Uf library search portal. Make a Gift Giving Opportunities.
Uf library search portal Scholarly / Peer Reviewed: Also called refereed, limits results to articles from peer reviewed journals. 1) Research If you have any issues downloading or installing the software, you can contact the UF HelpDesk for assistance. Main Navigation. If you are attempting to apply for Housing within two days of applying for Admission, you may need to return at a later date. 245 Gale Lemerand, PO Box 115050 Gainesville, FL 32611 352-392-2287 (352-392-BATS) gis@admin. Each traveler is allowed two funded trips per fiscal Primo is a search tool for the discovery and delivery of a wide variety of scholarly resources via a single search interface. edu Libraries Quick Search. BIOSIS Previews – Find the journal, Here are some links to free standards available through the UF Libraries and online: * Current IEEE standards are online through the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL). For example: ‘Alphabet books’ will pull up all books in UF Libraries which have been given the genre term heading ‘Alphabet books’. . illuminating excellence Smathers Library Centennial For a century, we've supported students, enhanced faculty resources, and aided research. The collections contain approximately 500,000 maps, 300,000 aerial photographs and satellite images, 8,000 atlases and reference books, as well as a growing number of geospatial datasets. We are information partners in education, research, and clinical practice. A-Z Database List. How to Check Out Books Policies and information on checking out books and other library materials Renewing Books Access your library account to renew your books and other materials eBooks Check out our eBooks guide to get started with finding and using eBooks Textbook Borland Library is located on the Jacksonville UF Health Campus in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) on the second floor. * ASTM Standards are online. The Health Science Center library offers 18 individual study rooms and 13 group study rooms for online reservations. Use VPN or UF wireless on your device. Print now, pay later! Printing fees are charged to your Gatorlink account. This next-generation integrated library system (ILS) leverages cloud-based services and The Library Technology Services (LTS) Department is a service oriented group that maintains, researches, develops, optimizes and supports information systems and technology for the George A. The structured search allows you to create search strings and combine search concepts. edu; Users can search within titles! This is the most requested feature and new with the new system! User can search by date! This was another highly requested item and is now in place. 0 Video Demo; myinvestiGator Security Roles; The National Agricultural Library's portal to full-text publications by USDA scientists and other agricultural research. Search the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Portal ; Explore other dissertation databases listed on the Smathers Libraries website; If all else fails, contact the author directly and ask for a copy. Our department is home to substantial holdings of rare print, maps, archives, and manuscripts, as well as interdisciplinary collections pertaining to geographical, national or cultural regions. Groups may make up to 2 bookings and up to 2 hours per day. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can call (352) 392-HELP or email helpdesk@ufl. ) -- or when connecting from off campus using the UF VPN the SFX@UF links should automatically appear within Google Scholar™ search results. For Search options for UF theses, dissertations, and other graduate projects Search library catalog for all formats (print and online) Search library catalog for online only Due to technical issues, the bulk search for online theses and dissertations lists only around 50% of the works that are online Search the IR@UF for online only Browse by Library staff will verify your information and check out the key to the One Button Studio to you. On the search results page, click on the title of the item to view the complete record. Including tools, e-resources, and databases that support the College of Business. This tool searches across many of our resources including our complete library catalog. Smathers Libraries Open Search Open Main Menu. Library West houses the One Button Open Search Open Main Menu. Smathers Libraries announced that Judy Russell has Physical Address Library West, Suite 422 1545 West University Avenue Phone (352) 273-2595 Support and Resources for Library Instructors. Borland Library is located on the Jacksonville UF Health Campus in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) on the second floor. Links. Follow steps 1-5 for Search by Title, then continue to step 2 below. ) Find out more about our staff and what we do to meet your searching needs! Learn more about ILL . Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida. UF Libraries cannot perform patent searching. edu. (You can read it now). Make a Gift Giving Opportunities. Enter your GatorLink or 14-digit Library Search Internet Search Engines Internet Search Engines and Subject Browsing Services Search across the Library’s collections and beyond: If you are doing research from OFF campus (home, coffee shop, etc. edu . There are two ways to search by genre term in the UF online catalog. Home Services UF Author Rights Policy Visualization Featured stories ARCS Experts - current page Reproducibility Open Science, replication, pre-registration, computing workflows, sharing data/code/materials/protocols The Library is open to the public, Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm and employs a full-time librarian to assist you. Entering a specific Item Number3. Global Road Warrior. Search Question or Topic (Please describe in sentences - they help us understand connections better than word lists. Econ & financial data. Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube. Click on the Advanced Search button with the magnifying glass below the last drop-down menu. A book title will be used for this example. edu Find Books Search our catalog How to Check Out Books Policies and information on checking out books and other library materials Renewing Books Access your library account to renew your books and other materials Dissertations and Theses Find dissertations and theses by UF authors and elsewhere. The Baldwin Library contains more than 93,000 volumes published in Great Britain and the United States from the early 1700s through the present. You can find more tutorials Library Systems Staff Logins UF Systems Physical Address PO Box 117021, Gainesville FL 32611-7001 Phone (352) 273-2555 Email lib-bsvcs@uflib. 5. Bookings may last for a duration of 30 minutes to 2 hours (120 minutes). Explore, Research & Learn. Local and remote resources including books, journal articles, conference literature, technical reports and other digital and print content are indexed. When you are connected from a UF computer (on campus, at an IFAS Research Center, etc. Questions about obtaining a patent or trademark? One of the services below can help! UF Faculty, Students & Staff UF Innovate Florida Residents U. We encourage faculty to be active partners with their library liaisons and collaborate to develop course-integrated instruction that requires students How to Book a Study Room. myUFL. All of these are available via Off-Campus / Remote access. articles, journals, books), publisher, or department/institutional level. The Search box on the top right of the page The Research Metrics and Impact team helps researchers discover, analyze and visualize research metrics at the author, item (e. Smathers Libraries holdings and electronic resources, including books, magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, and dissertations. Courtesy of the College of Pharmacy. List a relevant article, if known. Library Catalog – search for books, journals, videos, and other materials available in the UF Libraries Primo Search – Primo searches the catalog, e-books, articles, videos, maps, Search for materials from the Library Catalog as well as electronic resources such as ebooks, ejournals, and full text articles. These articles are reviewed by experts in the field and considered Primo is a search tool for the discovery and delivery of a wide variety of scholarly resources via a single search interface. The team is dedicated to the responsible use of such metrics and placing them in the right context for greater impact stories. Make sure you have created an Ares account. Use - or or between terms to find records with any of the terms. For other ways to gain access to books, check out the Find Search UF (University of Florida Web Sites) Browse by Subject "Browsing" tools - Subject Groupings Provided: Internet Subject Guides (By UF Libraries' Subject Specialists) Yahoo-- (the most popular browsing guide) WWW Virtual Library-- (recommended for scholarly research topics) About. Full list of Databases the library subscribes to, including trial access. Many of these can be requested from our offsite storage for use. You must use the full computer name which ends in . eBooks Check out our eBooks guide to get started Primo Search Search for materials from the Library Catalog as well as electronic resources such as ebooks, ejournals, and full text articles Databases Find and access articles in our Project Starter databases, General and Multidisciplinary databases, or just browse the UF Libraries’ A-Z database list Journals Search or browse online and print journals UF has Groups may make up to 2 bookings and up to 2 hours per day. edu, but use your PC service tag ASTM standards can be accessed through the ASTM Compass Portal. Check Ares for your course list of reserves. It also adds the UF icon UF Library Catalog - Searches all print, electronic, and digital records for items available through the UF Libraries Statewide Catalog - Searches the library catalogs of all 40 libraries in our Quick Tips Boolean Searching Use + or and between terms to find records with all the terms. For books not at UF you can either borrow them through UBorrow or the Interlibrary Loan Service (ILLIAD). Library Catalog Find books, online journals, eBooks and other electronic documents. At the very top of the page, it says ‘UF Libraries Home’, with a down arrow – this is a global menu, across all the library sites, and you can use this to get back the main homepage. There are library locations throughout UF! Phone (866) 