Using prazipro in display tank I do a 25% water change after 72 hours and add carbon until day 7. Is there a schedule for more frequent dosing? 1. 5mg/L. Are you looking at using Prazipro, or do you have praziquantel powder? I'd treat for 70 gallons, figuring the sump is half full and the tank probably has 15 to 20% rocks by volume. Messages 455. Nov 5, 2016 (though I've never lost one when using prazipro) and I believe there is a risk to bristle worms. I plan a qt for a month I got my fish form lfs but it was unexpected so that is why I have a emergency qt . To account for rock displacement I heard that taking off 15% is a good rule of thumb. PraziPro is regarded as a very safe med to use. What is everyone's take on treating a mixed reef DT with prazipro? The display has LPS, softie, and Im planning on treating my 75 gallon reef tank with prazipro next week once I get my qt tank ready for my xenia and gsp,from what I have gathered from various forums those If your tank is to loaded, you can break the dose in two. Prazipro or Herbtana use in the reef tank Reef Fishes Reef Central Online Community > Marine Fish Forums > Reef Fishes: Prazipro or Herbtana use in the reef tank User Name Ugh, I may have to prazi my display. And you're doing that because warmer temps aren't working and your fish store recommended it. JoJosReef said: @Jay Hemdal I was also wondering if there is an updated protocol for display treatment of Prazipro, regarding degradation. They are harmless. Jul 4, 2019 #3 OP . Jun 22, 2014 #4 TruRacr314x Well-Known Member View Badges. I'm also using it to prevent the remaining fish from being infected. During treatment slightly higher output to help gas exchange. Jun 10, 2019 #12 William Lewis New You're correct - using prazipro on a tank with a bacterial bloom will just increase the chance of a problem. No skimmer. I'll keep the herbtana just in case. Tags worms. Prazipro is I am about to dose my display tank, I know it is recomended to reduce the dose by 15% to make up for rock displacement. My Tank Thread. Just age the media in your display tank before using in the QT. I now know it was flukes. Are multiple WCs in order? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Alternatively , prazi pro could be used concurrently with a tank transfer method but you'd use a lot as tank water is changed every 3 days Prazipro can also be used after after tank transfer . I dosed my display tank that only has 2 tangs in it currently with no corals or inverts. chemicals stress fish, and who knows if they are really working. If you are looking to find other ways to get around ICH without the copper (which copper is much more harsh on the fish) the tank transfer method is a great option for which PraziPro can be implemented with. Optionally, introduce an ammonia-neutralizing product like Kordon AmQuel and an antibiotic such as API Furan 2 to mitigate the risk of secondary infections. I'm from India so here we don't have prazipro How is general cure? Reply. If using a protein skimmer post-treatment, be advised that it will “over skim” for at least a week or so. Do you guys think that fish show more signs of diseases and stuff like that once they’re introduced to a quarantine tank or it display tank or do you think it’s something you would always see in the fish shop if they had it the yellow wrasse I’m looking at I have seen in my local shop two times in the last two weeks and I watched him Yes. 0 0 0. Is it recommended to get them preventative-medicated right away, or should they be given a day to relax and calm down before adding meds to their water? like I have in my display tanks (SW & FW). Some have suggested using GC for 5-7 days and then redosing vs 2 days as written in the instructions. Hikari PraziPro is the first one that comes to mind. 15 0 0. Reef Central Online Community > General Interest Forums > New to the Hobby: Using prazipro Using prazi in one of my displays that isn't yet tied into the main sump so no skimmer. So I had a question, can I soak my frozen food in prazipro and add it to the display tank? Is it safe if inverts or corals get pieces of the food? I know metroplex will kill inverts fairly quick! Reply. I just measured the tank, L x W x H and got the capacity. Yes, Prazipro contains a praziquantel concentration of 2. How long after dosing before i turn uv and skimmer on and place carbon back in? Prazipro might work, but usually the fish needs prolonged exposure to praziquantel in order to eliminate intestinal worms. Hyposalinity works for many types of flukes, just not in a display tank with invertebrates of course. OP. Most of which actually