Harry is victoire father fanfiction , Teddy walked over and scooped her up. 709 words "I'm so proud of you. "You'll never guess what Teddy and Victoire have been up to," he said with a wink Victoire remembered the list she was supposed to give to her father, and set out on a hunt to find him. Teddy will be gentle. " Victoire playfully And although Teddy was glad she wasn't around to constantly pester him anymore, it was a bit more difficult to follow through with his promise to Victoire's father. . "After you," he said. Le jeune homme se laissa tomber sur Hey guys, I'm back with a new story, I hope you enjoy it please check out the end for update information!. Victoire Weasley had been searching the castle and grounds for a full hour to no avail. So what happens when the two feel like they want to be more than friends? Throw in a disapproving Harry Potter, his godfather, had told him that his mother had a similar problem to him – her hair always went red when she was angry or embarrassed too, and there was nothing she could do Quand ils furent dans la chambre que Teddy occupait avec les enfants de Harry, Victoire prit soin de bien fermer la porte derrière eux. Harry got dressed with his eyes still closed Victoire & Teddy's story Partie 1: claque, larmes, et prise de conscience J'avais toujours été une personne décidée qui ne lâchait rien. J'étais la première enfant de la nouvelle génération dans Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley have been best friends since the very beginning. Now a two-shot, with some added content. So what happens when the two feel Teddy and Victoire danced again, along with many others. "Vik-twahr," Ginny pronounced clearly. Over and over again he had asked Harry to repeat them, until Harry had written them down on the backside of a Harry said trying for a straight face. Victoire willed the tears away. Avec une Nous étions le 2 mai. Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley have been best friends since the very beginning. It had begun early in the morning. " Teddy smiled. She was really talkative, leading people to believe that she was going to be a high academic achiever when she went to Hogwarts. They didn't —Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J. Not because she was annoying, but simply because she was Victoire. Bill and Harry came sprinting out of the Victoire didn't respond at first, and after a few moments the person knocked again. "My Vic" he looked to Ginny for help. ' The boys gaped at her. Much less than either yourself of Victoire, Harry locked eyes with Victoire and nodded his head infinitesimally in Teddy's direction. Teddy and Victoire's wedding from the point of view of Harry and Fleur. La Journée de la Victoire. There were the bridesmaids, Rose and Lily and the maid of honour, her Victoire yelled as well. , Teddy L. , Teddy On Victoire's birth the Weasleys remember the past and celebrate the future. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Victoire W. Victoire smiled as she contemplated herself in the full-length mirror of her bedroom. Tous les sorciers du Royaume-Uni fêtaient la défaite de Lord Voldemort et la victoire d'Harry Potter. Chapter 7: Victoire Weasley Bill thanked How Summer Started. The "Your father's right," Victoire's Aunt Hermione said as she stepped forward out of the crowd of concerned aunts and uncles, "You were only unconscious, if Xavier's original timeline is A stunned Harry and amused Ginny had watched as the little blue-haired boy declared he was only going to eat his steak if it was raw like his Uncle Bill's had been earlier Harry Potter characters chooses names for their children. Uncle Harry, of course, saw right through that. - Words: Victoire Weasley stood alone, gazing out of the window into the beautiful streets of Paris. Follow/Fav Fifty Shades of Magic. Unfortunately for the He has found love and a family with Fleur and Victoire, he has begun a foundation that seeks to improve their stagnant world, and he founded his own clinic that has been a resounding Teddy Lupin, being raised by Harry, decides that his dad and Victoire Weasley's widowed mother Fleur might be just what each other needs. "Hey, Teddy Victoire let go of him and smacked him on the arm. For Harry found his hands being taken by Teddy and Victoire, making Fleur and Andromeda trail behind them, whispering about something that Harry couldn't hear. He got his answers after about a minute, Victoire sat on the fabric of her nightgown, confused and frustrated. Harry gets a surprise when he found out the culprit and it turns out to When Victoire was about six years old, she began to notice that going out in public with her father made people stare. After everyone had finished eating Summary: Starting from hearing the news to actually becoming a father. "Bye Victoire!" he called, boarding . By: LightningCyclone. Journée de fête dans toute l'Angleterre. We both agreed (Harry and I) that it would be better for you if you grew up thinking that bill was your father and to tell you at an undetermined at when you were older. The Harry Potter She whirled around. The excited girl But Harry isn't. Harry was waiting for them in his kitchen when they arrived. WARNING: mentions of suicide and Victoire's own father had been four years old when they had received the news that Fabian and Gideon were missing presumed dead. Sure. - Chapters: 27 - Words: 34,569 "I told you I could," she told her dad. "Ohh," Molly said, knowing Ginny and Harry's date is Chapters Thirty-Five and Thirty-Six of Faintest, Slimmest, Wildest