Refresh table display in alv. "In normal flow perform fill_values.

Refresh table display in alv PERFORM maj_titre_alv. So to keep scroll position and current cell we will need to use following when i refresh my alv grid with refresh_table_display it sets the scroll to the top row. Hi Gurus, I am using refresh_table_display to refresh the data in my ALV, but apparantly it is not refreshing anything. Refresh method, you need to keep after modifying internal table. DESCRIBE TABLE it_process LINES line_count1. When you double-click, it takes you to the transaction ME22N. 자, 오늘은 바로 이전시간에 소개 드렸던 "REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY" 메서드입니다. If you have changed single values, added rows or deleted rows in the data table of list-type ALV outputs, you need to complete these changes in the ALV output as well by refreshing the ALV display. But this is a private method. But it refreshes the whole grid only. I tried Refrsh_tab Hi Experts, My ALV flow is like, 1- first time, ALV displaying, fine! 2- If presS F3 or BACK 3- Selection screen comes, fine 4- If user changes the data and enters new input data, and press push button 5- ALV displays second time, But, I've tried to set a "call method grid2->refresh_table_display" and "call method grid2->refresh_table_display" before the code for the save-button but this doesn't work. If the answer above doesn't work, you can use this method, it gets current ALV from global memory. "In normal flow perform fill_values. Below is documentation, parameters and attributes of ABAP Method REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY within SAP class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. The ALV is displayed, based on the selection made by the user in the ALV tree. CALL METHOD go_alv->refresh_table_display EXPORTING is_stable = ls_scroll i_soft_refresh = 'X' ( toggle역할 ) EXCEPTIONS finished = 1 others = 2 . ->Then update/insert these values in the internal table you have used while ca On click of the refresh button call the method REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY of class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. CALL METHOD gd_tree I have an ALV grid using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY and I change data during execution. to display the latest updated value on the grid : insert the new record to the internal refresh_table_display Verwendung. cl_gui_cfw => flush ( ). gs_stable-col = 'X'. ie: for ex for every 5 minutes program should get the latest data and display the results. Perform Loaddata. Stable is only to be used for keeping the position of the ALV (positions of scrollbars unchanged) and recalculating totals and so on. CHANGING. When the user double clicks on some fields above the ALV container , i am modifying the same internal table with some other records and iam displaying the same in the ALV . METHOD refresh_alv. Please share your valuable thoughts. grid_object->refresh_table_display but if you want to edit or add some data in the grid, and display it , in this case, you should first update your display internal table first. I am able to change the field catalog and layout with methods set_f 2)Place a break-point on your internal table that is passed to the ALV and see if the records have been deleted from the internal table. There is also a number of example ABAP code snipts to help you use the functionality of this method. Use. this refreshes the grid. Refer code below. this will help to refresh the alv . i set the parameter is_stable but problem not solved. In this case when the user triggers "Refresh", the contents on the display need to be refreshed. Previous selection data is I changed 'REFRESH' as Functional code and tried as below. If you have changed single values, added rows or deleted rows in the data table of list-type ALV outputs, you need to complete these changes in the ALV output as well by refreshing the ALV display. IF NOT ref_grid IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT custom_container1. Hi experts, I am trying to display two lists. Hi Experts , In my pgm i am displaying an ALV grid in the container . I thought of using REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY. I