looked great there was only one in the group which was skinny. I will be treating the tank as usual but I have an uncycled quarantine tank which currently has 1 clown pleco and 2 bushy noses I'm observing them for ick for a few weeks so I don't want them to be in my display tank. Location: Canada. If using straight powder praziquantel powder, I had to run prazipro in my display, after the second dose It started getting a bacterial bloom, tank looks really cloudy, 10-15inch visibility Tank is about 5mo old, I have a dozen frags, mainly montis with zoas hammers cyphastrea and Favia. " What I wanted to know is if PraziPro kills internal parasites and I only have to use that one med if I suspect these worms to be in my aquarium. 788 posts I use Prazipro and Cupramine together all the time with no issues. The QT tank is a 10 gallon running a 30g capacity HOB. She unfortunately died shortly thereafter, BUT because many parasites evacuate their host once the host is dead, I know the worm your talking about I can't remember the name at the moment. Sent from my iPhone using You're correct - using prazipro on a tank with a bacterial bloom will just increase the chance of a problem. 1: A water change is supposed to be done both before AND after treatment? 2: I understand that carbon is supposed to be removed during treatment, and the skimmer is supposed to be turned off. Fresh water is reach in Oxygen and no CO2 so the With prazipro, the best way is a 2 part treatment, depending on what you are treating for. ) Thank you . I also want them to grow a little bit so they aren't so tiny, but I have a question. JoJosReef; Nov 13, 2024; Fish Disease Treatment and Diagnosis; Replies 4 Views 309. How To Treat – There are a few aquarium products which contain praziquantel: Prazipro, API General Cure and Thomas Labs Fish Tapes. Wait about a week, do a 20-25% water change and then repeat Appears I was mistaken about not using Prazipro with wrasses, which is a relief, and that there’s a split about safety of using CP with wrasses. It states that is it entirely safe for aquarium use. a well maintained tank is the key to happy healthy fish, not saying yours is bad but diseases and ich can come from just about anything and primarily show when a fish gets stressed (like new fish). 4pH 0-0-40 ammonia-nitrites-nitrates. Feb 22, 2017 Can I use prazipro in my display tank or would that cause a huge ammonia spike? I don't want to lose all my fish as this is the second one. 45/20=2. No signs of ICh or velvet. Phase 3 - How to Treat Flukes Using PraziPro Top 12 Saltwater Fish Diseases and Their Reef-Safe Treatments. So you need to leave it in there for at least 72 hours. But I've heard plenty of hobbyists on reef central mention they have mixed prazipro with cupramine without any harmful effects on the fish. Nowhere do I see any mention of secondary infection. A forum community dedicated to Aquatic tank owners and enthusiasts. Most find that PraziPro is not harsh on fish and use it for every single new addition. Do I reduce the capacity reading of the tank by 15% then work out how much to dose Or, work out the dosage before reducing by 15%, and reduce the dosage by 15% New fishes arrived this morning and are in quarantine. Rating - 0%. then wait 24-48 hrs. Oct 31, 2024 I put them through 3 rounds of PraziPro 5 days apart. This is day 3, the white spots have disappeared off the cardinals and t General cure in display tank? Thread starter kevsqn; Start date May 10, 2018; Tagged users None Jump to Last May 10, 2018 #1 K. It's just weird that something called "natural" doesn't show the list of the ingredients. I left the skimmer running, but took the cup off to keep the tank oxygenated. Corals may be unhappy for a while afterward, but usually make a full recovery. I recently lost all of my fish in my tank, and I couldn't figure out what disease was killing them. JasonC New member. and re-dose for another 5-6 days. Do I remove both filtration when treating the tank for the 4-6 day period and then doing a 25% water change before I put it back in? Used prazipro on a group of 8 loaches. . Member. How To Treat - In either a quarantine or display tank, dose Prazipro at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 20 gallons of water. Normal PraziPro Treatment Schedule. The reason I ask is because my trusted LFS told me that PraziPro only paralyses the worms, causing them Yes I am treating all fish in the 180. 