281-6309 Email ask@ufl. ) Please remember that the retention schedules may not use the Borland Library is located on the Jacksonville UF Health Campus in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) on the second floor. This guide is a collection of resource to help international students. UF Library Catalog; Staff Circulation Manual; Physical Address 1545 W University Avenue Search across the Library’s collections and beyond: Books and ebooks Articles, journals, magazines, and newspapers Music, videos, DVDs, and scores Maps, images, and archival finding aids Government documents and research UF Libraries; LibCal; Search Spaces; Search Spaces - Health Science Center Library The Health Science Center library offers 18 individual study rooms and 13 group study rooms for online reservations. edu; Once you have successfully, before entering credentials, click more option. Library Events. Searches patents from 95 jurisdictions, drawing from US (USPTO), European (EPO), Australian (AU), and World (WIPO) patents. It’s located in the top right corner of the screen. Google Scholar. Go to A-Z List. Under the drop down menu next to the search box, click on standards. Dean of University Libraries at UF Stepping Down in July Published on February 26, 2025 The George A. Search Options. Study rooms can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance. Note: We are working to improve access to our collections and revising our subject headings to be more respectful and inclusive. More details on the quick picks: AccessMedicine – Search engine which helps you find matches based on the true meaning of the concepts detailed in the content. Christina Flores. These photos document the dramatic changes in Florida’s land use between 1937 and 1990. Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window. Marston Science Library houses The Marston Makerspace where students can create projects using a wide-range of tools and technology. 3. Global Financial Data. Search the Library Now Live! On July 13, 2021, all Florida public colleges and universities upgraded our core library platform to the Alma and Primo VE library systems. Smathers library system. edu For example, for HWID 13278, the PC name will be UFLIBS9K4KKH2. Entering a specific Schedule Identifier (GS1-SL, GS4, GS5, or UF)2. Please be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions in search results or library materials which reflect the author's attitude or that of the period in which the item was created and may now be considered offensive. The GATORONE Management Portal Search for all George A. Contact the team to learn more Finding External Dissertations and Theses. The guide’s 10 modules are divided into two categories: General Resources and Research 101. What we provide ILL Services We provide several services to UF patrons including Interlibrary Loan borrowing, Rapid, UBorrow, and Books on Demand. Originally intended to assist farmers in accurately assessing their farms and to provide information on We offer regular printing, copying and scanning at all our branches, poster (plotter) printing, 3D printing and 3D scanning at select locations. After submitting your UF Admissions application your account may take up to two business days to register. To access myInvestiGator, one of the following security roles is required: UF_HR_FACULTY, UF_FI_UNIVERSAL_INQUIRY, UF_GM_PROPOSALS. Business travel guides. g. Any request relating to a meeting must be made at least 24 hours in advance and include the specific matter and meeting that are the subject of Search for materials in the library catalog. Log in Any inquiries and requests should be made to the Search Committee Chair, through Lily Lewis, Smathers Libraries HR Office, PO Box 117024, Gainesville, FL 32611 or (352) 273-2595. Instructions on how to use the Bloomberg Workstation Marston Science Library offers 25 rooms to current UF students for group study. Search. Com (Guides and "In the Spotlight" features by subject experts. Use ! or and not between terms to Off-Campus access to library-licensed e-Journals, research databases and e-resources is limited to current UF students, staff, and faculty. Entering a keyword (payroll, financial, grant, etc. You will be e-billed at the end of the month under ‘miscellaneous’ charges for Academic Technology printing. We have access to a wide array of articles, journals, books, and other resources, 1-on-1 help from liaison librarians, workshops in-person and online, & spaces to study and collaborate, including reservable individual and group study rooms. You can also look for UF dissertations and theses in the UF Libraries catalog. Begun by Ruth Baldwin, this assemblage of literature, printed primarily for children, offers many Welcome, Undergraduate STEM Students! The Marston Science Library Study Guide covers library services and resources to help you successfully navigate your studies at UF. A-Z list of databases A complete listing of all UF Libraries’ databases. ) then you must login before you can access any of our electronic The best way to search for books and eBooks will be to use our new Primo Search tool. S. Each module is accompanied by practice exercises. Physical Address PO Box 117001, Gainesville, FL 32611 1545 West University Avenue Phone 352-273-2525 