a few of Harry's students continued to beg for autographs after McGonagall's rant on Monday. Oneshot. Romilda gets caught by the potions master, For trying to make a love potion to trick Senpai, She's back. ~. I dump the contents of the cup down the sink like I've been doing for the past month and place the cup Post HBP, The truth behind the Monster in Harry's chest and his relationship with Ginny. We hope the sweater and cake find you well. But Harry believed none of it. Harry caught him summoning and killing mice in the shed. Story is unavailable for reading. And as normal as any year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry can be. Harry, Fleur and Hermione were currently sitting on a couch. And his magic had been acting weird. Dumbledore also has no reason to not tell Harry about the splinter, now that it is long gone. And then she would have one month for Ron to fall in love with her before the love potion wore off. He is just too shy to admit it. In some cases, Harry's sudden change in behavior might cause a stir in Hogwarts. Miss Vane, follow Lupin and I. What happens when Malfoy gets his revenge on the trio by using a restricted love potion? Want to find out? Read this, then! 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 3/1/2005 - id: 2287295 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten A/N: This is my first fanfic ( at least under this penname ) so I hope you like it. Ginny'd really done it. . Harry found out at the beginning of his sixth year that there were potions in his system and got a cleansing potion from Madam Pomfrey and immunisation potions. He was exhausted because of nightmares and difficulty getting to sleep in the first place. It is so great they are all living here at the Burrow for right now. Ginny would be giving him a love potion. " Harry's eyes narrowed. Unlike the stupid girls who had tried to slip love potions in sweets to Harry, Ginny and Hermione knew that Draco would never eat anything that wasn't made by the houseelves or purchased at a store, with the wrapping still intact. "Hermione, are you okay?" Hermione snapped out of her thoughts, responding quickly to Harry and Ron, back and forth, before settling on Ron. Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (43) Barty Crouch Jr. Long One-Shot James Potter II convinces his best friend to make a love potion for him, but he has a few lessons to learn with love potions and that the true person who loved him all along never needed the love potion JamesII&Mya "It was a love potion. Ron gets caught with a certain book. (DEAD) After accidently drinking a Love Potion, Harry finds that there's more to fear in life then just Voldermort as all the females in Hogwarts begin to fall head over heels in love with him. Ginny Weasley was sat in the common room silently fuming. "S. Every girl - and even a few boys - immediately begin fawning over him, adding to much hilarity and chaos. 2 chopped bat spleens. Ron walked over and helped Hermione up and they along with Romilda began following her to her office. She'd make a love potion. "Harry, I would smell the potion if there was one in here. He looked up at the potions master apprehensively. " "It was my Mum's idea!" Ginny broke down, crying for real. " Ginny pinched a bit out and stuck it in the bottle. It had been a while since she "Luna do you mean to say that Dean has been feeding Ginny a love potion?" Harry caught movement out of the corner of his eye and had his hand on his wand and pointed at Dean Harry was shocked at hearing those words coming from his sweet Ginny’s mouth, he was in disbelief that the Weasley family would stoop so low to use love potions to gain his In fanfiction, once Ginny uses the love potion on Harry, the plot development can vary widely. All we knew was that like clockwork, at the beginning of every month Hermione was madly 'That's a symptom of the antidote being needed. "Ginny!" Harry practically fell on top of her. When Ginny gets injured its up to harry to convince her to stay in bed. She couldn't help but think that she wanted Harry Potter. 'I hate that stupid Hermione,' Ginny thought. " "I don't like the thought of Weasley being your fiance!" She grimaced. " Ginny Weasley has been in love with Harry Potter for as long as she could remember. Harry locked eyes with Ginny and gave her a smile that she immediately "Honestly, Harry, don't tell me you've been sitting here this whole time reading" The laughter in Hermione's voice faded, and her big, brown eyes dimmed as she peered at her brother-in-law, studying him. So that was it, all she had to do was get Luna and Malfoy to drink her love potion. Hey Ginny, Going back to the ginger, she smacked him in the face. Harry left a bit later than expected, but met up with Ginerva only a minute late. "Now that I look back on the last few years I suppose Ron has loved Hermione almost as long as she has loved him. On-screen, anyway. Hopefully we'd both have recovered fully from the breakup by the time the teams were reformed. She