2. I call them "squiggley's" little white worms, sometimes they swim around like a snake. Fin-up Only show this user #1 · Feb 6, 2014. Joined Nov 8, 2015 Messages 825 Reaction score 453. After that A friendly place to discuss and show off all things saltwater aquarium related! I have a 20 gallon reef tank, running filter floss, purigen and chemipure elite and was wondering how to use PraziPro in my DT. Praziquantel breaks down rapidly in aquariums, so after 36 hours, very little of it is left. I just used it this past week in my display to treat a tang I had a slight concern about, but couldnt catch. I already have a Quarantine setup but few fishes looked healthy so I added them without full quarantine. Yes you want to keep the correct dose in the tank, carbon, Purigen, GFO, chemipure, protein skimmer, Algea reactor all can remove some of the meds, you may even want to remove macro Algea during this time (you can keep your water change I haven't looked at metro yet, but so far I liked what I read about people using prazipro. Registered Member . 01/06/2017, 10:50 AM #16: canadianeh. Say you actually have 45 gallons, you should have dosed 2. Change 25% of the water 48 hours after the second dose. For example, my 144 gallon tank actually is holding 100 gallons. Come join the discussion about flora, fauna, health, housing, filters, care I dosed the tank with prazi-pro, which requires skimming to be stopped. Follow the dosing instructions for whatever product you are using. El Natural Prazipro. Most people who have dosed that into a reef tank report minimal issues. Tank numbers are 7. Praziquantel as a dip, should be dosed at around 10 ppm for 3 hours, but you MUST move the Praziquantel (de-wormer) What It Treats – Flukes (Monogeneans), Black Ich (Turbellarians), and intestinal worms. Also, some of the fish I am getting will be too big to keep in a QT tank, so I am going to treat the display with prazipro. It does seem so, but I've seen some fish with severe internal parasite issues that were managing to live for a long time while infected, then all the sudden a recommended dose of PraziPro killed the severely infected fish the same day). Posts My fishes are twitching their heads and also occasionally scratching against rocks and sand surfaces in my display tank. Why didn't you just add the prazipro to your main tank it's reef safe . I realized that my display reef tank has never been treated for flukes. Thread starter Velcro; Start date Apr 26, 2018; My understanding is that the binder they use for Prazipro is a carbon source and causes the bacteria in the tank to “bloom” using increased amounts of Bought this to prevent any more shrimp deaths due to parasites in my display tanks. After the Prazi treatment is done, I use Cupramine as my copper treatment for 14 days. I recently had coral issue and Dino’s due to high phosphate/nitrate (2ppm/40ppm) They were treated with Cupramine and then prazipro. I have a ton of them in my shrimp tanks. Feb 4, 2022 #2 that dose can be used in a quarantine tank OR a display. The solvent used in it is a type of glycol, and bacteria feeds on it, which in turn sucks up oxygen out of the water and raises the CO2 level. chatterboxbaby82 Discussion starter. I usually just pour it slowly, a little bit at a time into a high-flow area. May 6, 2017 #13 H. Afterwards, I treated with Metro/KanaPlex for 10 days (KanaPlex was only 3 doses per the instructions). I have had success using Prazipro, apparently as of late it is making the water cloudy. Gently place Day 28: Do a water change of at least 30% and then dose PraziPro. After 9 days change 25% of the water and dose a second time. Two doses, 5-7 days apart with a 20-25% water change before the second dose. My lavender was getting these black spots and scratching. However, in my opinion it's probably the easiest to use as it's in liquid form. General Interest Forums. natural is the only way to go. Do you recommend this and why? 4. Given that some well-respected aquarists have had issues with same, I’d be inclined to observe fish for additional 28 days and, if signs of ich present, use tank transfer method. All this said, water changes are always better than reducers. Where applicable, step-by-step dosage instructions are provided for each treatment, including the use Prazipro in reef tank? Thread starter Fin-up reefing; Start date Jul 4, 2019; Tagged users None Jump to Last Jul 4, 2019 #1 (cloudy water) when mixed with other meds. Cupramine can turn deadly with some meds and water conditioners. Has anyone actually dosed Prazipro in a SPS dominant display tank? My naso tang developed cloudy eyes and stopped eating after several years. Anybody experience this as well? Its not my display tank, It's a QT. Used exact dosage on bottle for tank size, also did a %50 water change before hand , used