Tomas bata. 21) asi nejvýznamnější stavbou Zlína.
Tomas bata Bata; September 17, 1914 – September 1, 2008), also known as Thomas Bata Jr. , was a Czech-Canadian businessman and philanthropist. It was founded in December 2008 at the initiative of the university management. Balaban, Baťa na všech kontinentech, Zlín 2020, ISBN 978-80-7454-928-1; Tomas Bata mengambil tindakan menurunkan harga sepatunya hingga 50% dan memberikan gaji karyawannya sebesa 40% dengan memberikan diskon tertentu kepada karyawannya. We prepared for you detailed biography, information’s about his personality and about the Bata Company. “Let's bear in mind that the chances to multiply wealth are unlimited. 1918 – after the declaration of independence of Czechoslovakia was proclaimed, Tomas Bata opened stores in several larger cities – Žilina, Trenčín, Trnava, Malacky. Masaryka 5555 760 01 Zlín tel. The scientific periodical Journal of Competitiveness published by the Faculty of Management and Economics of Tomas Bata University in Zlín in cooperation with publishing partners, offers results of basic and applied economic research of domestic and international authors in the English language. let v Batawě pracovalo 1 300 osob; Zdroje: Z. Tomas Bata diketahui adalah seorang pengusaha asal Republik Ceko, di negaranya ia dijuluki Raja Sepatu. mp3 v zip souboru, 772 MB); audiokniha — anglická verze (. Baťa's half-brother Jan Antonín Baťa took over his company, expanding it during the Great Depression. Tomas Bata and son and the banker Jaroslav Preiss. cz (Guidelines for Senders) Fenomén Baťa. His father, the founder of the world shoemaking empire, raised him on the basis of Bata's values - honor, transparency and justice. However, he firmly established his company´s presence on the local market later with own retail network in 1929-1930. . Aj ked je pisana pribehom, tie informacie sa z toho daju pekne vytiahnut. In his honour, the Tomas Bata Memorial was built in Zlín. Chinese ambassador in T. City of Zlín nám. Phone +420 575 570 720. Some years later, affiliated companies as well as a shoemaking factory were established. Faculty of Management and Economics Mostní 5139 760 01 Zlín Tel. A network consisting of 20 stores was built before the end of 1931; On 23 rd December 1931, a sister company Bata Shoe Company Limited, Calcutta was registered The Bata phenomenon. Bata, Berlin for the sale of his products in Germany. Hellocourt. Gahura: 1924: projekt „Továrna v zahradách“ 1926–1927: urbanismus zahradního města The first Bata shop was opened in Belgrade in 1919, with Toma Maksimović, future general director of Bata in Yugoslavia, as the store manager; The firm Bata cipele i koža d. cz (Guidelines for Senders) Patung Tomas Bata di Otrokovice. gabriela@inspiracebata. London had financial activities in England Tomas Bata was born in 1876 and started life as a poor boy but he did not dream of making millions, he seems, rather to be obsessed with the idea of helping his country and his people. Tomas Bata’s Villa is one of the most important historical monuments in Zlin associated with the industrialist Tomas Bata and at the same time represents an excellent example of villa architecture of early modernism represented by the work of architect Jan Kotera. utb. Baťa Jr. Ltd. Tomas Bata University in Zlín Rectorate nám. Bata´s business in Thailand dates back to the opening of a shop in Bangkok in the year 1932. A second shoe factory opened in Sebab, pada 12 Juli 1932, Tomas Bata meninggal dunia dalam kecelakaan pesawat pribadi jenis Junkers F13. Due to his actions in the economic, social and public life, Tomas Bata won great recognition in the Czech lands and abroad. Tomas Bata´s business in the country can be traced to 1927, when a shoe store in Singapore was in operation. Pokluda – J. nbsp; You can find more information about the The business ended following the nationalization in 1945. Under his leadership, the Bata This book is a story of a great adventure arising from a business where adventures could be least expected. 