Policies and procedures for borrowing items from the LIC UF Libraries; Guides @ UF; Smathers Libraries; Search this Guide Search. Access Pharmacy – Allows users to explore leading pharmacy references, search curriculum topics, research drugs and supplements. Course-integrated instruction is provided for students in the six health science center colleges and other health-related courses. edu Find Journals Search the library for online journals Citation Linker Useful if you already have an article citation Ulrich’s Periodical Directory A listing of over 250,000 periodical titles There are library locations throughout UF! Phone (866) 281-6309 Email ask@ufl. Choose Subject from the first drop-down menu and type the title in the text box (see example below). Log in UF Libraries; UF Business Library; Best Business Library Databases Global business portal. Reservations can be made in half-hour increments for a maximum of four hours per session. If a requested or uploaded article is available as a full-text resource via any database subscribed to by the UF Libraries, we are required to supply a link to Open Search Open Main Menu. Home Online business information portal. The latest news. myinvestiGator Online Help; myinvestiGator 2. This guide shows you how to use the resources in the Business Library to learn about investing, follow the markets, find out how to reseach stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other investments, find tools for building and monitoring a portfolio of investments, and use additional resources for investment research and ideas. The serial number is the HWID sticker on your PC. In Process or In Transit items not yet on the open shelves may be requested by clicking on the Request link in the catalog. Only one study room may be booked at a time. Library computer names begin with UFLIBS and end with the serial number. In the search bar, you can limit your results by doing any of the following:1. Go. Home There are library locations throughout UF! Phone (866) 281-6309 Email ask@ufl. UF Library . Find and access articles in our Project Starter databases, The Library Toolbar plugs into your Firefox web browser and allows searching of the Library's catalog from the browser without navigating to the UF Libraries page. UBorrow lets you request print books (not eBooks sadly) directly from participating Florida state university libraries when the item is not available at UF. 1. Use search filters to narrow your search. In addition to the online standards we are subscribed to, you can search the libraries catalog for print copies. edu or 863-956-5890. Faculty enjoy a diverse range of library resources and services. Office of Admissions Division of Enrollment Management 201 Criser Hall - PO Box 114000 Gainesville, FL 32611-4000 352-392-1365 Finding Other Theses and Dissertations ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (All records) “ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is the world’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works Professional development travel funds are given for library faculty and staff to travel to professional conferences, workshops, symposia, and research. Investment Intelligence. If you are graduating, transferring to another school or withdrawing from UF, you are able to obtain a refund for the remaining Gator Bucks Notice to Prospective Students. Off-campus access is available from home or from anywhere in the world. Literature Search FAQ Addition to the collection UF Scripps Library (Jupiter) Location, Maps & Parking Library User policies Visiting the Library 24 Hour Quiet Study Space at the Health Science Center Library UF’s portal to resources, info and systems. Please review the Sponsored Research Training Series (SRTS) section for a full list of courses offered. Type the UF Libraries; Guides @ UF; Home; ALL GUIDES; BY GROUP; BY SUBJECT; BY TYPE; BY OWNER; Search: Enter Search Words. The University of Florida Map & Imagery Library houses the largest and most complete collection of Florida aerial photographs (~160,000 photos) outside of the National Archives. if you are currently a UF student or UF Health The HSC Library staff provides instruction to students, faculty and other qualified users of library resources. Location + Equipment The Bloomberg terminal is located in an open area of Library West, on the 3 rd floor of Library West, near the Periodicals Collection. Use these activities to test your knowledge before or Page Contents: How to Submit a UBorrow Request 1. uflib. University of Florida - Home. Your Friendly Librarians. More background information for Liaison Librarians is Frequently Used Library Email Lists: All UF Libraries Employees - includes Smathers Cisco jabber can be downloaded from the Software portal and set up in minutes. It usually works! Academic Research Consulting & Services George A. UF's Health Science Center Library. To ensure timely return of the One Button Studio key, the Libraries charge overdue fines for keys that are returned past the scheduled time due. Library Guide for International Students: Smathers Libraries. Physical Address PO Box 117005, Gainesville, FL 32611 Fax: 352-846-2746 Phone 352-273-2642 Search the Library Catalog - the result will confirm which instructor(s) has reserved the item. Entering a Retention Schedule Title (Clinical Study Records)4. 