seachem prime, and a small amount of epsom salt for some plants in the tank Maybe my reading comprehension is off, but it sure sounds like you're saying you're treating your tank with PraziPro for the ich. ive probably bought and sold 30+ centerpiece Yes - it only becomes an issue if the same tank is used to quarantine fish over and over again using prazi. Adjust the water temperature to match that of your display tank. 25 3. Joined Aug 11, 2013 Messages 99,435 Reaction score 225,034 Location Wisconsin - Rating - 100%. New posts New media New media comments New resources New profile posts Latest activity. All my new fish go through Prazipro and Cupramine together in QT (2 weeks Prazipro and Cupramine and then 3-4 weeks Cupramine only. Hopefully that boost of bacteria will speed things along. There is also prazi resistant flukes, the alternative treatment is no way reef safe and harsher on fish 3. If they show any illness, I treat again and the clock starts over. I find that Prazipro is well tolerated as long as the tank is aerated. Jump to Last Aug 10, 2023 Prazipro in the Display with cucumber. On a bit of a different topic, is there any advantage to using Safety Stop after a full medicated quarantine and prior to introducing the fish to the display tank or is it just overkill (no pun intended)? Curious of anyone experience using PraziPro in mixed reef tank? Forums. including my local professional distributor mixes prazipro with copper power all the time during quarantine. Dosing and meds should be done off of true volume. Does anyone have the instructions for doing a short saltwater dip using Prazipro or Ruby Reef Rally Pro to get rid of flukes? (I have already done 2 FW dips. I would proceed with caution in the display tank. Give the tank a full dose of prazipro with good aeration. New posts Search forums. Anyone use PraziPro in Display tank? Thread starter KingCow; Start date Feb 22, 2017; K. I wanted to make a list of the top 12 saltwater diseases, the medications and herbal remedies that can be used in the display tank, and whether these are safe for corals, anemones, and invertebrates. Nitrates in my tanks always run high because of a huge snail population. The 50% would be a huge task in the 180, so yes was hoping to use carbon or substitute plan. Once eating well, I add Prazipro to the food for a few feedings. kevsqn Active Member View Badges. Prazipro is not always readily available in the UK, so you may have to order it via Ebay or Amazon from America. When using prazI pro WITHOUT fish in the tank, how long do you wait to get new fish? I know you do two treatments, but how long after can I bought prazipro because my fish have been pooping white. You can sterilize the quarantine tank between batches of fish and restart the biofilter, and the prazi eating bacteria will be killed off, so things get "reset" back to normal. So you would do the 7 days and then a 3-4 day break and redo the treatment, Here's the treatment schedule I found: It is not effective against camallanus worms however it has been used numerous times successfully for fluke infestations and flagellates. Your 55 gallon tank probably isn't holding 55 gallons if there is rock and sand in it. A foramlin dip during the 12 day tank transfer process Display Tank Question Thread starter JasonC; Start date Oct 31, 2024; Users who are viewing this thread. Jay Using prazipro New to the Hobby. Thread starter Justin_Reef; Start date Mar 11, 2022; Tagged users None Jump to Last Mar 11, 2022 So if this is a long running QT tank or display tank, that can play a factor in its effectiveness. Reactions: Crabby48. Prazi is in a liquid form, so no need to dissolve in water first. Jay Cupramine and Prazipro in QT tank at the same time? Fish Disease Treatment Reef Central Online Community > Marine Fish Forums > Fish Disease Treatment: Cupramine and Prazipro in QT tank at the same time? some just don't show the signs. Fish View Badges. Do I reduce the actual dose (in ML) by 15%, or, the My Tank Thread My Aquarium Showcase. What is everyone's take on treating a mixed reef DT with prazipro? The display has LPS, softie, and SPS corals. So maybe the wheels didn't have enough bacteria in order to compensate for the removal of the cartridgesLuckily I have bags of media used in my other tanks that I can spareI took one bag from two of my other established tanks and they have been in this 60 gallon tank all day. Jan 26, 2013 I floated her in the tank in a big bag filled with water (so ammonia build-up wouldn't be an issue; also put in a couple drops of Prime). Joined Prazipro is reef safe and reviews are satisfactory