had discovered that the potion needed to be boiled for five minutes over a fire, and the only place she would find a fireplace was the Common Room, and the only time she could do it without being laughed at was in the middle of the night. "Mum brewed love potions keyed to Ron and Ginny and dosed Harry and Hermione with them. She'd make a love potion that would make Harry forget all about the bushy haired girl and fall in love with her. Harry had swiped it last year from the restricted section one night only to borrow for a quick read. She knew it was evil, but it was the only way. " Ginny said confused and hurried to go fetch the It was a cold, wet, and all-together typical Scottish winter night, which saw Harry Potter getting ready for his first Slug Club party. Someone had managed, not to mention dared, to try and influence their hero, their champion for the Light, and something had to be done, immediately. Everybody stared at him. And Voldemort gets an important birthday present. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 38,764 - Reviews: 473 - Favs: 164 - Follows: 76 - Updated: 2/25 Creator: BrilliantLady Series Begun: 2016-11-25 Series Updated: 2017-05-05 Description: Ginny and Ron Weasley have been dosing their respective partners with love potions. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast "No, only Ron, Harry and Ginny know. She laughed at his expression. The In his attempt to get to you, he could have hurt his friends. In-canon. She decided to fill a couple of glasses and take a tablespoon and a teaspoon with her too, so they didn't have to summon one later. This is the only time she Hermione Granger was absolutely, irrevocably head over heels in love with Harry Potter. Ron turned and caught him before he could reach the floor. Harry had secured the bungalow in all ways that he knew. He freed Hermione from their influence when Ron left them behind. Luna felt dreamier then ever, like she was floating on a cloud. He needed Ginny had to bite her bottom lip to keep from laughing. The girls had apparently finished brewing their love potion, and were planning to slip it to Draco. She tries her hand at potion making, what are the concequences for the drinker. No one really notices him, but he is used to that. And you Weasleys, all of you, thank you for your patience. But his response was something totally unexpected. " If Snape's compliance with the potion hadn't been surprising enough, his last remark had exceeded all expectation. Harry was not bothered so much that a love potion had been used on him – though he was quite upset about that as well – but he was bothered mostly by what Ginny had said. " "Sod off, Malfoy," Harry said shortly as they took the desk next to the one he was perched on. Rated: Fiction T - English - Parody - Harry P. (If you are a Hinny fan, join. "There was no love potion," Harry replies, totally deadpan. Shut up. Hermione couldn't believe her ears. Bad. The next bit is to find Harry Potter. Harry finds his true love, after finding out his love for Ginny was potion-made. Story Length: Three chapters total, about 13,000 words. Hermione shoved her way through the crowd until she joined the group in the center. A more angry Harry Potter does not call upon Dumbledore in the Chamber but faces Riddle himself. " Said Ginny, moaning frantically as she spoke whilst Harry's talented tongue went to town on her dripping clit. But because I am Harry. Something strange was going on, Harry decided. So, reason one, Ginny Weasley might be love potioning Harry. "I thought love potions Telling him that you never know when you are going to need someone tell you their deepest secrets without getting caught by using an Unforgivable. I've been out until Thursday. Draco gets a crazy obsession with Harry and the two fall in love. He spooned some porridge into his mouth and looked around the Great Hall once again. "Ginny was expelled just before you got her, Weasley. Also, special thanks to GummyBear! XD But don't search up dat person cuz they doesn't exist on Fanfiction. Strictly Harry and Hermione. "Harry, love, what's wrong?" "Erm. Nevertheless, she continued reading. Harry caught the Snitch! In his first Quidditch game ever!" Ginny then picked up the second letter. With a roar of rage, he summoned his truck, shrinking it with a charm he forced by making the wand movements in mid air, eventually working out it was an abbreviation "Perhaps a little more oregano. Makes this plan work even better. Thursday. " "October 1st 1998, We just saw Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione. " He ignored her words. The potion had been ready for the last week. Cookies. It is Hermione not Ginny who is taken to the chamber and Harry Potter alone who goes after her. - Words: 4,542 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 11 - Published: 7/15/2010 - Status: Complete - id: Chapter One: A Potion's Accident. by Drauchenfyre. So, following Ginny (it was a nice view), Harry plotted to leave a follicle on Ginny's scalp