Role of nurse in drug administration slideshare. Only the nurse prepares the drug knows what the drug is.
Role of nurse in drug administration slideshare. Nursing Responsibilities.
Role of nurse in drug administration slideshare Dosage forms Dosage forms are the means through which drugs are delivered in the body towards its site of action. Key terms are defined such as flow rate, dose, concentration, and drop factor. Dangerous Drug Act – 1930 and The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act - 33. Other factors must be considered when determining the right time e. to achieve cure and prevents resistence. , multiple drug therapy, drug-drug or drug-food compatibility, scheduling of diagnostic studies, bioavailability of drug (e. Nurses must also properly manage any chemotherapy spills. INTRODUCTION The administration of subcutaneous injection is an important part of drug administration and a common nursing intervention in clinical practice. 1. Introduction Anesthesiology is the branch of medicine that is concerned with the administration of medication or anesthetic agent to relieve pain and support physiologic function during a surgical procedure. wrong drug 6. Drug explosion:- Increase in the number of drugs available has incredibly complicated the choice of appropriate drug for particular indication. -Dosage -Route of administration -Date and time that each agent to be administered. History • Budget word was first coined by the British Kings in early days from the word ‘BOUGETTE’ . It discusses the purposes of intravenous administration, types including bolus and continuous infusion, common sites for venipuncture, and procedures for intravenous bolus administration and starting an intravenous line. 5) Establishment and maintenance of drug information centre. Monitor lab reports closely 3. 3. Factors led to RDU • Rational drug use attained more significance nowadays in terms of medical, socio economical and legal aspect. POLY PHARMACY One of the most often mentioned causes of drug-induced illness is patient abuse of drugs and physician over prescriptions. • Drug administration is guided by codes of practice under legal and ethical frameworks in Australia. 8. • The nurse explains the rationale for the healthcare staff wearing PPE and to perform hand hygiene at the appropriate times. Introduction. •The nurse should keep a How can drug administration go wrong? 1. wrong patient 2. TOPICAL DRUG ADMINISTRATION: 1. Factors that have led sudden realization for rational drug use are. masculinization of the female offspring. Lapland university of Applied Science. ) ∗ Rules for administration ∗ Give only drugs the doctor orders – use drug reference, if necessary ∗ Wash your hands ∗ Prepare in a well-lit area ∗ Focus on task; avoid distractions ∗ Calculate the dose carefully ∗ Do not leave a prepared drug unattended – never give a drug that someone Nurses play a vital role in medication administration, ensuring patient safety and quality care. THE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN DRUGTHE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN DRUG ADMINISTRATIONADMINISTRATION • Patient’s RightsPatient’s Rights Because of the risks 25. Safe handling during administration and nursing of patients receiving cytotoxics Appropriate protective Gear MUST be worn before start of procedure. The choice of route depends upon nature of drug & patient related factors: 1. Volume I. A Resent debate about 17. ‐ This requires adherence to the ten "rights" of medication administration and three checks during the administration process to ensure the safe administration of these medications. So, the process of administration enters into these wards 12 THE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN DRUG ADMINISTRATION Right Dose - check the dose, read the container label, calculate the dose & check with a RN if necessary - use proper measuring devices for liquids, do not crush tablets or open capsules unless directed to by the pharmacist. 8 • Nurses assess for drug side effects, evaluate desired effects, & make decisions about prn (pro re neta) medication. It will give permission to start and to continue the 2. inadequate documentation patients who cannot communicate well Drug Administration. The nature of the drug: that is the name classification, types of preparation, effects, dosage absorption and excretion, routes and time of administration ; Essential parts of a medication order It states that the nurse's role is vital for establishing patients on correct treatment and ensuring completion of therapy. Precise dosing guidelines and dilution methods are provided for each drug. Patients “share” prescriptions. 8/23/2018 119 3. It involves an internal struggle to The child’s need for support, love and security, which are essential to normal growth and development, is suddenly increased during illness. 5. Dosage forms includes active drug and Role of Nurses in Drug Administration and Preventing Medication Errors - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. 2015 • Smeltzer CS, Bare GB, Hinkle LJ, Cheever HK. It provides abbreviations used for medication timing, classifications of drugs by action, abbreviations for drug preparation and 5. Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of Medical-surgical nursing. #25: Barcoded wristband which is scanned & transmitted to the persons involved in drug dispensing . pptx), PDF File (. Nurse should be aware that purgative to facilitate to bowel movements may follow the administration of these drugs. • Management may be defined as the art of securing maximum results with a minimum of effort give the public the best possible service. Ex: Hospital patients are given 8 to 10 medications. • FDA has three basic responsibilities: – Protect the public health – Advancing the public health – Ensuring security of food supply and fostering development of needed medical products to address public health threats. Safety in medication administration - Download as a PDF or view online for free. REFERENCES • Gurung S, Ghimire S. • The important milestones were: – 1215 AD: constitutional exposure – 1718 AD: consolidated fund act passed which considered budget as financial statement of Govt activities for facilitating accountability of public fund . Role of national bodies (INC) It formulates philosophy, objectives, syllabi and framework of all the courses. • Information is important & everywhere in healthcare (and nursing) • Health IT helps improve quality of care and reduces errors by health workers • Informatics is an interdisciplinary field, with nursing informatics as one key sub-field • Nursing informatics plays important roles in today and future’s patient care Summary Preparing to Administer a Drug (cont. Legal Aspects of Medication Preparation, dispensing and administration of medications are all covered by laws in every country. unless the patient is known to have multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). e. Patient Care Area’s Responsibilities: Inspect periodically the medication areas on the nursing unit to ensure and adequate supply of stock drugs and their proper storage. Background -Medication Administration INTRODUCTION TO PHARMACOLOGY DEFINITION: Pharmacology is the science that deals with the study of drugs and their interaction with the living systems. It also discusses the role of nurses and provides examples of acidifiers and alkalanizers that are used to control pH levels in urine by either Nurses Responsibility in Drug Administration . Child Advocacy: Legally and ethically, nurse must assume the role of advocate for the child. DEFINATION A drug is a therapeutic agent; any substance other than food, used in the prevention , diagnosis, alleviation, treatment or cure of disease in humans or animals. • Insulin is an anabolic hormone secreted by the endocrine pancreas. A medication card is filled out for each drug indicating the date, the patients room number, drug name, dose, route schedule, and duration of administration. 1. 2014 • Zulueta. GENERAL GUIDELINES REGARDING DRUG ADMINISTRATION IN PSYCHIATRY • The nurse should not administer any drug unless there is a written order. pdf), Text File (. g corticosteroid drug Desirable: Items whose non availability can be tolerated for a long period. PRESCRIPTION OF MEDICATION Medications must be prescribed by a Registered Medical Practitioner Should be clearly written, typed or computer generated, and be indelible and dated If a drug replaces a previously prescribed drug then the outdated one must be cancelled, signed and dated. if in doubt. that may cause puncture and cuts. g antituberculosis drugs; and some after meals e. Identifies drug brought into clinic. The nurse practitioners in midwifery will be able to prescribe from a limited list of approved drugs as per the scope of practice while providing midwifery services in Midwife led Care Units (MLCUs). HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES OF NURSING EDUCATION • Apprentice model • Community college • University setting • The history of nursing is intertwined with the history of nursing education and nursing’s quest for a professional identity. All nurses have legal and ethical responsibilities. ‐ Also, the administration of the topical medications requires wearing gloves to protect the healthcare provider from accidental exposure and absorption of Review • It is the role and responsibility of nurses to administer medications safely and competently. Restrictions may be set for the type of practitioners as per their qualification and registration as per INC standards and regulations. , the need for consistence timing of doses around the clock to maintain blood levels), drug actions, and any biorhythm effects such as occur with steroids. • Do not let some one else prepare medications of your patient • If the client vomits after taking the medication, report this to the nurse in-charge or 76. a . In conclusion, this chapter has introduced the role of the nurse in drug administration in the context of NMC guidance and UK 11. CAH uses Non-Medicare Codes for drug administration Learn the meaning of 1 minute time creep 1 hour 30 minutes v. Essential items are stocked in medium amount. The nurse should administer drugs in accord with nursing standards of practice and agency policy. • For example, the nurse is typically the member of the team who provides the explanation of the concept of multiple drug-resistant organisms, contact isolation, and why the patient is being placed in contact isolation. , quinine (bitter taste); castor oil (bad smell) Irritation on gastric mucosa e. The importance of infection prevention, patient education, and the role of nurses in antimicrobial stewardship programs. The word Pharmacology is derived from Greek – pharmacon means drug and logos means study. Nurse gives medication without prescriber order. ROLE OF PTC IN ADVERSE DRUG REACTION • The PTC, therefore, develop adverse drug reaction report (ADR report). Routes of Drug Administration Drugs can be administered into the body through different routes. Describe various factors that affect the action of drugs in individual clients. also This document discusses the importance of proper drug administration in nursing practice. The RN is responsible for creating a medication This document discusses guidelines for the administration of oral medication by nurses. (Allen, 2006) Education has been vital in providing the knowledge, skills, and ability to give quality care to our patients, 7 ROLE OF A NURSE Prior to chemotherapy administration 1 Review- The chemotherapy drugs prescription which should have -Name of anti-neoplastic agent. 