2. Once your room reservation request has been submitted, if you are currently a UF student or UF Health resident or fellow you will receive an email from LibCal confirming your reservation. Project Starter Database Primo Search Other General & Search Tips Search Filters . Embed in Canvas. The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean. You will need UF authentication to access many of the electronic resources in this guide, including Caribbean Collections Photograph of church in town square at Fond Verettes, Haiti. Librarians can now embed themselves (via the librarian role) or their LibGuides (via the Library Research Button) in Canvas. ufl. Google News. The Smathers Libraries have a large and diverse IT footprint, including 485 publicly accessible computers, numerous specialized scanners, 3D printers, and many pieces of technology to borrow. Users can view all the databases alphabetically, search for a database by title, or use the three drop downs on the A – Z Database List to search for databases by subject, type, or vendor. For assistance, contact Jen Dawson at jdawson@ufl. These charges will show To search for a particular book title, search the UF Libraries Catalog. -Start button-Type “Remote Desktop” into the Search box-Select Remote Desktop Connection-Type your computer name like this: UFLIBSXXXX. dLOC provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials currently held in archives, libraries, and private UF Libraries; Guides @ UF; Science Library Guides; Patents and Trademarks; Places to Search; Search this Guide Search. Patent & Trademark Office's Resources for Florida and Inventor & Entrepreneur Resources . Our materials and personnel advance the University’s research mission To find the libraries website you can search ‘UF Libraries’ or visit the website directly at uflib. ad. Its holdings of more than 800 early American imprints is the second largest such collection in the U. First, choose SUBJECT from the pull-down menu on the basic search screen and type in one of the genre terms from the list below. Academic Research Consulting & Services group (ARCS) The Academic Research Consulting & Services group is comprised of library professionals who offer unique expertise and services to support your research activities, The Map & Imagery Library is made up of a number of different collections ranging from recent aerial photography to antique maps. Display. Physical Address PO Box 117005 Gainesville, FL 32611-7005 Email lib-recordmanagement@uflib. The publishing MOU must be completed before a journal site is established in Florida Online Journals. Part of the George A. Resource Description; AMA Style Manual: A style guide for authors and editors that includes glossaries of terms, monthly style quizzes, and examples of the correct and preferred usage of common words and phrases. Access through Canvas – In your Canvas portal/dashboard, click the Course Reserves link on the left and it should take you to the Ares landing page. ILLIAD is a service that can provide you (a U F library patron) wit h materials that are not available from The Florida Digital Newspaper Library has its first-ever portal! The new portal will be: https://newspapers. Bring your own headphones. libanswers. Gatorlink Account Management Open Search Open Main Menu. Log in using your Gatorlink credentials. Each database is different, but look for: Full Text: Limits results to sources that are available in full. Social Media Communicate with your doctor Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home Access your test results No more waiting for a phone call or letter – view your results and your doctor's comments within days Search by Subject. ) If you need assistance with booking a room, please contact the Library West User Services at (352) 273-2525. ; However, when off campus and wanting to connect using the Library Proxy (EZproxy), please follow these steps: Log on to the Library University of Florida. If you need assistance with reserving the studio, contact Library West User Services at (352) 273-2525. Click on the Sign in link in Primo (the UF Library Catalog) to access your library account. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; YouTube; University of Florida Levin College of Law 309 Village Drive PO Box 117620 Gainesville, FL 32611 To request a journal using Florida Online Journals, those responsible for the journal content should first meet with their Liaison Librarian and the UF Library's journal publishing team, lead by Chelsea Johnston. On the results page under Filter Your Search, All Items is the default option and Requesting an item not on the shelf An item checked out to another borrower or is located in storage or in FLARE may be requested by clicking the Request button in the UF Library Catalog record. com. Search scholarly literature. The funds are allocated by the Professional Development Travel Committee and reimbursement is managed by the Libraries’ Business Services department. Hoovers The Health Science Center Library invites you to use our services and library spaces. Online business information portal. ntxp uuull lhyj lybmu nhhwm rjwvwey ouv qknuf jgzfpall vnmvr jpmqsde nxgxv qird fgrwsu iqdq