00. Máte zájem dozvědět se Baťova vila Dům byl postaven v letech 1909–1912 a byl na svou dobu velmi prostý. Dia adalah pendiri merek sepatu Bata. Sepatu Bata pun laris di pasaran karena harganya yang murah sehingga perusahaan miliknya mempunyai 112 cabang pada tahun 1923. 15 x 6. Its founder, Tomáš In July 1931, Tomas Bata sent a team of Bata employees from Zlín to India with the task of increasing sales of footwear in the territory of British India. Jednalo se o finanční prémii vyplácenou v rámci dílny podle společně dosaženého hospodářského výsledku. Tomáš Baťa (3 April 1876 – 12 July 1932) was a Czech entrepreneur and founder of the Bata shoe company. V letech 1935–1941 zde vyrůstal rozlehlý průmyslový areál s pěti pětietážovými budovami, objekty strojíren aj. Many incorporate the company name, including Bataville in France, Tomas Bata Terms & Conditions; The first Bata store in Brazil was opened in 1932. A year later, a sister company was set up, and after a few years a shoe factory was built. In 1931 Tomas Bata set up Palestine Bata Shoe Comp. Ticket sales and information, mailing address. Numerous publications are focused on the personality of Tomas Bata, on the activities of his associates and successors, as well as on the wide-ranging activities of Bata-owned In 1997, the Bata company had 263 stores with 1,188 employees. (Bata shoes and Leather, joint stock company), was founded Tomas Bata University in Zlín Rectorate nám. In the young Bata there quickly ripens the wish and the Tomas Bata’s reflections and speeches will give you an opportunity to become more familiar with the thinking of one of the greatest Czechoslovak entrepreneurs. Tomas Bata’s reflections and speeches will give you an opportunity to become more familiar with the thinking of one of the greatest Czechoslovak entrepreneurs. Bata (1914–2008) After the nationalization of companies in Central and South-Eastern Europe (1945), he managed the Bata companies Tomas Bata is an example of a person who succeeded in achieving his dream by working hard. Baťa bol známy tým, že sa nikdy nepovyšoval nad svojich Od roku 1960 v zemi podnikala společnost patřící k torontské Bata Shoe Organization. " Tvůrčí odkaz Tomáše Bati a současné podnikatelské metody (2001). Baťa welcoming Indian Trade Minister at Perfektna kniha pisana pribehom. 1910: architekt J. v roce 1932 Tomáš Baťa prodával boty ve vlastní prodejně – Curityba v červenci a srpnu 1939 přijeli ze Zlína do Brazílie pracovníci firmy Baťa, aby v zemi rozvinuli výrobu obuvi; tehdy byla první dílna zřízena v Sao Paulu a odtud roku 1941 výroba přenesena do nově vystavěné Nadace Tomáše Bati aktivně podporuje rozvoj kultury ve Zlíně a jeho okolí. He was the only son of Tomas Bata, the founder and his wife Mary. Selain itu, dia adalah seorang pejabat publik dan juga dia pernah menjadi walikota Zlin (1923–1932). 02 My Own; Nejodvážnější zlínská stavba, vrcholné dílo architekta F. In 1895, the same time, his family failed and his family got married, leaving Tomas each alone. Numerous publications are focused on the personality of Tomas Bata, on the activities of his associates and successors, as well as on the wide-ranging activities of Bata-owned Zdroje: Z. 00 Foreword; 00. In 1932, Tomas Bata was selling shoes in the company’s own store – Curitiba. Osobne som nazaciatku skor cakala, ze tato knizka bude obsahovat viac praktickejsich jednoduchsie podanych hodnotych informacii, ktore Bata vyuzival pri svojej praci, ale po precitani par kapitol ma tato knizka milo prekvapila. :+420 576 032 120 Fax:+420 576 032 658 e-mail: dekanat@fame. Gahura: 1924: projekt „Továrna v zahradách“ 1926–1927: urbanismus zahradního města Tomas Bata launched his business in the USA in 1919 with purchasing factory buildings in Lynn and establishing a sister company. : CZ70883521 Data Box: ahqj9id Electronic mailroom: podatelna@utb. Zjistěte více o životě a díle Tomáše Bati, zakladatele obuvnické firmy Baťa a starosty Zlína. Jeho inšpiratívny príbeh je vzorom nielen pre tých začínajúcich, ale veľa čo učiť sa môžu aj firmy či spoločnosti, ktoré sú na trhu už niekoľko rokov. Život Tomas Bata´s business in today´s Indonesia can be traced to 1930 when the first shops were opened in the country. Bata´s business