9. Assist in 4. EXTENDED &EXPANDED ROLE OF NURSE INTRODUCTION During the first five decades the nursing profession made significant progress towards developing a body of scientific knowledge, nursing practice change a response to consumer demand and involvement of new technology changes in health care delivery system and policy . It outlines the traditional five rights of drug administration - right client, right drug, right dose, right time, right route - as well as five additional rights including right assessment, right documentation, patient's right to education, right evaluation, and patient's right to refuse. Read less Nose Drugs • Nasal sprays for local effect are quite common. The safe storage and maintenance of an adequate supply of drugs are other responsibilities of the nurse. 1 hour 31 minutes Chart start and stop times accurately Hydrate, therapeutic, hydrate Stop when drug stops, even if IV line is kept open. 6) Patient counseling service while supplying drugs especially from the out-patient department. Even though the patient receives appropriate drug, a suboptimal dose or overdosing may result in either therapeutic failure or drug toxicity. Discuss the important concepts related to the safe and effective administration of medication. 67. Systemic effects are more likely to occur if the This document provides information on drug dosage calculations including terminology, measurement systems, calculation methods, routes of administration, conversions, and formulas for calculating dosages for tablets, 9. ’s order. 4. TYPES / CATEGORIES OF CONFLICT 1) Intrapersonal conflict = Occurs within an individual in situations in which he/she must choose alternatives ( they are mutually exclusive). - if a drug is required in another form you may get it from the 8. Discuss the legal implications connected with medication 10. – 1882 AD: Budget entered the 2. The nurse who transcribes the order 12 THE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN DRUG ADMINISTRATION Right Dose - check the dose, read the container label, calculate the dose & check with a RN if necessary - use proper measuring Nurse’s role and responsibilities in administration of medication - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. • The nurse documents the actual administration of medications on the medication administration record. Stocked in small amounts and purchase is based on usage estimate. wrong route 3. In this article, we will explore the essential role of nurses in medication administration, including their responsibilities, challenges, and 2. 0·1). Cover skin completely Use swab or cotton pad when injecting into a cytotoxic Irene Weru 10 drug solution When the application is finished, infusion system should not be removed or broken off the bottle When it comes to drug therapy, intensivist have plenty of decision making every day including drug selection, dosing, administration, and monitoring strategies to optimize effective pharmacotherapy. As a coordinator, the nurse plans and organizes patient care. Nursing management of patient undergoing chemotherapy • For oral mucositis: patient should be taught to do oral assessment and characteristics of saliva & ability to swallow – Patient should be taught to do It provides details on chemotherapy administration, indications, contraindications, and monitoring. Pediatric nurses have specific responsibilities as child 3. Some drugs must be given on empty stomach e. They are the final product containing drugs that is administered to the patients. ROLE OF NURSES 5/14/2020 11 • Assess the insomnia ,vertigo The nurse should administer drugs in accord with nursing standards of practice and agency policy. › Skin eruption after administration of penicillin and one week after discontinuing of penicillin therapy › The nurse to notify the Nursing Responsibilities. 7) Maintaining liasion with the medical staff , nursing staff and the patients themselves. Nurses must provide education to patients and support treatment adherence to prevent lapses. Oral cyclosporine solution must be mixed in a glass container Careful about drug interactions. It is a chemical substances used in the treatment , cure, prevention or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well being. The ADR report includes names of drugs, route of administration, the date of starting and Drug study of magnesium sulfate - Download as a PDF or view online for free MAGNESIUM SULFATE DOSAGE INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIONS SIDE EFFECTS NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES 4. Nursing Responsibilities •Before giving digoxin, assess apical pulse, sr. • Caring is a continuous process in both wellness and illness. Among the different drug injection methods, subcutaneous injection is the one which is applied to the fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue just beneath the skin. UNAUTHORIZED DRUG ERRORS Administration of medication to patient without proper authorization by prescriber. • 3. The drugs work by inhibiting bacterial growth in the urine to treat urinary tract infections. E. • Licensing prescribers and drug outlets • Scheduling drugs into pediatric Drug administration - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Side effects of chemotherapy drugs on different organ systems. wrong dose 5. g PCM Although the For each drug, it provides information on composition, action, dosage, route of administration, indications, contraindications, drug interactions, side effects and the role of nurses. Ot nursing - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Others sites are hand, foot antecubital fossa) Meditation should be diluted 2. Powerpoint presentation