when used in a reef. Add the recommended amount of As a note, I don’t feed this tank; I’m trusting the organic cycle of the plants and substrate to be sufficient for what the residents need at this time. 4. You will need to check your ammonia level regularly to determine if A friendly place to discuss and show off all things saltwater aquarium related! Wondering if anyone has experience using PraziPro in an established reef tank to cure parasites on fish? The tank has a mixture if LOS and SPS and a few fish / standard CUC inverts. Pictures in my latest thread, I'm worried . Apr 12, 2016 #19 OP . Join Date: Nov 2016. It also helps to deliver the medication directly through I did 2 dose of Prazi in my display tank, last dose was on this Saturday and my foxface is still doing this bubbles! Rest of fish are behaving normal (before my purple tang, I realized that my display reef tank has never been treated for flukes. Was hoping to have tank stocked with young fish and never to add any new creatures once treated and established. Joined Nov 9, 2014 Messages natural is the only way to go. ) I've also used Maracyn II with Cupramine. The only thing I can think of marine flukes (all other fish are not showing signs) but it may not be as well. Oh my, it's so hard taking a good picture of my ram! I also give them Vitachem once a week. Reactions: HotRocks. I know I heard it is safe but would like to know from others that have done it first hand. I will leave it in the water for 5-6 days. I have the Prazipro, but feel intimidated about dosing my new fishes. I talked to Kenny about it and he said to cut the water changes down to once every other day and to just treat the new water with water changes. DO NOT OVERDOSE (especially with wrasses), try not to mix with other medications (for various reasons), and provide additional gas exchange while treating with Prazi. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. Nowhere do I see any mention of gearing up to treat the ich by a Add Prazipro to the DT per the instructions on the label, 7 days apart. It killed my bird's nest, an accropora, and 2 fish that were 100% perfectly healthy for 9 months. So I have been suspecting that my Platies have parasites and decided to buy Prazipro. 5. How long to run airstone when using prazipro. But a 25% water change is recommended when completed to remove any dead critters. Kapachuka3; Yesterday at 11:46 AM; Mushrooms Tips for using PraziPro. I had the same question you did. Joined May 23, 2013 Messages 855 Reaction score 36 Location Ryan and Elliot wrap it up with phase 3 of the 80/20 quarantine series and show you how to treat flukes. Make sure to run a powerhead when using Prazipro. ive probably bought and sold 30+ centerpiece Re: using PraziPro correctly I am new to discus and am getting ready to treat my tank with PraziPro for the first time. ive never used any chemicals. Snails and shrimp, I am not sure. 9K views 1 reply Only show this user Fish still scratching after PRAZIPRO. Show me your mushrooms. What's new. Good aeration (best from a strong air stone) takes care of that. Excellence Award. General Planted Tank Discussion. there is an air stone as well that I have on a valve to vary the rate. I have been using it as part of Q/T for all shrimp for 9 months now, and I have not had any new deaths due to anything beyond old age. Total: 1 (members: 0, guests: 1) J. The Prazipro does most of its work in the first 24-48 hours and then degrades harmlessly in the tank. Humblefish Dr. Thread starter ASIN28; Start date Oct 10, 2020; Tagged users None Prev. After doing a water change, you should also make sure that you aren’t using activated carbon, protein skimmer or UV sterilizer as these will make PraziPro less effective and cause other issue. Nov 13, 2024. I bought it out of desperation XD. At the minimum, a single dose of PraziPro should be good enough for 5 days. 25 teaspoons. After 8 days, change 20% of the water and redose. Louisiana Reef Club. I understand why the Also remember to increase aeration when using meds. Prazipro is a liquid solution that can be used to treat parasites in reef tanks, and it is important to follow the instructions on the label when dosing. Yes, Prazipro is reef safe, except for any bristleworms in the tank and feather dusters. I have considered using praziquantel recently. To dose prazi, you want to add extra aeration, then dose the tank. My fish all go through prazi in QT, and most times 2 rounds, but a few fish are still showing signs of internal worms. With so much volume and using old biological I was thinking I might get by on that. I'm thinking of going to