continued in the Firma Bata zakoupila pozemky v keňském Limuru vzdáleném 35 kilometrů od Nairobi. Zmiňuje jeho rodinu, podnikání, vzděláv Tomáš Baťa (Zlín, Moravia; 3 de abril de 1876- Otrokovice, Checoslovaquia; 12 de julio de 1932) fue un empresario checo, fundador de Bata, una de las más Learn about the life and achievements of Tomas Bata, the founder of the Bata shoe company and a visionary entrepreneur. Bata´s local business continued in the coming decades, and Bata is present in Singapore even today. Informovaly o tom firemní noviny, že v září během Pražských vzorkových veletrhů vzbudilo velkou pozornost nové Baťovo letadlo, které kroužilo nad hlavami návštěvníků a neslo jasně čitelný nápis BAŤA. T. and Tomáš Baťa ml. Nechal si jej postavit geniální podnikatel Tomáš Baťa, zakladatel Baťových obuvnických závodů. In 1934, production was started at a new factory in Best, and a residential housing estate was built. Tomas Bata took$ 350 inherited by his mama . Since 1960, a company forming part of the Bata Shoe Organization based in Toronto had been doing business in the country. He ran the Bata Shoe Company from the 1940s until the 80s. With his family and family, he launched T, and A, Bata shoe company in Zlin, Czechoslovakia. 02 My Own; Tomas Bata died on 12 July 1932, at the age of 56, in a plane crash just a short distance from Otrokovice Airport, from where he was departing for Switzerland to open a new branch of the company. By 1930, the number of company stores had risen to 30. 6 million francs: Hellocourt Castle and land in the cadastre of the municipalities of Moussey, Maizières-lès-Vic, Réchicourt-le-Chȃteau. Čipera + H. network of 5,500 Bata shoe stores annual production of over 58,000,000 pairs of shoes (1936) World War II 1939–1945 Continental Europe (Zlín) 1939–1945 D. Odkaz Tomáše Bati je rozsáhlý. Kabesova. We can see him in front of us in the middle of a crowd of men with rough, determined faces and work-worn hands - in the midst of cobblers, In 1923, Bata founded own stores in the country, but the sale ceased after a few years; few year later in 1926, Great Britain was missing in the list of company stores, the sale of Baťa shoes took place along the wholesale line; In 1924, Bata Shoe and Leather Comp. Within a time Bata company was successful enough to employ 10 people and forty who work from their homes. Poznajte jeho inovačný prístup k zákazníkom, jeho rozvoj na zahraničie a jeho tragickú smrt. The establishment of a sister company followed in 1931. The company he founded still operates in many countries all over the world. t. Máte zájem dozvědět se Bata opened the first store in the Netherlands in 1920, and a year later a sister company was founded. Vítáme vás v Památníku Tomáše Bati, který je vedle zlínského „mrakodrapu“ (baťovské administrativní budovy č. Chtěl pro sebe a svou rodinu vybudovat 1962 –The South African Bata Shoe Company Limited (South Africa; formerly “Bata Shoe Co. Tomáš Baťa junior dokázal v nových podmínkách společnost stabilizovat, modernizovat a dále rozvíjet, takže v roce 1983 Bata Shoe Organisation, sídlící v Torontu, zaměstnávala 90 000 zaměstnanců, působila v 92 zemích, měla 90 továren s denní produkcí více než 1 000 000 párů obuvi, kterou prodávala ve více než 5 000 prodejnách. Rozhodnutí začít budovat sám sebe je tím nejupřímnějším činem, který pro sebe můžeme udělat. Balaban, Baťa na všech kontinentech, Zlín 2020, ISBN 978-80-7454-928-1; Moravský zemský archiv v Brně – Státní okresní archiv Zlín, Česko Due to his actions in the economic, social and public life, Tomas Bata won great recognition in the Czech lands and abroad. Gahury, pocta zakladateli obuvnického koncernu: Památník Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně. In December 1929, Tomas Bata founded the company Bata Schuh Aktiengesellschaft Zurich in Switzerland; it was registered in the Zurich canton Business Register on 12 th December 1929; At the end of 1929, the first Bata shops were opened – in Basel and Bern. Saat itu, Tomas hendak ke Swiss untuk menghadiri acara pembukaan cabang baru di Kota Mohlin. It gives the public an overview of Tomas Bata’s personality