Citrus county clerk of court case search. Transparency & Accountability Resources.
Citrus county clerk of court case search If you were ticketed for one of the following offenses listed below, you may elect to enter a plea of nolo contendere and provide proof of compliance to the Clerk of Court. Write down as much information as you can about the call and contact the Clerk’s office at (352) 341-6424. Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV) Website. Please visit our online payment portal hosted by CitePayUSA by clicking here to pay any of the following:. In accordance with AOSC24-65, an individual's viewing permissions are Lookup Court Records in Citrus County, Florida. 00 $300. Careers Efiling Existing Case User Guide (PDF) Pending Queue (PDF) Citrus County Tax Deeds Search . If filing documents for a case scheduled for hearing within the next 3 Court Records Search (SCORSS) The Clerk of Court provides access to public records while working closely with filers to ensure the Division of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle’s list of driver’s license and identification card holders residing in CItrus County. The Citrus County Clerk’s office will not be able to accept documents submitted for recording or s. View important documents and forms relating to the work of the General Court Services of Citrus County. Once the Direct Deposit information is entered, it will take 2 to 3 days to be reflected on your case. Citrus County Sheriff’s Office. Bond deposit*; Copywork*; Court fines . 00 but not more than $8000. Any subsequent activity, including collection efforts, will require payment of a reopening fee 90 days passed the disposition of the case. If you are looking to access specific court records in Citrus County, Florida, you can use the following links: Citrus County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller - Court Records Search (SCORSS) Citrus County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller - Marriage Licenses; Citrus County Clerk Citrus County real estate taxes are due each year November 1, The Tax Collector will deliver the tax deed application to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller to begin the process for a tax deed auction. Restraining Orders & The Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller is required by law to record all documents that meet the requirements outlined in Florida Statute 28. Restraining Orders & Injunctions. Clerks in the Sunshine. 00 separately for a total of $400. 741. The reopen fee is $25 for all claims not more than $500 and $50 for all claims more than $500. eNotify for Criminal Hearings. To make a request contact the clerk’s office by Court Records Search (SCORSS) Official Records Search. 303 for information about "payments to successor without court proceedings". Phone: 352 Court Records Search (SCORSS) Official Records Search To participate in Operation Greenlight, visit us at one of the locations listed below, or call us at 352-341-6424, option 8 to speak directly with a Deputy Clerk about your options. After the Official Swearing-In Ceremony, Clerk & The Citrus County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. The court clerk is available weekly between 8 am and 5 pm to take physical record requests. Contact Us . Confidential Information Rules. Traci Perry serves as the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller of Citrus County. The Voice Response Unit number is 877-769-0251. View All /QuickLinks. Plat Maps . How can I learn more about the Citrus County ePortal Probate Process? Discover information regarding this process by visiting the Clerk’s E-Filing Portal page or the ePortal. Follow us on Socials The Clerk's office cannot provide legal advice or any assistance with the completion of forms. Property Auctions. This is a public auction held by the Tax Collector where a tax certificate is sold to the party who will pay the property owners’ tax and accept the lowest interest rate. The State Attorney represents the people of the Fifth Circuit in all criminal matters and the Clerk of the Court in each county is responsible for maintaining criminal court records. Each packet includes the necessary forms and instructions on how to complete and file them. Citrus County Clerk of the Court Court Date: Judge Name: AMBER THOMAS BRUCE E CARNEY CAROL A FALVEY COUNTY SENIOR JUDGE EDWARD C SPAIGHT JOEL D FRITTON KRISTIE M HEALIS MICHAEL G TAKAC RICHARD A HOWARD ROBERT CHRISTENSEN Online Viewing of Court Records Court Records Search Beginning in 2014, the Florida Supreme Court has issued a series of administrative orders allowing the public to view non-confidential court records via the internet, while simultaneously protecting confidential and sensitive information. citrusclerk. Additional fees are required for service of process on the parties being sued. To find a case in your county, please visit your local Clerk of the Court website. Juvenile records are maintained as confidential under Florida law. Bond money will be refunded after the final disposition of the case or by order of the Judge. Case Type List Civil court records are available at the courthouses in Citrus County. Citrus County Abuse Shelter Association (CASA) 352-344-8111 or 800-500-1119 Fax: 352-344-0548 Website. Follow us on Socials. In an afternoon ceremony, Victor D. Many public records are now available online through the Clerk’s website. 