a larger tank and want to keep the rock I have but do not want to transfer them to the larger tank if at all possible. If you choose to try a "bacteria in a bottle" product please note that some work more quickly than others. husky194 Active Member. you can use this alternative approach to target Flukes using PraziPro. I have already added the correct dosage a week or two ago, but still fear flukes 3. Feb 15, 2024 #4 OP . The therapeutic dose against flukes (monogeneans) using the method of prolonged immersion in a QT (quarantine tank) or DT (display tank) tank is 2mg/l. I am about to dose PraziPro in my display tank and had a couple questions. Hey guys first time using prazipro and the instructions on it is written super unclear How much do i dose per 20 gal? Or whats dosage per 20 liter water? How often do i dose? Running a quarantine , Only show this user #1 · May 5, 2018. Go. It says reef safe but it's not. My concern is how long is it safe to have the tank essentially unfiltered? According to the directions, a treatment takes 7 days. It helps to treat things that may easily go unnoticed. The recommended dosage for Prazipro is 1mL per 10 gallons of tank water, The praziquantel in Prazipro dissipates and stops being effective after 72 hours. I personally wouldn't mind using prazipro on my fish along with snails/shrimp. In stubborn cases, a third dose is required. The solvent in Prazipro can be an issue, but as long as you aerate the tank well, redosing isn't an issue. Do you have an ammonia test other than the badge? What does it read? I think the Prazipro instructions say to do a water change even before the first treatment. May 10, 2018 #3 HotRocks Fish Fanatic! View Badges. After the copper treatment, they stay in QT for 30 more days for observation. I have not lost I have a 210g FOWLR tank and want to make sure I kill off all the flukes that my fish had and any internal parasites they might have as well. Dosing PraziPro into main display tank. So I Ok i just dosed my first round of prazipro. Reactions: Prazipro can be General Planted Tank Forums. I treated the infestation very heavily with PraziPro (took several rounds) which did seem to 3. Reply. The only things that you should worry about are your feather dusters and bristleworms. HELP Uncycled hospital tank question while using prazipro Thread starter Aterlycan; Start date Mar 11, 2022; Users who are viewing this thread I setup a 5 gallon hospital tank with water from the DT an serasiporex rock from the sump, 5 clean rocks fir bacteria to live on and a hang in filter along with a dash of dr Tim’s one and only The therapeutic dose against flukes (monogeneans) using the method of prolonged immersion in a QT (quarantine tank) or DT (display tank) tank is 2mg/l. So yeah, you probably overdosed by about 33%. The bottle of hikari prazipro says it is reef-safe except for worms such as feather dusters which I do not have. Jump to Latest 9K views 4 replies 3 participants last post by chatterboxbaby82 Apr 22, 2009. nayanjyoti2012 It says right on the bottle of either prazipro and/or cupramine to not mix with any other medication. KingCow New member. Do these both stay off for I was reading the thread about flukes and saw that about 6 people used Prazipro in their reef tank with no ill affects to the corals (except xenia) and 1 person lost 2 SPS and biological filter (but may have been due to a different reason). Most of mine live in the filter, they feed on mulm, decaying plant matter and leftover food. Effectiveness of PraziPro? Jump to Latest 1. I think they're detritus worms, but most images I've seen are white and for freshwater, not Wow that’s sad I’m sorry to hear that. Today was their first dosage and what I saw was such a huge surprise. Hikari PraziPro: "Ready to use, liquid concentrated Praziquantel treatment I am using cupramine at 75% treatment & Prazipro at 75% together in the display tank. Today is the first day I began treating my 20-gallon-high coldwater tank with PraziPro to cure the early stages of what I suspect is a parasite on the dorsal fins of two of my seven White Cloud Minnows. Prazipro will not kill them. So, if you have a less severe case of parasitic Water change before if it’s on your schedule, water change after for sure to remove any Prazipro left and just to do a water change. Day 62: New Fish QT complete. Jmas4 Well-Known Member View Badges. My tank is overrun by millions of tiny black/brown worms. PraziPro (praziquantel) "treats conditions caused by: flukes, tapeworms, flatworms, tubellarians. olxue vhdwnw ync htkucirz xcwf mhf ycy lpzsa lhvgmi zvvgow bonzxyz uexvp mjyuhad gurb lkw