and all aspects of the Bata company in Zlin, in Czechoslovakia and around the world from 1894 to the present. Prohlédněte si jeho bibliografii, galerii, úvahy a vzdělávací moduly. Bata Shoes (Baťa in Czech) is among the most famous brands of Czech origin, but the story of the company goes far beyond what people wear on their feet. V roce 1942 byla vystavěna nová továrna a při ní obytná čtvrť pro zaměstnance s cihlovými domky. On 23 October 1931, Tomas Bata purchased 487 hectares of land for 1. Tomas Bata (1928), translated and cited in: Tribus, Myron. However, Anna left the company after she got married and Antonín died in 1908 from tuberculosis, so from then on Tomáš had sole control over the company (hence why his name has been remembered while the other two siblings have mostly faded into obscurity). nbsp; You can find more information about the V roce 2000 měla Bata Shoe Organization, jak se dnes firma nazývá, padesát výrobních závodů, devět koželužen, 4 743 prodejen, 49 324 zaměstnanců a působila v 68 zemích světa. Baťa’s villa, 1929. In the following year, other stores followed – Zurich, Geneva, Tomáš Baťa mladší (Tomáš Jan Baťa, anglicky Thomas John Bata; 17. In 1932, the first Bata stores– Nairobi, Reflections and Speeches. 01 Our life; 01. cz +420 737 834 176. World War II re Článek popisuje Tomáše Bati, českého podnikatele, tvůrce světového obuvnického impéria a starostu Zlína. Zlínský rodák Tomáš Baťa měl mnoho lichotivých přívlastků a není Zdroje: Z. Vstupovali do Baťovy školy práce a brzy stoupal počet zemí odkud přicházeli – Švýcarsko, Jugoslávie, Francie, Německo, Polsko, Velká Británie, Nizozemsko, Egypt, Indie He founded the Bata Shoe Company in 1894, at the age of only 18, with his brother Antonín and sister Anna. Villa of the Batas. Foreword. s. Selanjutnya produksi sepatu dimulai tahun 1940. Doporučujeme návštěvu Týdne Baťa, během kterého můžete nejen načerpat jedinečnou atmosféru Baťovy vily, ale také využít některé z myšlenek Tomáše Bati ve svých vlastních životech a projektech. His career was cut short when he died in a plane accident due to bad weather. , Batawa was set up, which has become the backbone of Bata´s Canadian business; In July 1939, Tomas Bata Jr. French industrialists visiting Zlín, 1929. Hlavnička about 85,000 employees (around 1943) 1945–2001 = 56 years Tomáš J. Bata is operating in the country even today. Tomas Bata’s Villa is one of the most visited monuments in Zlin. Inside is Junkers F 13 aircraft in which Tomáš Baťa died in 1932. The idea for the monument is simple - an empty prism placed on a visible spot above the town on the central axis of the ascending park space, made up of several modules of the Zlín 6. The legacy of Tomas Bata is extensive. “) was in the register of Bata companies In 1966, Bata´s organisation revived business in the country; The shoes were manufactured at a new factory in Durban, another 4 factories were built or bought during the next 20 years; The number of Bata employees in the country grew to 3,500 Tomas Bata and son and the banker Jaroslav Preiss. Memorial Info Point nám. září 2008 Toronto, Kanada) byl český podnikatel, syn zakladatele firmy Baťa Tomáše Bati. Tomas Bata established the first store in the country in 1932. : +420 576 032 208 Identification No. OTTAWA Thomas J. Baťa and his fellow-workers celebrating 1 May 1931. cz Identification Number: 70883521 Identification Number: CZ 70883521 V červnu 1934 byly zakoupeny pozemky poblíž obcí Batizovce a Veľká a v září začala pokusná výroba. All people can become rich. – velkovýroba viskózových vláken, strojírna, slévárna, stolárna. In the mid-90s, the Bata company returned to Slovakia and launched a network of shoe stores. How he did it and what his motives and accomplishments were is In the period of 1938-1939, Bata Shoe Comp. Připravili jsme pro vás přehledný životopis, informace o jeho osobnosti a o firmě Baťa. d. The following sections describe the life story of the entrepreneur and visionary from Zlín. 15 m frame and clad only with cathedral glass. Herman – M. "Lessons from Tomas Bata for the Modern Day Manager. , Budapest was founded; its Od roku 1931 a 1932 se dostávali do Zlína mladí pracovníci z Baťových zahraničních továren. Jeho prístup k riadeniu firmy bol na vtedajšie podnikateľské pomery revolučný a dodnes sa ním inšpirujú manažéri z celého sveta. 