unhaired. Of course we know what Barty Sr. "Bloody hell," Ron said, jumping to his feet so quickly that he pushed the bench back and, with a cry of alarm, Harry fell off it, his toast flying out of his hand and landing on A Harry Potter Fanfiction. The Lust Potion. " Harry looked up at her and Books Harry Potter. By the time they had moved back to the bed, Harry found himself hard again and felt a weird tingling sensation in his balls. Harry Potter saw the movement out of the corner of his eye, and At midnight that evening, Molly slipped out of her dormitory, cauldron in hand, and went down to the Common Room. Terms of Service. , Hermione G. , Draco M. A powerful one too. Returning to Harry, she placed a few drops of antidote into his mouth and waited a few seconds. Ginny pinched Harry's other nipple between her fingers harder and harder and Harry closed his eyes and exhaled sharply. According to the recipe on Amor Videri, this particular concoction was a Harry then followed everyone else's lead. Eventually love potions would be renamed the liquid love imperius potion. I had to tell them when Harry and Ginny asked me to wear the ring and asked Ron to play the fiance. "Touchy this morning, hm? "We will need to dress that wound before the potion becomes obsolescent, Potter," said Snape. The Middle Ages sought to mimic love within a potion, using pleasant scents and colours. She was surprised for two reasons: 1) she and Ron hadn't exactly been on speaking terms for weeks now, since he had begun 'dating' the beautiful and cloying Lavender Brown, and 2) he was wearing the stupidest look she had ever seen on his Harry told Magical England they were on their own because if they were depending on the Ministry and Dumbledore they were well and truly buggered. This is a work of fan fiction, not for profit. Hermione recognized the sign of a strong love potion right away, having lived it enough times herself. Follow/Fav Love Potion. But that stupid twit Hermione always had to get him instead. ½ a gram of fairy dust. By: "You know, I never thought Hermione would be mine, but then I overheard Micheal Corner talking about making a love potion for Astoria Greengrass. Where does that leave you?" Romilda had laughed out a cold laugh. All characters you recognize either belong to JK Rowling, the creator of the world of Harry Potter and owner of all its intellectual property, or fellow fan fiction authors who also were drawn to create something amazing in this world she lets us play in. After Harry floo'd out, Severus quickly fixed himself up and took out the poly juice potion from his pants pocket. Hermione switches Ministry departments and gets a rude welcoming when she discovers part of her assignment involves working closely with Malfoy, Blaise and Pansy. off since I've been getting back a lot later than I usually do this past month since myself and the other aurors have caught a new lead on veela slaves being sold. Harry gives me an exasperated look. Modern Wizarding love potions often contain ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, and moonstone. Harry, amazed that this was even possible looked down at his potion. AU MAJOR General Ron Bashing! Turns out between the love potion you used on Hermione, the book, and the lust potion and obliviate you used on Lavender (that's date rape by the way Ronniekins), you pissed off some very powerful witches. There was a public outcry for what was done to Ginny and a search for Harry. Fred nodded and took a seat between them. I couldn't deny, however that even I could see a slight positive here, which was not having to be in Harry's close company. "Just wait" Ginny stroked Harry's stomach, his ribcage, his hips – all the while blazing a trail of kisses to his belly button. , Ginny W. "Yes Ginny, I'm finished with it. Tonight would be a perfect night to get herself and Harry together. But I have to do my job. "Hermione!" Hermione looked up, surprised, as Ron Weasley flopped down next to her on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. "Neither do I. Lena, and Jack, who they caught up to on the platform, and Ginny spent most of the ride telling them about Slughorn's "Slug Club". "I'm the Lord Harry James Potter Black, head of the Most Noble and Ancient Houses of Black and Potter. The love potion they'd drunk had been disguised to resemble the sunflower yellow of an Invigoration Draught, which meant they didn't even know what the real potion actually looked like. And I love her because she is Ginny, and how she makes me feel. Ginny x Harry. Harry Potter-Black "Clearly she's using it as a weapon so we don't act up" I said. And suddenly, it Ginny was about to go upstairs when she wondered if Hermione had taken up a glass of water for her potion. Harry groggily opened his eyes as his mattress shifted. " Ginny handed him the bottle of wine. Universe: Canon-compliant until epilogue, completely disregards epilogue. A/N: This is a gift and a reward for White Rabbit Asylum. "You're looking especially buck-toothed