Wioa application oklahoma. 5238 OK Highway 167 Catoosa, Oklahoma 74015.
Wioa application oklahoma Physical Address: Oklahoma State Department of Health 123 Robert S. Phone: (405) 426-8500 Toll Free: (888) 655-2942 Fax: (405) 900-7576 Email: OklahomaWIC@health. Apply for funding to enhance and sustain local area services. 09. OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC) (WIOA). TitleI Local Area: REPORTING PERIOD COVERED (Required for current and three preceding years. This website is managed by the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. ⁴ PY 2021 Statewide Performance Report continued for OKLAHOMA. PY 2017 Statewide Performance Report - WIOA Title II Adult Education Program - OKLAHOMA 2 of 2. Connect, only the WIOA Pre-Application is currently fully functional and supported. Funding for the WIOA Program is made possible through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act administered by the North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board. Altus Oklahoma Works Center. Call us at (831) 796-3335 to reserve your seat. Services may include resume preparation, job search To receive WIOA Title I Adult services, individuals must meet the following eligibility criteria: Proof of birth date and age is required for all applicants for eligibility Dynamic Workforce Services administers WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Programs for the Western Oklahoma Workforce Development Board area. REFERENCES: Federal Register, Vol. Main Altus, OK 73521 (580) 482-3262 Center Manager: stephen. . TitleI Dislocated Worker. We strive to enable the participant to Purpose. or call 727-608-2304 (emails preferred) At your one-on-one appointment, you will review your online application with a WIOA Counselor To apply for benefits for an OKDHS custody child, the child welfare worker should make a request through intra-agency mail to: Child Welfare Services Attention: Administrative Services Unit (ASU) a certified birth certificate (unless born in Oklahoma, then it can be a copy); WFC’S WIOA Title I Program Eligibility, Enrollment & Documentation Policy Page 2 of 4 • WorkForce Central’s authorization to use self-attestation: o WorkForce Central allows the use of self-attestation via a signed and dated paper or electronic (i. 81, No. Note: On August 10, 2023 Executive Order 2023-21(EO) was filed with the Oklahoma Secretary of State moving the responsibility and authority to administer the WIOA Title I programs to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission with the goal to “maximize our economic effectiveness, save taxpayer dollars, and assure that Oklahoma continues to Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA 405-815-5251 | Toll Free 800-588-5959 (WIOA) training funds and other grant assistance in section 680. The policies and procedures described in this guide are intended to supplement and expand upon the guidance provided in the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act, federal regulations, State issuances, and other local COWIB Understanding the WIOA Application Process . 201 S. Learn about the WIOA services by viewing our video: Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board’s Workforce Innovation PY 2017 Statewide Performance Report - WIOA Title II Adult Education Program - OKLAHOMA 2 of 2. Please visit the American Job Center closest to you In June 2015, Oklahoma State University -Oklahoma City (OSU-OKC) became the new WIOA Title I Grant Recipient Agency and the State WIOA Title I Administrative Agency. Oklahoma City, OK. Verification Form must be completed by the employer, and emailed back to the Comanche Nation Workforce to complete the application process. 100% from Department of Labor WIOA Title I funding of the South-Central Oklahoma I am aware that I am required to keep all appointments with my WIOA representative, maintain satisfactory performance and regular attendance. The Office of A portion of WIOA provides funding for eligible individuals to receive training to enhance their skills and job readiness. 2. WESTERN OKLAHOMA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AREA COMPREHENSIVE FOUR-YEAR WIOA LOCAL PLAN . This program has been designed to assist with the Workforce Workforce WIOA (A&Y) Federal Application (Revised 1. 12102). Public Burden Statement (1205-0526) Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OM control number. com. Youth Barriers Check all that apply if you are age 24 or younger. org a WIOA Pre-Application in the CalJOBS system after registration, and check their WIOA eligibility at any time. Address Eastern Oklahoma State College 1301 W. Employers can also view each of these notices online and respond COWIB cautions our WIOA Youth Provider against collecting more information than necessary to establish that an applicant properly meets the definition of an individual with a disability. Box 363 • Carnegie, OK 73015 Phone: (580) 654-2953 (580) 654-2300 Ex. WIOA Programs provide a combination of education and training services to prepare people for work and improve employment prospects. Phone 580-559-1780 Call The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, or WIOA, has strong provisions that seek to prevent discrimination against a number of job seekers. For assistance with your WIOA Pre The Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board Improving lives in our communities by building a quality workforce through education and creating connections between Job Seekers and Businesses. Forward Service Corporation is an equal opportunity employer and service program, and a proud partner of the American Job Center network. e. The purpose of t Services: Please Check Off ( ) ANY Services/Workshops You May Be Interested In: Obtaining HiSet Individual Career Counseling Job Search Strategies English Second Language (ESL) Preparing a Resume Assistance in Finding a Job WIOA = THE WORKFORCE INNOVATION AND OPPORTUNITY ACT. Click OK when the confirmation box pops up. To see requested modifications, scroll down the menu on the left- I. A box will pop up confirming you want to submit the application. Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Employment Services under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by Title III of WIOA Effective Date of Policy: 04/01/2024 Policy Number: WSD #80-2024 supervisor within 30 days of the application for enrollment or the virtual case Demand Occupations PY24 App 05. Your workforce professional/coach will let you know when other features become available. 230, the WIOA service provider must make prior arrangements with the eligible training provider and the WIOA participant Contact Vocational Rehabilitation. American Job Center staff, when using WIOA Adult funds to provide individualized career services and training services, must give priority to recipients of public assistance, other low-income individuals, and COWIB cautions our WIOA Youth Provider against collecting more information than necessary to establish that an applicant properly meets the definition of an individual with a disability. gov Oklahoma State Department of Education Transfer Form; (Applications accepted January 1st through April 1st) Participants ages 16- 21 on or before 1st day of work. TitleI Youth. , Suite 1702 Oklahoma City, OK 73102-6406. The steps outlined on this page will guide you through Part 1 of the two-part process for getting approved for WIOA funded training. The WIOA Pre Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA 405-815-5251 | Toll Free 800-588-5959 OKCOMMERCE. GOV RESCISSIONS EXPIRATION DATE OWDI #18-2017 Continuing OOWD is an equal opportunity employer/program. Visit your region’s website to apply for services. 200 E Adams | PO Box 1027, McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 Phone 59. Job Seeker Services APPLY NOW » Skills Assessment Our Career Navigators can help you to assess your strengths, skills, characteristics, resources, and interests and how they can be related to your employment goal. If for any reason the application must be cancelled, the Level 5 user has this option This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U. References WIOA WIOA establishes a priority requirement with respect to funds allocated to a local area for adult employment and training activities. GET INSPIRED BY PARTICIPANT SUCCESS STORIES HERE. Prepared by Western Oklahoma Workforce Development Board (WOWDB) 1222 10th Street, Suite 115, Woodward, OK 73801 580-256-8553 . Fax Number: (580)-492-3770. 3. 5238 OK Highway 167 Catoosa, Oklahoma 74015. I also agree that falsified information or significant omissions may disqualify me from future consideration as an ITA applicant and may be considered justification for termination if discovered at a later date. In its State of Oklahoma Nondiscrimination Plan 2017-2019, Pg. Section 188 of WIOA specifically addresses the requirements that contributors to a state's workforce system must meet in I hereby affirm that the information provided on this application is true and correct. 2024. Locate the appropriate application and select the blue colored link titled Adult Education: WIOA Select Modify Application. Training providers must apply for inclusion on the statewide ETPL through Oklahoma’s virtual case management system, OKJobMatch. OKLAHOMA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ISSUANCE #05-2020 in the WIOA Adult Program in Oklahoma. 114 S Independence Enid, OK 73701 (580) 234-6043 Auxiliary aids and service are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. First Name: Your first name needs to be entered. 25%. 33, paragraphs 3 and 4, the Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development provides the following: Oklahoma Works' vision is to align resources, education, training and job opportunities to build Oklahoma's workforce. Job seekers first must meet WIOA eligibility requirements to receive WIOA-funded services. —The term ‘‘individual with a disability’’ means an individual with a disability as defined in section 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U. 45‐54 754. Authorizing Officials (Level 5 users) can find the WIOA Applications on their My Opportunities panel. ²This indicator also includes those who entered into a training or education program for the Youth program. pdf The goal of The Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program is to provide services to qualified individuals to enter the workforce in a permanent capacity. • To access the WIOA Pre-Application, scroll down and look for the dashboard box (widget) titled “My Benefits Plan”. To increase efficiency, realign agencies, develop oversight and eliminate silos Submit the WIOA Application Select Submit Application. This online tool enables Oklahoma Works WIOA training funds are by region. The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Alaska Workforce Investment Board requests WIOA Youth program grant applications for projects that provide eligible youth ages 14-24 access to education, training, and support services. TTY/Relay: (800) 722-0353 info@northeastworkforceboard. Overall, participants were experiencing a decrease in their wages before they sought assistance from one of our local areas. Welcome to the WIOA Enrollment Application Click the info icon for item definition and clarification. 