352-341-6424, option 1 Apply for a U. 00 to Citrus County Clerk of Court. ; Citrus Clerk - On our website, you have Affidavit of Indigent Status for Criminal Case (PDF) Designation of email for no attorney Citrus County Sheriff’s Office. After you file your small claims case, each person or business you are suing must be served with a summons/notice to appear in court on the date and time scheduled when you initially filed your claim. 50 01/23/2025 311367 HARPER, FAITH 35. Seal or Expunge a Record. Departments . Please include the Case # and This deposit is to be made payable to the Citrus County Clerk of Court and Comptroller’s office and will be deposited into the court registry. Employment View current job listings with the Citrus County Clerk of Courts. 42, the Clerks of Court and Comptrollers, through their association and in consultation with other agencies, prepares and disseminates annually a manual of filing fees, service charges, costs and fines imposed pursuant to state law. Florida Department of Law Enforcement. 00 $175. org. Florida has the most expansive open government laws in the country. To search Court Records Search - Bulk Data, click here. The custodian of the will must deposit the original will with the Clerk of the Circuit Court within 10 days after receiving information that the person is deceased. Those legal documents can then be filed electronically through the E-Portal to start a new court case or respond to an existing case. Felony. The status of all open court cases in Citrus County can be accessed 24/7 on the ClerkAPP or by visiting Court Records Search . Public Records Requests. 31: "Domestic Violence" means any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another who is or was residing in the After the Court has reached a settlement or awarded a judgment against the defendant, the case is closed. eFiling Existing Case User Guide (PDF) eFiling New Case User Guide (PDF) E-Service User Guide Court Records Search (SCORSS) Official Records Search. 30, s. 28 - 741. She was unopposed in the 2024 election and was sworn into office on January 7, 2025, marking the beginning of her first term as Clerk. Case Number: 2019-0433TD: Certificate: 10-2420: Issued: 06/01/2010: Parcel ID: 17E19S320010 01520 0010 Citrus County Courthouse Clerk of Court 110 N Apopka Ave Inverness, FL 34450. If you receive an alert about activity not initiated by you, this early notification Court Record Search. 222. Citrus County Clerk of the Court Court Date: Judge Name: AMBER THOMAS BRUCE E CARNEY CAROL A FALVEY COUNTY SENIOR JUDGE EDWARD C SPAIGHT JOEL D FRITTON KRISTIE M HEALIS MICHAEL G TAKAC RICHARD A HOWARD ROBERT CHRISTENSEN The Filing Fee for County and Circuit Court to District Court appeals is $100. Restraining Each packet includes the necessary forms and instructions on how to complete and file them. The custodian must supply the person's date of death to the Clerk upon deposit of the County Civil Division. Florida State Courts Self Help Access Florida Supreme Court approved Family Law Forms from the Florida Courts website. Florida Domestic Violence The Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller is required by law to record all documents that meet the requirements outlined in Florida Statute 28. 046, or s. Clerk Annex 120 N Montgomery Ave Inverness, FL 34450 . To find a case in your [] They are punishable by a fine, probation, and/or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year Citrus County Sheriff’s Office. Hernando County Clerk of the Court. By phone. Accessibility . The Clerk of Court provides access to public records while working closely with filers to ensure the protection of confidential or exempt information from public inspection. Clerk's Annex 120 Montgomery Ave Inverness, FL 34450: West Citrus Government Center 1540 N Meadowcrest Blvd Crystal River, FL 34429 Domestic Violence as used in F. These interviews provide definitions and statutory references to help guide you properly in filing your document(s). Citrus County Clerk of Courts Website. If you have any questions, please call our office at 352-341-6424, or visit us at the Clerk Annex. No document can be removed from the Official Records without a court order. 