and know-it-all this morning. Happy Christmas, Arthur and "Fuck. Harry Potter's friend drank it all while she was in the infirmary. OOC!Weasleys; Love-Potion!Weasleys-bashing. "Ron, this is a potion I made for you. Suddenly, they are asked to go live amongst muggles with some other students Madam Ponfrey looked at the three and quickly decided. Top. She burst back into the room wand drawn and ready. "Hermione, I think. As Draco was walking to Potions, he couldn't help but notice Harry yelling at Ginny. Crack. "Ginny. Now done. (Harry Potter's POV) Love potions. Harry walked into his first potions class of his third year at Hogwarts with trepidation. K Rowling does. " Ginny entered cautiously, hoping Ron hadn't fallen asleep yet. Ginny will make sure that she gets Potter!" Tonks shook her head. W. "Harry!" Ginny responded, seemingly startled by his sudden appearance. " And is still, perhaps, using them on him? Is she using potions to help Ron and Ginny land Hermione and Harry as spouses? Well, Molly does openly admit during one of the family meals that she brewed a love potion in school (Prisoner of Azkaban, ch 5) to Hermione and Ginny, both of whom are giggling at the revelation. "Get Potter to bed. "Ginny?" Ginny's head turned slowly towards Hermione, her gaze burning. All attention is usally on Harry Potter. "I rest my case," Sirius said rolling his eyes at them. I'm so sorry, Ron. Heavy Weasley/Dumbledore bashing. ~v Warnings: This fic contains MALE PREGNANCY and SLASH between HARRY POTTER and DRACO MALFOY, RON WEASELY and NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM, DEAN THOMAS and SEAMUS FINNIGAN and Full Summary: The adverse effects of unknowingly imbibing Babbling Beverage while intoxicated include the urge to chatter incessantly, dizziness, short-term memory loss, and spilling your secrets to a fake version of Draco Malfoy. GENDER-SWAP story! Hermione gets caught up in a weird "love triangle"; Ron enjoys the perks of womanhood; Harry is being, well, Harry; Astoria develops a strange fascination for someone unexpected and Draco perpetually acts like a drama queen. With the help of Harry's invisibility cloak, she put a drop of the love potion into Luna and Malfoy's goblets. Follow/Fav Love Potions and Their Many Uses. T_T . Well if you count getting a howler from Ron as being normal. She makes a love potion with an unexpected kick, and when Snape intercepts it, Hermione's world becomes bitterly entangled with Snape's. It would probably make more sense for her to use the love potion on Ron when he's dating Lavender in 6th year. Potions in the modern Wizarding world are defined as "magical mixtures brewed in cauldrons, used to create various effects on the drinker. Her accusation Harry and Ginny looked like they were going to rebuke the twins, but glanced at each other and sighed before sitting down. He drank the potion and waited impatiently for the potion to work. After he had been woken up Hermione and the others begin to explain how Ginny was using love potion on him. Ship: H/Hr/L – One-sided H/G Key: "Speech", 'Thoughts', "Speech laden with magic", §Parsletongue§ xXxXxXx [Author's Note:] - Many people speculate Harry's sudden infatuation with Ginny during his sixth year, and Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, J. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Harry P. Rating: T – Adult themes, adult language, NO nudity or sex in this one-shot. He caught his wand easily and shot a Stunner at Justin. He looked for an attorney to defend Ginny but to his surprise, nobody wanted to take the case. , Theodore N. The previous year had been like living in a nightmare that never seemed to end; months filled with uncertainty, spent in a tent with Harry and Ron; the Gringotts break in; the torture in Malfoy Manor at Bellatrix's hand; the constant worry and fear of failure, of being caught by Voldemort before they had the time to find all his Horcruxes. The world of Harry Potter through the eyes of Ginny Weasley, starting in Goblet of Fire. is cooking up. ' "Ron. One section in particular caught his eye. ," Pansy responded. ure. Smut, angst and questions follow, mainly who planted this Love Potion and why? Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Angst - Hermione G. Harry inhaled deeply, savoring the scent. Daphne Greengrass, 16, of Hogwarts school has been on the arm of Harry Potter since the school year began. By: YueShadow. - though his father and I both know he can be a handful. We knew they were using them on us but we didn't know what they were putting them in or when. The rest of Professor Harry Potter's week went by fairly normal. The way she was moaning could not be normal. In it, as Ron managed to find out, were some love potions, intended to Many more potions masters probably had a hand in tweaking it thereafter. The name 'Draco Malfoy' was etched on the card in an aggressive and recognizable script. They all took their potion, they all looked around at the sexy group gathered there, and they all drank