am making use of <fs> for dynamic internal table and i checked it using breakpoints , during the 2nd time , it contains the correctly updated data so i think the problem lies with alv To refresh the ALV Grid, i have used REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY. I have verified that the EKKO field is getting upda Hi, I am getting somewhat frustrated with this one! I hope someone can point me in the right direction. if container is initial. It turns out that this method makes the focus go to the first record of the ALV. 0 Kudos 2,922 [ refresh_table_display] - 이미 조회된 alv의 아웃풋 테이블을 다시 조회한다 [ SET_FRONTEND_LAYOUT ] - ALV GRID 레이아웃을 변경한다. o_alv ABAP里ALV有两种方式实现,一种方式是CALL FUNCTION: REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY, 标准按钮是包含刷新设置的,但是如果自定义功能,也就是需 i_soft_refresh このパラメータは、例外的な場合でのみ使用されます。 このパラメータを設定した場合、表示されたデータに対して作成された合計、定義されたソート順序、設定されたフィルタのすべては、グリッドコントロールのリフレッシュ時に変更されません。 Hi, In ALV, to refresh the table you have to call the method "refresh_table_display". Use the method REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY, as outlined in the documentation. 方法refresh_table_display的参数说明: is_stable 刷新的稳定性,有2个参数,一个是行,一个是列. it_outtab = it_report. Go Re: refresh_table_display not working in oops alv Application Development and Automation Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. This is necessary if you change the display of the data by means of methods (for example, using set_frontend_layout), or if you want to display new data selected in the same ALV Grid Control. EXCEPTIONS finished = 1 " Display was Ended (by Export) OTHERS = 2 ). gs_stable-row = 'X'. else . I have an ALV Grid with an editable field. could you please confirm. "display int tab with alv When i Click Filter button and enter value in ALV output, showing filtered value and within fraction of seconds all data is displaying as before clicking Filter option . CALL METHOD l_grid->refresh_table_display EXPORTING is_stable = ls_stbl EXCEPTIONS finished = 1 OTHERS = 2. Please suggest. When I press the button "Show orders" on screen A, I am directed to the screen B. First time when the report is executed all the records are Unchecked and if I click on "Check All" Push button all the check boxes are selected as expected. Reword points if helpful. How to disable the Editable ALV Grid in case of an incorrect entry? 1. ls_layout-zebra = abap_true. Regards, Marcin I'm using 'CALL METHOD grid1->set_table_for_first_display to display' and edit data in alv oo . It has the syntax very similar to creating the table. . Nur hast du dem ALV-Objekt nicht mittgeteilt, das du eine andere itab aus deinem Programm ausgeben willst. 当您在编辑模式下使用 CL_GUI_ALV_GRID 或更改用于在 ALV 网格上显示数据的内部表时,可能会发生这样的情况:使用 refresh_table_display 刷新网格后,光标或滚动条会转到网格的起始位置。在这种情况下,用户会感到有些失落,但有一个简单的解决方案可以解决这个问 refresh_table_display Use. But it did not works. Yes. What is the best possible way to ALV多选行、多选列的实现方法: 一、展示方式: 1. Still Filter option not working , System: Netweaver 740. I am calling method <b>'set_table_for_first_display'</b> with the changing parameter '<b>it_outtab being'</b> passed a field symbol as type table. 2、 生成表报 set_table_for_first_display( ) :产生 ALV 报表,与 REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY 函数的作用一样,参数也大体相同. Du versuchst mittels REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY den ALV zu refreshen. is_stable refresh_table_display . used Refresh_table_display method i_sort_refresh = 'X' . Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Permalink; Print; Report Inappropriate Content ‎2014 May 27 12:22 PM. Demo program BCALV_GRID_03 in development class SLIS uses this method to refresh the Hey there, I have an ALV grid displaying purchase order information. Thx. In ALV, to refresh the table you have to call the method "refresh_table_display". PERFORM get_data. I am using method set_table_for_first_display for alv report output. Unless i call the (Select *) command call again using PERFORM LOADDATA. call this method after you have called the method for displaying the ALV Grid. go_grid->refresh_table_display( EXPORTING is_stable = gs_stable " With Stable Rows/Columns i_soft_refresh = 'X' " Without Sort, Filter, etc. i was using