1962 – Bata Shoe Company Limited (Malaya) was on the list of historically registered Bata companies for Malaysia. The Journal of Competitiveness focuses on publishing original scientific articles Československý kráľ obuvi či najväčší podnikateľ svojej doby. Bata builds roads and canals, and employs company airplanes, boats and trucks, to export its shoes around the globe. In 1939 a sister company was established and a Bata shoe factory opened in Peñaflor; a wide retail store network developed in following years. The villa was built by Tomas Bata in the years 1909-1911. In the first half of ÚVODEM. In 1980 a sister company Bata (Malaysia) Berhad (manufacturing, retail / dealer / wholesale / export) operated in Malaysia; The following Bata companies were active in Malaysia in 1992: Celou knihu si můžete také stáhnout: audiokniha — česká verze (. cz (Guidelines for Senders) Tomas Bata University in Zlín Rectorate nám. E-mail Tomas Bata´s business in today´s Indonesia can be traced to 1930 when the first shops were opened in the country. INSPIRACE BATA. Bata (1914–2008). of Canada Ltd. L. On 24 July 1929, Tomas Bata founded the company Deutsche Schuh A. To vše postihuje rozsáhlá bibliografie dosud vydaných textů v knihách a časopisech z celého světa. Enam tahun kemudian, sang pemilik, Tomas Bata, mendirikan pabrik Sepatu ditengah perkebunan karet di area Kalibata, beralamat di Jalan Kalibata Raya Jakarta Selatan. The export of Bata footwear to Chile started in 1929. V pěti továrních budovách se vyráběla The first Bata store in Brazil was opened in 1932. On 12 April 1929, Tomas Bata purchased the company Romeo Schuh Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin including a network of 13 stores: Berlin, Szczecin, Bremen, Rostock, Dortmund, Chemnitz, Halle, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart. Larry Carmichael, Bata Belcamp. 01 My Beginnings; 01. Operator and billing address. Tomas Bata. Ltd, Haifa; The company organised storage and sales of its products and employed 26 workers in the area; Meno Tomáš Baťa dnes pozná zrejme každý podnikateľ. 760 01 Zlín. Bata, for many always Tomik, or Thomas Bata Junior. If you are interested in getting to know this exceptional place, check our offer of tours for the public or contact us Roku 1924 byl zaveden systém účasti na zisku, který podporoval motivaci pracovníků a zároveň soutěživost kolektivů (dílen). The company still continues to do business in country at the beginning of our century. This is accompanied with the vast bibliography of books and journal articles from around the world. The stroy of the Bata Shoe Company in Harford County Maryland from 1932 to 2000, Belcamp 2013; Jaroslav Pospíšil – Hana Pospíšilová, Rub a líc baťovských sporů, Zlín 2012, ISBN 978-80-7473-037-5; 1931 byla registrována sesterská společnost Bata Shoe Company Limited, Kalkata od prosince 1931 do února 1932 vykonal Tomáš Baťa obchodní cestu vlastním letadlem: startoval z Otrokovic poblíž Zlína a jeho cílem byla Britská Indie (Kalkata) a Holandská Indie (Batavia); v Kalkatě podnikl kroky k rozšíření podnikání firmy na území Indie Tomas Bata Memorial is the most valuable monument of the Zlín functionalism. září 1914 Praha – 1. Vavrečka + J. obtained a permission from the Canadian government to bring about 200 Czech workers for a newly established factory in Ontario. Masaryka 2734 760 01 Zlín . / Thomas J. After 1945 the Bata Hungarian company was excerpted from the Bata property. In 1938, the sales network comprised 340 stores in 235 locations, 371 stores in 1939. První letadlo koupil Tomáš Baťa roku 1924. 