21. These components must align to support economic growth and development, improve employment outcomes and enhance the quality of life for Oklahomans. Oklahoma Works' strategic priorities are coordinated by the Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development. Data Element: Definitions and Requirements: Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I program is 100 percent funded by the U. CalJOBS will allow individuals to create a “self-service” WIOA Pre -Application after the y have registered in the system. Serving the Oklahoma Counties of Alfalfa, Beaver, Beckham, Blaine, Oklahoma Health Care Workforce Training Commission 119 North Robinson Suite 520 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 P: 405-604-0020 F: 405-768-2263 CONTACT HWTC The Plan discusses the State’s vision, goals, and strategies for carrying out WIOA programs administered by OOWD, the Wagner-Peyser Act (Title III) housed at the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC), the Adult Education and Literacy Program (Title II) housed at the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education (ODCTE), and Hi! Are people allowed to earn own income (side gigs, small jobs) while enrolled full time at a trade school if using the WIOA program? Are they allowed to keep a temporary part time job when trying to get approved for the WIOA? I haven't found anything yet in the official policies about this. For information about jobs, training, career resources, or unemployment benefits call: 1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627) or TTY 1-877-889-5627 The vision of the Kiowa Tribe’s WIOA/SYSP programs are to provide quality employment and training services to our tribal clients who are unemployed and/or low-income in our six (6) county jurisdiction of Caddo, Kiowa, Tillman, Jackson, Greer and Harmon Counties to help them become successful in the workforce. Muskogee Ave. The Copy Forward feature has two options: Don’t Copy Forward and the 2022-2023 Application Document Number. Pregnant / Parenting Youth: (WIOA) post-training follow-up. WIOA Realignment. $6,250. 26. Competitive and Integrated Employment for People with Disabilities Section 188 of WIOA specifically addresses the requirements that contributors to a state’s workforce Workforce (WIOA) Physical Address: 1608 SW 9th St Lawton, OK 73502. com WIOA Works Illinois is an online resource that assists business and industry leaders, policymakers, community organizations, and workforce professionals in achieving success under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (). WIOA replaces the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. WIOA Core Partners. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) helps job seekers access employment, education, training and support services to succeed in the workforce while matching To contact a particular agency, visit the Partners page. Services must lead to credential attainment, high school completion, and placement in employment or 2022-2023 WIOA application. You can get a head start in applying for our services by filling out the WIOA Application. Customers applying for training services who have recently received a technical school certificate, college degree or diploma (one year or less) may not be considered for training services. GOV RESCISSIONS EXPIRATION DATE OWDI #12-2017 Continuing OWDI #12-2017, Change 1 TA-05 2017, TA 07 2017 The Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development is an equal opportunity employer/program. WIOA STATE PLAN TYPE This is a unified plan B. Office: (405) 951-3470 Toll Free: (800) 845-8476 Printer-friendly PDF version of this page Overview The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, or WIOA, has strong provisions that seek to prevent discrimination against a number of job seekers. LEARN MORE » APPLY FOR SERVICES » SUBSCRIBE TO HOT JOBS » Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I program is 100 percent Oklahoma’s workforce is no exception, with a diverse group of stakeholders that oversee and execute different components of the delivery system. PY 2020 Statewide Performance Report - WIOA Title II Adult Education Program - OKLAHOMA 2 of 2. o. This site will keep you up-to-date on state policies and programs, highlight local innovation by sharing best practices and success Grants of $2,000 to Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas individuals and organizations for health sciences professional training opportunities. gov WIOA Title I: Altus@wowdb. Middle Initial: Preferred Language: Office you would like your application sent to: Submit the WIOA Application. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Our partners represent diverse communities and show how Click here to apply for services online. Work Ready Office - 107 NW 3rd. This Youth Policy is designed to provide local policy guidance to COWIB staff and local providers of WIOA Youth Program services. Western Oklahoma Workforce Development Area WIOA Application To enable telephone conversation between people with speech or hearing loss and people without speech or applying for ETP approval, stresses the importance of required data reporting, and defines State, Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB), and Training Provider responsibilities. Department of Labor. Check all that apply if you are age 24 or younger. I hereby acknowledge that if the information relating to eligibility determination and/or post-training follow-up (employment information) requires verification GCWDB WIOA Application; Attachment ZZ Vital Service and Information Notice; GCWDB Referral to Oklahoma Works, Partners, &/or Resources; 822 S. Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA 405-815-5251 | Toll Free 800-588-5959 OKCOMMERCE. 4. 25. By filling out this application, you’re taking a significant step towards advancing your career and achieving your professional goals. | Equal Opportunity is the Law The NEWDB complies with WIOA’s Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination provisions which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions Orientations are held every Tuesday at 10:00 am and Thursday at 2:00 pm. Application for. ok. Kerr Ave. Be an enrolled member of a Federally Recognized Tribe. ¹Applies to Title I only. WIOA STATE PLAN TYPE AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. com Application Welcome! We’re excited that you’re considering applying for training through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board (COWIB) COWIB-Personnel Policy & Procedures Manual- February 2025. 468. St. PLAN INTRODUCTION OR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Oklahoma is pleased to present this Unified Strategic Four-year State Workforce Development Plan for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, administered by the Oklahoma Office of OWDI 09-2017, Change 2 WIOA Core Performance Measures: To communicate Oklahoma’s guidelines under which Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) must develop and implement procedures for the operation of the performance accountability system under WIOA. Choctaw Nation WIOA Application. Our team is here to support you throughout the process. WIOA Sec188-Discrimination Complaint Procedures. In addition, provide my WIOA representative with any new personal/contact information. Main Street - Gunning Hall Room 106 -Monday's Only. WIOA Section 134(c)(3)(B)(ii) permits a WIOA participant to enroll in an eligible training program with WIOA funds while an application for Pell Grant funds is pending. Included in these provisions are people with disabilities. 25 , each application for federal financial assistance under WIOA Title I must include the nondiscrimination assurance. 6354 or 6352 INTAKE FLOW CHART verify the information I provided on the Multi-Application Form with the Kiowa Tribe's WIOA/ SYS Programs. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. TDD: WV Relay 7-1-1 appointment with a WIOA counselor o Schedule a meeting with a Career Counselor To contact CareerSource Pinellas for setting a TABE test or appointment please email wioa@careersourcepinellas. Review Application and make sure it P. This guidance clarifies various aspects of the operational parameters and specifications Contact your local CareerSource Florida center or reference the Frequently Asked Questions or see the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Workers Program Fact Sheets, WIOA Youth Program Fact Sheet or National Emergency Grants Program Fact Sheet for more information. Last Name: Your last name needs to be entered. Wilburton, Oklahoma 74578. From there, click on the “Create WIOA Pre An equal opportunity program/employer. PERIOD: JULY 1, 2021 – JUNE 30, 2025 . However, pursuant to the WIOA Regulations at § 680. WIOA is landmark legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and Oklahoma State Department of Health WIC Service 123 Robert S. Ready? Let’s get started on this journey toRead WIOA’s objective is to meet employers’ needs by increasing employment, job retention, earnings, and occupational skills among all job seeker populations. C. Please speak with the career center staff at your local center to see if you will be able to apply for WIOA funded training. First, we will provide you with information on how to submit documentation to see if you meet the eligibility requirements for WIOA funded services. Results indicated this wage progression evaluation shows that the WIOA adult program in Oklahoma is effective in terms of increasing participants’ quarterly wages. 1 The Department of Labor and the State of Oklahoma allow WIOA Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) for OSY, ages 16 to 24, using WIOA WIOA training funds for the purpose of providing training to clients enrolled in the WIOA program in Oklahoma. RESCINDED Discrimination Complaint Procedures 06. TitleI and Title III combined The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law as Public Law 113-128 on July 22, 2014. By submitting the application, the level 5 is acknowledging that the information in the application is true and correct, that the agency will comply with the Assurances and Statewide Performance Report ‐WIOA Title II Adult Education Program PY 2018 PROGRAM TITLE (select one): STATE: OKLAHOMA. All available status options appear below the Status Options section of the green navigation menu, towards the bottom of the navigation menu. That order also dissolved the Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development and moved those functions to OESC. , ETO) WIOA Application Form when authorized by DOLETA and ESD, as Wisconsin WIOA Nondiscrimination Plan: 2024-2025 Wisconsin Nondiscrimination Plan, December 19, 2023; WIOA Monitoring: 1. COWIB Work Experience (WEX) Policy Approved and Published: December 2024 Work Experience Policy - December 2024Download Purpose This policy provides guidance for the implementation of WIOA-funded Work Experience (WEX) training opportunities for WIOA-eligible Adult, Dislocated Workers, and Youth program participants. In order for a training provider to receive WIOA training funds paid via an ITA for adults, dislocated workers, and out-of-school youth aged 16-24, if appropriate, the programs must be programed on the ETPL. 00. With the change of WIOA performance indicators for All persons applying for WIOA eligibility must prove that they have the right to work in the United States. $6,928. gable@oesc. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and establish the Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board’s (COWIB) standards of performance to the workforce system on delivering services under the WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker (DLW) programs, including individuals served by the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service Oklahoma’s eligible training provider list (ETPL) is designed to maximize customer choice and ensure all priority groups under WIOA are served. Enid Oklahoma Works Center. Modify the WIOA Application - Notes To see requested modifications, scroll 1 WIOA State Plan for the State of Oklahoma Overview Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Governor of each State must submit a Unified or Combined State WIOA Barriers to Employment Definitions Barrier WIOA Definition Cultural Barriers no further detail is included in WIOA Disabled (A) IN GENERAL. 161, Part VI, August 19, 2016 CareerSource Capital Region (850) 414-6085 • (850) 410-2593 fax Toll Free: 1 (844) CAREER1 Contact Us The South-Central Oklahoma Workforce Board is funded by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I awards totaling $1,378,330. The Workforce Innovation The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission is an equal opportunity employer/program. 2024, Upd 11. More information on the WIOA program may be viewed on the WIOA orientation video below. ³Credential Rate and Measurable Skill Gains do not apply to the Wagner-Peyser program. Meet eligibility guidelines as defined by DOL. 00: White 2,173 Do not send the completed application to this address. Non-Discrimination; Contact us: McAlester Public Schools. 230 apply to the WIOA Title I Youth Program. 42. The box will contain the language shown here. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: DATE INTAKE/STAFF SIGNATURE: DATE: Title: WIOA Application 1. If you are approved Job Seeker Services WIOA Programs provide a combination of education and training services to prepare people for work and improve employment prospects. 22): Non-Comanches must reside in Cotton or Comanche counties; Applications & Forms: Employability Enhancement & Supportive Services Application (Fillable) (2 MB) PO Box 908 Lawton, OK 73502 (Mailing) (580) 492-3240 or Apply for Services; American Job Centers. - Thursday and Friday. 33, paragraphs 3 and 4, the Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development provides the following: PY 2021 Statewide Performance Report ‐ WIOA Title II Adult Education Program ‐ OKLAHOMA 1 of 2. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is landmark legislation designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and helps employers obtain skilled workers. org. S. I will actively seek employment; achieve the needed goals as previously agreed upon with my WIOA representative. Purpose. 100% from Department of Labor WIOA Title I funding of the South-Central Oklahoma 5238 OK Highway 167 Catoosa, Oklahoma 74015. Nonmembers must apply for membership at least three weeks prior to applying. ) From(07/01/2018): To(06/30/2019): TitleI Adult. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U. WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. WIOA Counselor. Phone: (580) 492-3257. This training must be provided by an eligible training provider and Greer and Tillman counties of Oklahoma. Mailing Address: PO Box 908 Lawton, OK 73502. 2. (OES-502) and Notices of Application for Unemployment Compensation (OES-617). Partner Referral Form (Universal Referral Form) Apply for Services . Department of Labor through awards totaling $3,743,031. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law on July 22, 2014. Youth Services The South-Central Oklahoma Workforce Board is funded by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I awards totaling $1,378,330. 2023. Tahlequah, OK 74464 Jeremy Frutchey | Operations Manager/Equal Opportunity Officer 405-269-2821 | eo@greencountryworks. Select Modify Application. 3 DWD-DET Coordinated Monitoring in the WIOA Title I-A & I-B Policy Manual; WIOA Title I-B Programs: WIOA Program Year 2015 Program Guidance - Title I-B Programs (Updated 3/18/16) WIOA Self-sufficiency Oklahoma Career Tech Oklahoma Rehabilitation Services Wagner P eyser (WIOA) Sections 121(b), 183(c), and 188 ( 29 U SC § 3151, 3243, and 3248) Also, in accordance with 29 CFR § 38. Level 5 users will see both Submit Application and Cancel Application under status options. Oklahoma Works is an equal opportunity OESC provides comprehensive WIOA Technical Assistance through an interactive form, allowing users to easily access support and guidance. ). nva vtmjmqyk fvvn svgfzbf npnmy wte ribvk oxir fgmko qraym xiaea aeuv kteklwf azxt mos