function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. Screen A displays ALV grid and has 1 button on the toolbar and Screen B also displays ALV grid and 1 button on the toolbar. In response to shah_viraj. but the problem is that on displaying once when i press back button on 2 screen and select some other criteria for display. I think this logic should work. I have enhanced ME22N's screen to include a checkbox on the screen that is tied to a custom field in the EKKO table. , wherein first list displays header details and second list displays item details. Mit dieser Methode frischen Sie die Ausgabetabelle im Grid Control auf. 1. In the first one, you Variante 1 ( refresh_table_display ) DATA: o_alv TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid. 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Go to solution. I am refreshing the container, FieldCatalog and actual internal table before . * I think you need to get the new data into your * internal table here, then the following method will * refresh the grid with new data. Depending on the ALV type you're using you need to: - for OO ALV model: call method with proper refresh mode. Could anyone please suggest me how to Refresh the ALV Tree display. Method : REFRESH_TABLE When you use CL_GUI_ALV_GRID in edit mode or you change your internal table used to display data on ALV grid it may happen that after refreshing the grid using refresh_table_display your cursor or scroll goes to the begining of the grid. You may do the following: ->Capture the changed values from the modal dialog box. grid->set_table_for_first_display. after making changes in 1、调用grid中refresh_table_display函数刷新alv。 在abap中,用cl_gui_alv_grid显示alv时,默认会有显示数据缓存,当后退并再次进入alv显示时,SAP为了提高alv加载速度,会显示缓存数据,如果需要更新alv,别忘了在第一次调用set_table_for_first_display函数之后,调用refresh_table_display函数进行刷新,这样就可以更新 In ALV, to refresh the table you have to call the method "refresh_table_display". PBO. And have used methods set_table_for_first_display to display ALV grid and refresh_table_display to redisplay the changed data in ALV grid. Code innerhalb REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY assign mt_outtab->* to <tab1>. DATA: lv_stable TYPE lvc_s_stbl. Former Member. Users feels little lost in such situation but there is an easy solution for that. "이후 top에서 정의해준 내용을 제외한 PBO, Start-Of-Selection 구문 다시 서술 "PBO ABAP里ALV有两种方式实现,一种方式是CALL FUNCTION: REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY, 标准按钮是包含刷新设置的,但是如果自定义功能,也就是需要设置USER_COMMAND CALL BACK程序的时候,需要对参数SELFIELD-REFRESH值设置为’X’,这样ALV的数据就会刷新显示。第二种方式是Call Screen,防止一个custom containe I've tried to set a "call method grid2->refresh_table_display" and "call method grid2->refresh_table_display" before the code for the save-button but this doesn't work. *Clear Data PERFORM clear_data. CALL METHOD gd_tree->set_table_for_first_display. This happens right on the inner table, but are reflected in the Grid if the method I Execultar: ALV-> REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY. Thanks, Hardik. "fill the int table with recent values from db table acco to selection perform display_alv. WHEN 'REFR'. refresh_table_display Use. * now all the selected records by the user at run-time are appended into * into a new internal table which can now be used to processed as per the * user requirements DATA : line_count1 TYPE i. ls_layout-cwidth_opt = abap_true. When I change the selection in first list data is not getting displayed in second list as per the selection. I am initializing the grid and control everytime i change a value on Subscreen 1 in the PBO of Subscreen 2(the screen where the ALV list is displayed). When you use CL_GUI_ALV_GRID in edit mode or you change your internal table used to display data on ALV grid it may happen that after refreshing the grid using refresh_table_display your cursor or scroll goes to the begining of the grid. 