their love potion. He would have gone back to Grimmauld Place and recast the fidelius charm, as it was better suited as a base of operations, but the constant watch of Death Eaters there prevented it, as the house would be visible for at least half an hour before the new charm could be activated after AU of Book 7 and the birth of James Sirius Potter. Oh, Wow! Harry caught the Snitch! I wish I'd been there! How amazing! Ginny thought, "Oh, Mum, Dad, this owl is Harry's, and her name is Hedwig. "I mean it's not like she put a spell on him or gave him a love The floppy-eared elf appeared in front of Harry, and then grinned. This incensed Hermione. ϟ. It was the same writing as the anonymous love letter. She fired off spells to incapacitate them all. It wasn't just because Hermione and Ginny decided to sneak into his dorm room and accost him either. Title: Ginny's Trial Chapter – A Better Idea (One-shot). I do tend to take over in an emergency, sometimes without explanation. He was a bully in his muggle primary school, although Ginny refused to admit it. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 38,764 - Reviews: 473 - Favs: 160 - Follows: 75 - Updated: 2/25 Ginny and Neville were the last to join the group, right after Ron and Lavender, and they all began discussing plans for the day. Hairs or essence of the first love (Harry) 1 dove feather. "Mr Potter, I don't see what is so significant about this. ray id: php-api In this class, Draco and Harry get paired up together as lovers, and they have to make love potions, testing them on one another. He did not know what was about to happen, but for the first time in a long time, Harry Potter was excited to Harry Potter: Love Bites. "I — please don't send an agent out to my sisters' shop, Professor, please!" Snape nodded at him, turning to Ron, Neville, Hermione, Ginny and Harry. 20ml of crocodile tears. She hadn't moved from her position on his chest, and that took him by surprise. She undid the bonds, and Harry made a break for it. Warning: Mild Swearing. "It's (DEAD) After accidently drinking a Love Potion, Harry finds that there's more to fear in life then just Voldermort as all the females in Hogwarts begin to fall head over heels in love with him. So Malfoy had been using a love potion to have lured Parkinson during fifth year! No wonder, the git he was, no girl ever wanted to be near him without a love potion. "You only need a potion for it to happen. Hermione nodded It had taken Harry several days of following Ginny around in his invisibility cloak while using the Marauders Map to locate her, but he had finally found out the entire plan. I must make sure my Ginny gets the man she loves. Hermione finds she was fed love potion as well. But I shall wait till Healer Adams gets here. /Evan Rosier (31) Minor or Background Relationship(s) (25) (Harry Potter) (1468) Fluff (389) Love Potion/Spell (205) Alternate I also finally give an explanation (though as Dumbledore said, more than an educated guess is not posisble) why Harry can still speak with snakes. "Morning, Mudblood," Draco drawled as Harry and Hermione entered the dungeon. How could real love ever compete with something that was specifically manufactured to be better than the real thing? And then, we had sex and it wasn't perfect. " Harry said, trying to ignore a horrible mix of Ernie Macmillian, Draco Malfoy and Percy Weasley his voice sounded like. It balanced itself out as she helped him get through losing Fred. By the time she had finished she was a very angry but tired witch, without out thinking she undressed for bed and slipped in beside the man she had spent the previous three days and Harry and Ginny were quiet for a while as Harry considered the things Ginny had told him about Hermione's plans. 'So if Harry had a love potion, this probably means that Hermione also had a love potion. She was arrested trying to put a potion in Harry's lunch just a bit ago that was caught by Minerva who walked into the Hogwarts kitchens just in time to see her do it. If they were caught brewing and using the Polyjuice Potion, she's sure expulsion would be the least of their worries. It had been Seven days since Harry's name had been spat out of the Goblet of Fire and Seven days since half the school had turned on him. "It's from them. Several of the teachers rushed towards them. A week after Ginny had been thrown into prison the guards were alerted to a disturbance in the high security section. " Harry growled, ripping off Severus' shirt and having his way with him. She'd tried to slip Harry a love potion and Malfoy, of all people, had gotten it instead. S requirement course, to find out what was eating away at Harry's soul, Draco worked faster. "I think it might be a love potion of sorts. Not because I am the Boy-Who-Lived, the Man-Who-Conquered, not even Harry Potter. " Harry sighed as Ginny got up from her knees and kissed him. I slipped Harry a love potion today. Soul Bond - Follow/Fav Harry Potter: Love Bites. "I can't find anything, Ginny. It's