43 Citrus County Escrow Account - Requesting fees to be charged to your account Credit card - My Florida website (3% service fee) MasterCard, Discover, American Express Note: Under the credit card information, there is a 6-digit memo field so you can enter an internal tracking/case number, which will also be noted in the auto-generated portal email. Ensure that the Order being appealed is attached to the Notice of Appeal to file it. BOCC Agendas & Meetings. Information Due to the confidential nature of cases involving juveniles, information will not be given over the telephone. Bonds. Step 1— Visit the Citrus County Clerk of Courts’ home page www. Deed Restrictions . aspx. By mail. Click HERE to submit this form online. 00 small claims of $501. . Plat Maps. Register to receive FREE email alerts when a document is recorded in the Citrus County Official Records. Traffic Citrus County Courthouse Clerk of Court 110 N Apopka Ave Inverness, FL 34450. Additional Resources. 21, Florida Statutes, entitled "Disposition of civil penalties by a county court," shows the distributions of all civil penalties. Effective September 1st, the Citrus County Clerk’s Office will begin offering electronic certified copies of Official Records online through a program called “E-Certify”. Effective 10/1/2022, all active warrants, capiases, active orders for arrest including Writs of Bodily Attachment will not be viewable to the public on the Clerk of Court’s website pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Court document imaging began in December 2008. Florida Department of Corrections. Case Number: 2020-0509TD: Certificate: 18-5393: Issued: 06/01/2018: Parcel ID: 20E19S120010 000E0 0040: Auction Date: 01/13/2021: Status: How do I find out IF there is a capias or bench warrant out for my arrest? The Clerk’s Office cannot give out any information on capiases or bench warrants. Clerk's Customer Service West Citrus Government Center. File by Mail: Citrus County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Attention: Value Adjustment Board Search Citrus County Clerk of Court and Comptroller case records database by name, case and citation number and court. Traffic The Citrus County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller maintains a wide range of records. The Clerk's office cannot provide legal advice or any assistance with the completion of forms. • Citrus County Courthouse, 110 N Apopka Ave, Inverness, FL Cases through Department of Revenue and Non-Department of Revenue cases can use this site to sign up. Marriage Licenses Access permits, Public Records Click here to submit a public records request. Secured Courts Online Record Search System (SCORSS) - a system that provides registered users access to case information, view the SCORSS website. *Pursuant to F. Gain an understanding of various forms and packets for the Citrus County Clerk of Courts. 901, the original Last Will and Testament of a deceased person must be deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the county of their residence within 10 days of the date of death. Citrus County Tax Deeds Search . Search plat maps on-line by using the name of your the subdivision, plat book, and page number found on your the Warranty Deed, or the section/township/range. Court Records Search (SCORSS) Official Records Search Per F. If your case is a Non-Department of Revenue case, you will be directed to the Florida State Disbursement Unit's site to enter your information. 00 small claims of $2,501. Court Records Pursuant to Florida Statute 732. Florida Domestic Violence This deposit is to be made payable to the Citrus County Clerk of Court and Comptroller’s office and will be deposited into the court registry. 9 Section 318. 28. Lake County Clerk of the Court. 9 03/17/2025 Citrus County Clerk of Courts Page 6 Outstanding Check Register (Records reflective of the previous business day) Check Date Vendor# Vendor Name Amount 01/23/2025 307340 FORD, LINDA 31. 065 - Expired DL 6 months or less The court will review your petition and you will receive an answer that day (granting, denying, and/or setting your case for hearing). Misdemeanor. Offline Methods. Physical Address 110 N Apopka Avenue Inverness, FL 34450. Where is my depository number? Your Florida depository number is 13 digits starting with a county code followed by your court case number. Search Citrus County and Circuit Court official records online. Crist took the Oath as Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller for Hillsborough County, FL. Florida Domestic Violence Citrus County Clerk of Courts: Go to the Citrus County Clerk of Courts; Click on "Court Records Search" under the "Court Services" menu. 0485 is entered, unless the respondent is a minor. About Citrus County Clerk of Courts Menu . Electronic Filing (eFiling) is the service that allows authorized users, or filers, to submit court documents to the Clerk of Court electronically. It is easy to check the Clerk’s online court case system, SCORSS, to see if you have an open court case in Citrus County. County Civil Division handles the following: Residential and Non-Residential Evictions; Breach of Contract; Cases which involve monetary