어디서 글 쓸지 고민하지 말고 벨로그에서 시작하세요. Class : CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. EXAMPLE: ===== FORM USER_COMMAND USING RC_UCOMM LIKE SY-UCOMM. I will try refresh_table_display option after getting to work in a couple of hours. Afterwards you need to refresh the ALV output · You replace the entire data table. The ALV Grid keeps a reference to the table you passed to it during initialization. The Grid is alone refreshed but not the actual output. DATA: ref_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, valid TYPE c. ENDFORM. REFRESH is METHOD refresh_alv. If i pass refresh command on FM it refresh whole grid display. Explorer Options. Here is my problem. * refresh the ALV Grid output from internal table l_selfield-refresh = c_check. ENDLOOP. is_layout = gd_layout. Reply. data: is_stable type lvc_s_stbl. You update the contents of that original table and then tell the Grid to update itself. Demo program BCALV_GRID_03 in development class SLIS uses this method to refresh the When I call method 'REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY' can I execute refresh for the toolbar (because I change or insert. I am using REFRESH_ALV_DISPLAY also and when i tested this function independently , its working fine (although for interactive alv in the same screen). Please advice if i am missing something. that it will synchronize the OLE object with the instance backend and then when you are calling the REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY it would refresh your ALV properly. Refresh ALV grid after deleting a row. me-> pvcr_alv-> refresh ( refresh_mode = if_salv_c_refresh => full ). but i want it to remain its own position. Das ändern des How to Refresh ALV List/Grid once it is displayed? This mean to say that if you have a 'refresh' push button in your gui status, every time you press the button, the list should get refreshed. EXPORTING. IF ref_grid IS INITIAL. For the first instance thi From step one, I refresh editable ALV; Any change in editable ALV willbe saved (another action for saving) My problem if, After I save, I can't refresh my ALV. function-ALV: 首先在ALV要显示数据的内表里,添加一个字段(假设字段名是:SEL),然后设置layout的属性box_fieldname等于该字段的名称(layout-box_fieldname = ‘SEL’)。之后在ALV显示网格里就可以通过按住crtl实现多行,多列的选择。 Hi Premraj, You can have forms for that, for ex. So,anyone please help me,thanks. When I changed the data, the changed can not be refresh in internal table, and I use method 'CALL METHOD grid1->REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY. When you use CL_GUI_ALV_GRID in edit mode or you change your internal table used to display data on ALV grid it may happen that after refreshing the grid using In ALV, to refresh the table you have to call the method "refresh_table_display". Das tut dieser auch. CALL METHOD obj_grid->refresh_table_display EXCEPTION I have a custom ALV application where after I've executed the set_table_for_first_display method of my instantiated version of cl_gui_alv_grid, under certain conditions I need to modify the field catalog, the layout and the toolbar. In the first one, you can mention if you want to refresh only the data (the icons are not refreshed) or In my ALV screen for a database table, in the Application Toolbar, I have two button: one is to modify the database table (the database table will be displayed in ALV);another one is a refresh button. How can I now force the refresh of the grid? (Can I for example force myself the use You use this method to refresh the output table in the grid control. This will dynamically refresh the contents of the internal table you have used to display the data in ALV and thus will refresh the contents of the screen. CALL METHOD go_grid->refresh_table_display. In the at-usercommand event , Check whether sy-ucomm = 'The function code for refresh button". "display int tab with alv "when the user command is refresh then, perform fill_values. The tree contains various say DB Table names , My purpose is to display the contents of the table inside an ALV Grid, based on which DB table name is chosen by the it_kbed TYPE ltty_kbed " ALV data table icr_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container iv_dynnr TYPE sydynnr, refresh_alv IMPORTING it_kbed TYPE ltty_kbed, " ALV data table * generate ALV output grid · You replace the entire data table. In response to Former Member. ST_SELFIELD TYPE SLIS_SELFIELD. So i solved it using user command "@REFRESH". I Used Sort option also, it works fine. it_fieldcatalog = gd_fieldcat. 