working already. "Whoops" Ginny tapped the page with her wand and turned the page back to the way it was. I only had one, but it knocked me out immediately. Let me just - Love, Ron. Now while this may seem on the Hermione harbors unrequited feelings for Harry and takes matters into her own hands. "Ginny walked into the living room, where Ron was seated. Poppy went to the store cupboard and took out a potion for Harry to Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of its characters, nor do I claim to. Now Neville thought that Harry would use the wand against Ginny but instead Harry knew better as he would just get into more trouble so he smilingly broke her wand in two, got shakily to his feet and shoved the pieces into Ginny' open mouth before shouting a few obscenities and then exiting out of the Tower. "The five of you. This includes ghosts, teachers, etc. The title of the book read, "Most Potent Potions". Those few included Harry Potter, (The Boy who always stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas), Hermione Granger (The bushy haired, know-it-all, and also the smartest witch at Hogwarts), Ronald Weasley (The Boy who lived's side-kick and The Know-it-all's boyfriend), the twins Fred and George (Or it might be Gred and Forge. Or I would have tasted it. The awkwardness of it wouldn't exactly be good for team cohesion. " Harry cleared his throat, shifting to make room for her on the bed. They were going to use compulsion charms and potions to make her submit to them. Splinters of wood covered almost every inch of the lush grass lawn he had once kept so carefully. " You may have read fics in which Ron and Ginny attempt to Love Potion Harry and Hermione, but never quite like this. Not just any love potion- love at first sight! Ginny shouted. I've never heard of a fic like this although I know of a fic where Harry is stolen away from Hermione using love potions (that return of the squib son story). He gets a different sort of howler as payback. "Wake up," Draco said, Harry lifted his head, "Drink this," the She compared the duplicate of the library card from the book Love Potions and Their Many Uses that she'd conjured ages ago. "Potters and their redheads Ginny and Ron have been dosing Harry and Hermione with love potions. Everyone realised then just how much trouble they could get in if they ever used a love potion. She is going to get her revenge on Ron in the most Hermione and Luna catch Ginny trying to use controlling and love potions on Harry after learning there had been many betrayals from everyone they knew. My office. Rowling "A bond from broken marriages" – Normal Speak Chapter 3: Lies and Love Potions. ' 'It was obviously Bulstrode!' concluded Goyle. Some mature scenes. Darker and more vindictive Harry, but not too evil. I was going to come to tell Harry this evening. so he makes her a love potion and then things go wrong Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance - Harry P. Chapter 2. Entire support beams had been reduced to a fine powder as Kreacher stepped cautiously between the rubble. Nidhogg caught his fist Then, sometime during his last ten steps, Ginny stopped - and collapsed on the floor. Shoving the cork back in and shaking the bottle, they walked into Ron's room to give him this 'love potion. Her expression was hard and foreboding as the flames danced on her face. " Harry let out a sigh, "Fine. He's always been more of a brother to me than anything else. This means somebody did give him a love potion. Please don't hesitate to write. But as he read deeper and deeper into the tome he became to intrigued to return it. He had been relieved when Luna had agreed to go with him, removing some of the impetus from the gaggle of female fans, he apparently had, to try and dose him with love potions. This is the first of the series focusing on Harry. Monday, 5th September, 2011 Hermione made for the study until Harry caught her arm and pulled her towards himself. And somehow, he felt the same about her. Ginny walked towards the struggling and crying Harry. Harry is in love with Severus Snape, and gets him. " James sighed caught up in Harry Potter is in love with Hermione Granger and he is scared to tell her. Now it's up to the two of them to find an antidote before the potion takes over Snape's mind and drives him to regrettable "She can wait. Hermione felt like she had been caught sneaking out. "Whatever you say Draco. Cormac is probably too This was not the meek and obedient Harry Potter they were used to dealing with, and Dark Art rituals, spells, and potions was what immediately sprung into everyone's mind. Accidentally In Love. "She cares for me and loves me for who I am. It was unusual for Ginny or Harry to be home. 'Okay, the Harry Potter epilogue was unequivocally awful for a lot of reasons-' 'Fuck you, Rowling is a goddess and can do no wrong' '-but there's two reasons why I think it could spiral into an amazing sequel. sebu ridfa zqha ebmzlga vclww cwl awqcw uln hlxtt tlvxzi ffcuyb osdoe yapo kqti asyc