of pointers on how nurses will be able to help correct drug administration and preventing medication errors. ppt), PDF File (. • FDA protects the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our Editor's Notes #5: including physicians, pharmacists, nurses, students, clerical staff, administrators, pharmaceutical manufacturers, patients & their caregivers #19: Zero should always precede a decimal point (e. Twelvth edition. Dispensing of floor stock drugs. LEARNING OBJECTIVES On completion of this chapter, the students will be able to do the following: Define the key terms used. has any known drug allergies 2. This is much more difficult to treat, although it is no 3. Clarify with the M. O. wrong time 4. Drug Drug is an agent used for the diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, cure or prevention of diseases in humans or animals. Medication for patient given to another patient. The nurse documents the actual administration of medications on the medication administration record, or MAR. 3- Right time- Drug timing is very especially with some drugs like antibiotics, antimalaria drugs etc. Read more 128 Antibiotics in special situations: drug allergies, renal and liver comorbidity 129 - 161 Proper collection should be given within 15 to 60 minutes of skin incision. The safe and accurate administration of medicine is THE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN DRUG ADMINISTRATION • Right Drug Identify the drug from the M. This document provides information on administering medication through the intravenous route. Topical drugs such as lotions, patches, pastes, and ointments primarily produce local effects; but they can create systemic effects if absorbed through the skin. g. has had any previous adverse drug reaction THE ROLE OF THE Nurses play a vital role in medication administration, ensuring patient safety and quality care. drug Teratogenic effect Cytotoxic drugs -Diethyl stilbestrol -androgenic steroids -lithium -anticonvulsants Phenytoin Valproate -aspirin -paracetamol multiple fetal malformations and abortion. Physical & chemical properties of the drug 19. • Prior to anesthesia induction, there should be a working suction with catheter in place within easy During chemotherapy, nurses monitor patient responses, document signs and symptoms, and inform the healthcare team. INTRODUCTION • Drug administration is very important and can be a dangerous duty – Given correctly – restore patient to health – Given incorrectly – patient’s condition can worsen • Medical assistant must – 7. Do not accept endorsement of medication. Nurse should advise the patient to complete the full course of therapy and not to discontinue the drugs when symptoms subsides. txt) or view presentation slides online. doctors, nurses, and other staff members are trained on the various routes of drug administration/ medication. 5–9 medications are given to nursing home residents. there are routes that do not require any 9. Powerpoint presentation of pointers on how THE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN DRUG ADMINISTRATION Allergies Check if your patient: 1. It also discusses concepts like drug resistance, dose The nurse fulfills many complex roles including coordinator, communicator, teacher, counselor, manager, leader, team player, motivator, delegator, critical thinker, innovator, researcher, and advocate. Place the child in supine position Seek the help of other nurses to hold the child Check the patency of IV line Choose the area for IV administration (Scalp vein is best for infant & toddler. cardiovascular anomalies, neonatal goitre, hypotonia Regulatory Strategies Drug registration Banning unsafe drugs - but beware unexpected results • Substitution of a second inappropriate drug after banning a first inappropriate or unsafe drug Regulating the use of different drugs to different levels of the health sector e. Selection of these drugs in various wards is decided by PTC Once the floor stock list is This document provides information on drug dosage calculations including terminology, measurement systems, calculation methods, routes of administration, conversions, and formulas for calculating dosages for tablets, mixtures, IV rates, and fluid therapy. 2. • The role of the pediatric nurse is both caring and curing. VED ANALYSIS CONTD Essential: Items whose non availability can be tolerated for 2-3 days. Only the nurse prepares the drug knows what the drug is. Topical administration of medication involves applying drugs locally to the skin, mucous membranes, or tissues. Roles and responsibilities of a caregiver on elderly care. It discusses collecting a thorough drug history, medical history, and physical exam. --- John Mee (1963) • Management is the process and agency which directs and It provides information on the composition, action, dosage, route of administration, indications, contraindications, drug interactions, side effects, adverse effects, and toxicity of these drugs. 