3、 刷新报表 refresh_table_display( ) :刷新并重新显示 ALV ,当输出内表数据变更、或其 3. *Refrescamos la tabla call method g_grid->refresh_table_display * EXPORTING * IS_STABLE = * I_SOFT_REFRESH = exceptions finished = 1 others = 2 . Thanks, refrseh 구문에 아래 set_frontend_layout 구문 추가 data: ls_stable type lvc_s_stbl value 'xx'. so i want to refresh only selected rows in ALV because there are too much rows so waiting until finished the refreshing. " DISPLAY_ALV As you can see I shall consider a display variant ls_varia, but later when I refresh the table, this display variant is lost! When I click on certain buttons or triggers certain actions , I do a refresh my table like that : FORM refresh_alv USING iv_rfalv TYPE xfeld. Data Selection. We have to again execute the program in order to see the updated output. CALL FUNCTION 'GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR' IMPORTING e_grid = ref_grid. CALL METHOD g_alv_grid->refresh_table_display. If yes , then set the value of field 'slis_selfield-refresh' to 'X'. Das Demoprogramm BCALV_GRID_03 der Entwicklungsklasse SLIS benutzt diese 方法refresh_table_display的参数说明: is_stable 刷新的稳定性,有2个参数,一个是行,一个是列. ' but It don't work. mit set_frontend_layout) oder wenn Sie neu selektierte Daten im gleichen ALV Grid Control anzeigen wollen. call method po_grid->set_frontend_layout exporting is_layout = ls_layout. Eric Create a button in alv toolbar with some function code. it_sort = it_sortcat. "fill the int table from db table acco to selection perform display_alv. case rc_ucomm. Then, it calculates the sum of the BRGEW column and refreshes refresh_table_display Use. I have searched all the threads, but dint find any methods to refresh the output. refresh_table_display method is refreshing properly but the all rows of ALV are being refreshed. DATA: ls_varia TYPE . Go to solution. - for REUSE_ALV: at user command you need to handle the command assigning refresh parameter: rs_selfield-refresh = 'X'. I checked all examples. but when it is called the second time passing different field catalog, the alv grid does not refresh and still shows the old field catalog. i_soft_refresh このパラメータは、例外的な場合でのみ使用されます。 このパラメータを設定した場合、表示されたデータに対して作成された合計、定義されたソート順序、設定されたフィルタのすべては、グリッドコントロールのリフレッシュ時に変更されません。 You need to set self-refresh attribute in the ALV. ENDIF. SAP Community; Groups; Interest Groups; Application Development; Discussions; ALV Grid refresh table and toolbar; Application Development Discussions You can refresh the the ALV Display when your click on a tool bar ICON. Demo program BCALV_GRID_03 in development class SLIS uses this method to refresh the ENDIF. Dies ist nötig, wenn Sie mit Methoden die Anzeige der Daten verändern (z. I have a report displaying ALV tree . the strange thing is that my program does the free's and re-does de alv again using CALL METHOD alv->set_table_for_first_display but then when it finishes processing my handling_data_change method it gives a dump. 이 메서드를 호출하고 REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY메서드를 호출하면 변경된 Hi Vijay, Thanks for the info. CASE e_ucomm. For Changes in the Tree Structure you do not have to refresh the display. To make ALV refresh the display just provide the field st_selfield-refresh with 'X'. 1、调用grid中refresh_table_display函数刷新alv。 在abap中,用cl_gui_alv_grid显示alv时,默认会有显示数据缓存,当后退并再次进入alv显示时,SAP为了提高alv加载速度,会显示缓存数据,如果需要更新alv,别忘了在第一次调用set_table_for_first_display函数之后,调用refresh_table_display函数进行刷新,这样就可以更新 After you change the value on the screen and refresh PAI and PBO gets triggered. 3)If the above two conditions work,then instead of using REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY,try using SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY method again. WHEN 'REFRESH'. me-> set_data ( it_kbed ). Update the other field of the internal table which u are passing to set_table_for_first_display and call the function refresh_table_display. endif . After the database table is changed, I will click the refresh button to get the latest data from the database and display them in the ALV, but after that I am using the method refresh_table_display to display the changes I have made internally in the program. By changing this value, we recalculated the value of another column of AVL automatically. container_name Variante 1 ( refresh_table_display ) DATA: o_alv TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid. Demo program BCALV_GRID_03 in development class SLIS uses this method to refresh the Hi Colleagues, I have a screen with a custom container in which i display alv grid, when the the screen is called first time the alv grid displays the correct field catalog with data in it. ABAP refresh_table_display刷新ALV网格并保持位置(单元格行列位置不变),代码先锋网,一个为软件开发程序员提供代码片段和技术文章聚合的网站。 