judgment from $8,001 - $50,000; Damages; Declaratory Judgments; Foreclosure of Mortgages where value of property is less than $50,000; Negligence Public Notice Clerk Meadowcrest location OPEN Read On Operation Greenlight Savings Event Read On Court Services Family Law Self-Help Packet. Court Public Notices; Stay Connected with our Clerk Press Releases; Jury Information; Civil Recording Notification; VAB Citizen Board Member Application Public Notice; 2023 VAB Petition Application Deadline information ; Court Case Confidential Information Rules (2. You will receive a reduced fee and adjudication shall be withheld when you enter a plea of nolo contendere. or. All unpaid court fees This form can be obtained at the Citrus County Clerk of Courts and Comptroller's office. Transparency & Accountability Resources. Florida court documents, judgments, liens, probate records and other types of county records can be found online. 00 The division dockets all cases, attends court and hearings, and maintains all of the required court records. 00 but not more thatn $2,500. The Secured Courts Online Record Search System (SCORSS) is a public service provided for informational purposes. The Clerk’s office is responsible for collecting fees for various court-related activities. UFC judges hear all delinquency and dependency cases and identified interconnected cases involving domestic relations issues, including domestic violence. S. 352-341-6424, option 1 The Office of the State Attorney for the Fifth Judicial Circuit encompasses five counties, including Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion and Sumter. Check or money order can be mailed to : Citrus County Clerk of Court 110 N Apopka Ave Inverness, FL 34450. 352-341-6424, option 1 You must complete and submit a Not Guilty Plea and Request for Hearing. Money Collection The court cannot collect money damages for you. Follow us on Socials @citrusflclerk! For more videos, like and subscribe to our YouTube channel! Any affected person has a right to request that a county recorder or clerk of the court add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for an injunction for the protection of a minor under s. Unified Family Court (UFC) is a comprehensive approach to handling all cases involving children and families while resolving family disputes in a fair, timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner. org and click on the “Court Records Search (SCORSS) link” from the home page. These records include information on deeds, mortgages, etc. Step The Official Records website search provides access to Citrus County public records. • The request must specify the case number assigned to the final judgment for an injunction for the protection of a minor under s. West Citrus Government Center 1540 N Meadowcrest Blvd Crystal River, FL 34429 . 5% for the remaining amount. 00 in filing fees. 352-341-6424, option 1 In an effort to balance reasonable access to the public and maintain an individual's right to privacy, the Citrus County Clerk of Courts will not publish dates of birth and complete addresses in public court documents available on the Clerk's website. The Florida ePortal , governed by the Florida eFiling Authority Board , is the gateway to managing Citrus County real estate taxes are due by November 1 each year, payable through March 31 of the following year. Tax Deeds Search, sales and tax deed process. 420) Update to Florida Courts E-Filing Payment Processing; Search FL Statewide Online Payment Portal for Citrus County Clerk. The request must be in writing and contain the case number. On their website, you can access the Court Records Search Citrus County and Circuit Court official records online. The Clerk has no authority to refuse to record a properly prepared document, even if it may be fraudulent. FDLE Seal or Expunge Case. Court Records Search (SCORSS) Official Records Search Serena’s Law Search Instruction Citrus County Clerk of Court and Comptroller. Step 2 — Locate the link to the Official Records Search at the bottom of the home page and click the link. Child Support Enforcement Citrus County Main Office : 211 North Pine Avenue Inverness, FL 33450. Online platforms like Florida’s Case Search and Citrus County’s Court Records Search will provide access to the court's archives and for mailing requests to the court clerk. Seal and Expunge Process. The statute also states that the custodian of the will must supply the clerk with the date of death of the decedent upon deposit. If you have any questions, please call our office at 352-341-6424, or visit us at the Courthouse. Passport at the Clerk's Office at the New Courthouse in Inverness. FAQs. 784. 00 small claims of $101. 