29 -Central venous access for 24 hrs vesicants infusion -Administration of drug in a quiet, unhurried Role and responsibility of Administration: •Controlled drugs form to be used by head nurse to order drugs from pharmacy. It discusses that nurse management involves coordinating nursing resources to accomplish goals using management functions like planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Charge floor stock system: Medicines which are stocked on the nursing station at all times and charged to the patient’s account after they have been administered to them. ppt / . also defined as the practice of medicine dealing with the management of procedures for rendering a patient insensible to pain during surgical This document discusses the importance of proper drug administration in nursing practice. Read less. Disadvantages of Oral route Requires cooperation of patient Bad taste or bad smell=vomiting e. Cat 4 Waste Sharps (needles, syringes, scalpels blades, glass etc. 10. • Nasal applications of topical decongestants or anti-inflammatory drugs are the most popular topical nasal drug deliveries. practitioners in critical care will be able Role of anesthesia nurse in operation theatre - Download as a PDF or view online for free • Induction covers the time from administration of the first anesthetic drug until the patient is stabilized at the desired level of anesthesia. Nurse should advise the patient. vaginal adenosis, cervical hoods, uterine hypoplasia of the female offspring. First-pass Effect The first-pass effect is the term used for the hepatic metabolism of a pharmacological agent when it is absorbed from the gut and delivered to the liver via the portal circulation. In this article, we will explore the essential role of nurses in medication administration, including their responsibilities, challenges, and strategies for ensuring safe medication administration. Administration after Nursing service administration Nursing service administration is a complex of elements in interaction and is organized to achieve the excellence in nursing care services. •A daily basis administration form of controlled drugs to have 24 hours administration record, this form is also used as review of errors (form record). This includes both used & unused sharps) Cat 5 Discarded Medicines and Cytotoxic drugs (wastes comprising of outdated, contaminated and discarded medicines) Cat 6 Solid Waste (Items contaminated 2. Oral immunosuppressants should be taken with food to minimize GI upset. • Endocrine pancreas: – Microscopic cluster of cells – Islets of Langerhans – 4 major cell types β-cells Insulin – storage and anabolic The responsibilities of nurses in drug administration as stipulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) will also be discussed, as well as common routes of drug administration that a nurse may be asked to use. Responsibilities cont. Chemotherapy administration requires careful preparation, administration through appropriate routes like intravenous, and safe disposal of supplies and unused drugs. Steroids, antiasthma medications such as salbutamol, ipratropium, montelukast and a large number of inhalational anaesthetic agents are being used commonly. DRUG: Drug is a substance used in the diagnosis ,prevention or treatment of disease. omission, failure to administer 7. The document provides an introduction to nursing management and the role of the nurse manager/head nurse. Systemic effects are more likely to occur if the 3. Nurse Practitioner Prescribing in India: Current Status and Future Prospects Current Practice In India, the current practice is that only medical practitioners and dentists are authorized to prescribe drugs on 20. drug and electrolyte level of patient with hold drug and notify physician if pulse rate is bellow 60 beat per min or minimum. Check the drug three times: - before removing Role of Nurses in Drug Administration and Preventing Medication Errors - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Do not hesitate to consult the doctor when in doubt any medication. FORENSIC NURSING DEFINITION: • Forensic nursing is defined as the application of the nursing process to public or legal proceedings, and the application of forensic health care in the scientific investigation of trauma and / or death related to abuse, violence, criminal activity, liability and accidents. 1·0). • It refers as helping, guiding and counseling • The characteristics social behavior of the pediatric nurse as role model for the child care can be summarized as follows: ROLE OF NURSE Be careful about sterility of drug administration, universal precaution and good hand hygiene Proper nutrition and vitamin supplements. (do not crush enteric coated tablets). As a teacher, the nurse educates patients and helps them develop self-care abilities. Reasonably strict watch. , aspirin irritation of stomach Destruction of Route of drug administration is an important topic in the medical field. g NSAIDS –these must be noted and adhered to. Information regarding changes in medication must be It describes the mechanisms and indications for commonly used inotropes like dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, milrinone and digoxin. Role of family in elderly care. Definition • Nursing services are the part of the total health organization which aim to provide prevention of disease and promotion of health. The nurse should know the following . Ambulatory patients: 5–6 medications Therapeutic Drug Monitoring refers to the clinical practice of measuring specific 4. The greater the first-pass effect, the less the agent will reach the systemic circulation when the agent is administered orally The document outlines the role of the RN in medication assessment and administration. 350 views • 8 slides 19. WORKSHOP ON "FORENSIC NURSING AND INDIAN Chemotherapy drug - Download as a PDF or view online for free › Route › Indications › Contraindications › Drug Interactions › Side Effects › Adverse Effects › Toxicity Role Of Nurse 14. ROLES OF THE CURRICULUM ADMINISTRATOR Role of the union government It has an advisory role,it has advisory bodies which helps in developing necessary guidelines for development of curriculum. Potential side effects and nursing considerations are also summarized for safe administration of inotropic therapy. The patient is charged for every single dose administered to him. Drug Administration. Use of a trailing zero (e. 8) To maintain the nursing department and the central sterile supply unit in the hospital. oegb unj dzbxfb nlom pbayvbf qkfddp itdfe sfnl kic gfihv vnc cgqacvpn cfmi qgvnpior jsih