ABAP refresh_table_display刷新ALV网格并保持位置(单元格行列位置不变) - 代码先锋网 reuse_alv_grid_display_lvc函数输入参数属性的应用 前面我们讲过,alv grid 函数的输出有两个:reuse_alv_grid_display 和 reuse_alv_grid_display_lvc 两者的操作大同小异,只是后者能更好的和alv容器结合使用,前后则不能;而在输入参数属性的结构上也有些差异。本篇文章主要讲解下alv函数中输入参数的一些应用。 In ALV, to refresh the table you have to call the method "refresh_table_display" . This is necessary if you change the display of the data by means of methods (for example, using set_frontend_layout), or if you alv->refresh( is_stable = 'XX' ). the grid is not getting refreshed for the second values. B. Er nimmt die Referenz auf deine OUTTAB aus mt_outtab. Method set_table_for_first_display is internally using this refresh method. but still doubt. is_stable:刷新的稳定性,就是滚动条保持不动; i_soft_refresh:软刷新,如果设置了这个参数,临时给 alv 创建的合计、排序、数据过滤都将保持不变。这个是非常有意义的,例如:当你没有修改数据内表 Based on this values, you can modify internal table which you are displaying on ALV and then use " refresh_table_display" method of same class to reflect updated values to ALV. Inside your user_command-Form you can update all the records of your internal table. loading | SAP Help Portal - SAP Online Help Search SAP OO objects. But it is showing the same old data . I use a classical ALV treem from where I make a call to a screen which displays an ALV GRID ( OOPs ) . ABAP里ALV有两种方式实现,一种方式是CALL FUNCTION: REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY, 标准按钮是包含刷新设置的,但是如果自定义功能,也就是需要设置USER_COMMAND CALL BACK程序的时候,需要对参数SELFIELD-REFRESH值设置为’X',这样ALV的数据就会刷新显示。第二种方式是Call Screen,防止一个custom contain there is a button on ALV and it is changing the cells of selected rows editable or non editable. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; Hi, Assuming that you have used the class "CL_GUI_ALV_TREE", you can use the method "REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY" to achieve this functionality. The following method call is used to refresh the data displayed within an ALV object grid: CALL method gd_tree->REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY. Options. You use this method to refresh the output table in the grid control. data: ls_layout type lvc_s_layo. caner_genis. my requirement is to auto refresh ALV output display as the data keeps changing. I don't have any example After displaying the ALV an option to provide Refresh is required. ? We can't use the method 'REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY' as it is a PRIVATE method is the class CL_GUI_ALV_TREE. lv_stable-col = 'X'. 打印和排序,过滤控制 打印的参数控制请参考结构 [lvc_s_prnt] 排序的参数控制请参考结构[lvc_s_sort] 过滤的参数控制请参考结构[lvc_s_filt] 这里不itpub博客每天千篇余篇博文新资讯,40多万活跃博主,为it技术人提供全面的it资讯和交流互动的it博客平台-中国专业的it技 That means, it is not REFRESHing the ALV Tree display. 오늘은 ALV Grid에서 자주 사용하게 되는 Parameter 셋팅을 통해 ALV 상에 Refresh를 제어하는 방법을 소개드리면서 오늘 포스팅을 시작해보도록 하겠습니다. call method po_grid->refresh_table_display exporting i_soft_refresh = abap_true is_stable = ls_stable. refresh_table_display . Refresh Display of the ALV Output. CALL method gd_tree * Show data usig ALV class go_alv->set_table_for_first_display( EXPORTING is_layout = ls_layout CHANGING it_outtab = gt_out it_fieldcatalog = lt_fieldcat ). o_alv->refresh( refresh_mode = '1' ). 如果设置了相应的值,那么对应的行,或者列,在刷新的时候,将会保持稳定,就是滚动条保持不动. Regards, Beejal **reward if this helps 개발자들을 위한 블로그 서비스. lv_stable-row = 'X'. Demo program BCALV_GRID_03 in development class SLIS uses this method to refresh the The following method call is used to refresh the data displayed within an ALV object grid: CALL method gd_tree->REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY. In alv report i have 2 screens one selection screen and the second alv list screen. It has two parameters. wmgvbh skoqe bdndw klcx raq cmjolfto gkgfr dgtd fvwhdcs pcj bcwbais pzbonx mdn bqqscyfa amrnx

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