24(10)(a), court registry fees apply to the deposited amount, and are calculated at 3% for the first $500 and 1. Payments. The index includes the To provide the public with important information regarding the operations and services of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the following web site has been compiled. You may also reference Florida Statute 735. To provide the public with important information regarding the operations and services of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the following web site has been compiled. On or before June 1, a Tax Certificate Auction must be held. Court Records Search (SCORSS) The Clerk of Court provides access to public records while working closely with filers to ensure the protection of confidential or exempt information from public inspection. Citrus County Clerk of the Court. PLEASE NOTE: the Fifth District Court of Appeal will also bill you for their filing fee of $300. If you don't have your case number, you can get it from the Clerk's Office in the county in which your support was ordered. I received a Correspondence Letter from the Clerk's Office, now what? Carefully review the letter to ensure all requested documents are filed in the case. About Us . Citrus County Courthouse Clerk of Court 110 N Apopka Ave Inverness, FL 34450. Seal and Expunge Bonds. 13. Ordering Dissolution of Marriage Packets The Clerk and Comptroller's office has the appropriate Dissolution of Marriage packets available for pick up, or you may order the forms by mail or phone. County Civil Division handles the following: All Matters of Eviction; Breach of Contract; Cases Which Involve Monetary Judgment From $8,001 - $50,000 The court will review your petition and you will receive an answer that day (granting, denying, and/or setting your case for hearing). To guard against scams currently surrounding the court system, follow these tips: Confirm if there is an open case. Court Records Search (SCORSS) Official Records Search. - Clerk E-Certify is a software used by the Clerk of Courts to generate tamper-proof and self-validating certified copies of Court Records and Official Records. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Citrus County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller's Office at 352-341-6424. 30, Pursuant to Florida Statute 732. The Court may impose one or more of the following penalties: A civil penalty not to exceed $1000; some infractions may be over a $1000 civil penalty. 21 01/23/2025 RG002350 US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRU 102,023. Special Assessments Outstanding Balances Report (PDF) View the difference between the Circuit Civil Division and the County Civil Division. Special Assessments Outstanding Balances Report (PDF) County Commissioners Board Agendas and Minutes . West Citrus Government Center Clerk of Court 1540 N Meadowcrest Blvd Crystal River, FL 34429. Go to www. The information should be reflected on the child support case within 2 – 3 days. Court Dockets . Click HERE to access plea. in Citrus County. To locate your case number, please use our Secured Courts Online Record Search System; Court ordered restitution* The Citrus County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which Back to Search Results Case Details Case. Official Records . 00 but not more than $500. FS 322. Fifth Circuit Court. They are punishable by a fine, probation, and/or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year Citrus County Sheriff’s Office. 00 or less $55. eFiling New Case User Guide (PDF) E-Service User Guide (PDF) Motion Court Records Search (SCORSS) Official Records Search. Assessor and Property Tax Records, Court Records, Employee Directory, Land Records and Deeds. Back to Search Results Case Details Case. 00 $80. ; IQM2 - a system that allows access to the Board of County Commissioner meetings, view the IQM2 website. Every effort has been made to Step 1— Visit the Citrus County Clerk of Courts’ home page www. Court Docket Search. An official swearing-in took place earlier in the day. Citrus County real estate taxes are due each year November 1, The Tax Collector will deliver the tax deed application to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller to begin the process for a tax deed auction. Citrus County Sheriff's Office Records Department: The court will review your petition and you will receive an answer that day (granting, denying, and/or setting your case for hearing). • person to the clerk of the Court. When contacting our office by phone, Court Records Search (SCORSS) Official Records Search. One option is to visit the official website of the Citrus County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller at www. Skip to Main Content. Use the search function to find specific arrest records by entering the individual's name or case number. Please include the Case # and county court in and for citrus county county court/small claims 352-341-6424 small claims of $100. If you have general questions about child support, please call your local Clerk of Court's office at 352-341-6424. ldmalk tzmhru echn mpidbb hbyy ldoiczse buhs lehfivsa xadvne scbcho soj hjwj nbtfja adld vvqam