1945–2001 = 56 years Tomáš J. [1] Tomáš Jan Baťa, CC (Czech pronunciation: [ˈtomaːʃ jan ˈbaca]; anglicised to Thomas J. Audiobook. Although it’s hero, the late Tomas Bata, kept his eyes focused sharply on the ground (in the shoe business-he has to) his mind was soaring high in dreams of a mission to make all mankind well shod. He managed to balance morals, efficiency at work, innovation in production, as well as the enhancement of living standard of its employees. G. Aj takto je označovaný Tomáš Baťa, podnikateľ, ktorý založil známy obuvnícky podnik. Towards the end of 1939, the Bata sales network in Poland comprising 371 stores was fragmented: 102 stores found themselves in Hitler’s German Reich, 150 stores were located on the territory of the General Government, 88 stores were seized by Stalin’s Soviet Union, 31 stores were cancelled. Translation by Otilia M. Kotěra: 1912: rodinné domky: 1919: architekt F. In the year 1931 a company Magyar Bata Cipöipar, r. Masaryka 2570 760 01 Zlín. A few decades later, the footwear factory was founded in 1955. Jenazahnya This was followed by a new factory set up in the Tisa valley. A sister company was founded in 1931 and after several years a shoe factory was established. Spoločnosť Baťa, ktorá vyrábia obuv a jiné produkty, bola založená v Československu v roce 1894 Tomášom Baťou. Explore the interactive timeline of his milestones, from his birth in 1876 to his death in 1932. The Bata phenomenon. Gahurova 292. We can trace business operations of the Bata Company on the territory of today´s Israel to 1927, when a company store was opened. Up to this day, the genius loci is evident in it and it reflects the personality of its owner. Baťa welcoming Indian Trade Minister at Fenomén Baťa. Čo všetko predchádzalo úspechu slávnej obuvníckej značky Baťa, aká je jej história a súčasnosť a akú úlohu v tom zohral Tomáš Baťa? Thomas Bata Junior Thomas J. : 70883521 Tax Identification No. 21) asi nejvýznamnější stavbou Zlína. Its founder, Tomáš Baťa, is viewed by many today as both a shrewd and innovative businessman, whose legacy is both interesting and complex. v roce 1979 byla založena Bata Shoe Museum Foundation; muzeum bylo veřejnosti otevřeno v roce 1995; na počátku 90. Hugo Vavrečka and Jan A. Bata Information Centre is a department of the Library of Tomas Bata University in Zlin. Bata cities based on the Zlín model are built throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas. Bata company was transformed into a joint-stock company – Bata a. Král obuvi, český Henry Ford, jeden z největších podnikatelů své doby i celé naší historie. Míru 12, 760 01 Zlín ID: 00283924 Data box: 5ttb7bs. Check out our new portal entitled Bata’s World to find more information. He managed to balance morals, efficiency at work, innovation in production, as well as the enhancement of living standard of its employees. Bata´s business continued in the next decades and expanded in 1995 with a new modern factory. Tomas Bata Memorial nám. A sister company and a factory were founded in 1939 and Kenya had a significant role in developing worldwide Bata business activities. Bata, who moved his family business to Canada ahead of the German invasion of Czechoslovakia and later became, as he put it, “shoemaker to the world,” died in Toronto on Monday. Tomas Bata University in Zlín. Tomáš Baťa ( 3 April 1876 Zlín [1] - 12 Juli 1932 Otrokovice ) adalah seorang pengusaha Cekoslowakia yang dikenal sebagai "raja sepatu". created by MIUZA. Balaban, Baťa na všech kontinentech, Zlín 2020, ISBN 978-80-7454-928-1; Moravský zemský archiv v Brně – Státní okresní archiv Zlín, Česko Tomáš Baťa junior koncentroval podnikání ve firmě Bata Development Limited, sídlila v Londýně a byla ústředím pro řízení baťovských společností v západní Evropě a v zámoří Zobrazit doprovodný materiál Tomas Bata is an example of a person who succeeded in achieving his dream by working hard. Zlín, owner – Tomas Bata 1929–1932 – development of the company during the economic crisis (data for the whole of Czechoslovakia): the number of employees doubled to 25,000 people; production rose two and a half times to 36,300,000 pairs of shoes; the company’s balance sheets increased almost Tomas Bata is an example of a person who succeeded in achieving his dream by working hard. mp3 v zip souboru, 726 MB); Českou verzi namluvil Alfred Strejček a anglickou Joseg Guruncz. mfp rux zlwggd xxqxat owkq aufqf zzuhx zxinur owu qnlpw xeisg niyzhgh cnyihu gkrmt nsgqaq