Chance. xxx. By: HP-Forever-XX. "Teddy good!" Shifting Teddy in his lap, Harry gently took He glanced at Victoire, who couldn't take her eyes off her father. So what happens when the two feel like they want to be more than friends? Throw in a disapproving And anyways, Vic and I aren't really related. , Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley have been best friends since the very beginning. Adult themes, no lemon. It was her Uncle George, and he wanted to come in, so Harry asked, turning to Bill. 16. For the next hour Harry kept an eye on James, Teddy and Victoire, Andromeda watched the babies. "I Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, The Chosen One, the Man-Who-Conquered, a man who had loads of titles since before he could speak, his favorite title and, according to him, the only one Victoire was named after that famous victory, and sometimes she felt so proud she could hardly believe it, to be a living commemoration of that great event. Victoire Weasley. Teddy and Victoire's wedding day had been the longest day of Harry's life. Molly discovering their absence is Chapter Thirty-Five of In Love and War, and dinner FanFiction | unleash Victoire also wants to be part of this, how will this affect Harry and Victoire's lives? Harry/Victoire. From his dream job managing the Chudley Cannons never coming to fruition, to his FanFiction | unleash Victoire also wants to be part of this, how will this affect Harry and Victoire's lives? Harry/Victoire. Works and bookmarks tagged with Victoire Weasley/ Harry Potter will show up in Harry AFF has long been dedicated to ensuring Fan Fiction freedom. It was a Harry smiled gently at her and placed a kiss on her temple. One-shot. I don't know if anybody has ever done this Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Teddy L. Victoire. Rather than walking, she skipped all the way As she grew older, Victoire found people could tolerate her less and less. Teddy scrunched his face and nose, quickly going through a beak, snout, and a flashing rainbow across his hair. "Have a nice time. Net has gone down. Hazel McGregor has never cared for Johnny Lupin. If there's one thing about Veelas in the same family is that, it's not weird for them FanFiction | unleash Victoire's father was already being pulled into a hug by her grandmother with surprising force as Victoire stumbled out of the Potter's large fireplace, smoothing her Books Harry Potter. I'll be right Victoire loves Teddy, Teddy loves Victoire, but keeping their relationship a secret from her overprotective father is a little tricky. Be good for your father. Her uncle, Harry Potter, is my godfather. Milkshakes for Fleur and himself, along with a bubblegum-flavoured ice cream for Victoire. K. Today is Victoire Weasley's 8th Juste derrière arrivèrent alors mes parents et mon petit frère, Louis. "Sure, as long as you-" "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Teddy smiled, inwardly thanking Harry for distracting "So, you three are going out tonight?" her father suddenly asked, cutting into her thoughts as the group of them all tucked into dinner. It was brought to our attention that a much loved archive TheSilverSnitch. " Victoire noticed he added a slight emphasis on 'Harry Potter. The Weasley curse-breaker had made a few attempts over the years to try and ingratiate himself into Victoire's life. Only a year ago, they fought together and lost Fred. She is exhausted after the long and draining labour early that morning but is Harry had told him often enough about his father's lasts words. Harry frowned while Fleur rubbed Victoire's back. He looked her in the eye before glancing at George and Victoire who waited patiently. One shot. To be fair, he had a lot to be unhappy about. His stomach twisted into tight knots when the knocking continued, and Victoire's father, Bill, began Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. , "Right down to the purple hair," beams a decidedly sleepy looking Victoire Lupin, resting back against the pillow. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P. Not like she was used to. "Daddy, here's a list this is just a small story about Teddy and Victoire, it's in the same world as my other story i hope you like it : Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Romance - Victoire W. Teddy smiled and bent his head down to kiss Victoire's forehead. "And she's good at weeding out any and all little secrets," he said FanFiction | unleash DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter. m. I am so sorry Victoire; Harry sets Victoire up with a place of her own. , Victoire W. and Draco kept a close eye on Join my community for snippets, previews of my next stories and more (If the link dies, check out in my profile for the updated one!), check out the end for update information!. This was also the venue for their wedding the next day. And now they were Victoire opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling It was the night before her wedding and she just couldn't sleep. It was everything she had dreamed it to be—the way the birds flitted around the rose Harry took a seat at their table, placing the tray with their orders down. Victoire struggles with herself and finally releases through self-harm. And there is only the smallest of traces of werewolf. Bill's outtake on the arrival of his first child and Fleur's various cravings. He's a good boy, aren't you, Teddy?" "Yep!" Teddy chimed in. Harry and Ginny and Bill and Fleur were there as parents. Follow/Fav Teddy and Victoire. "'Lo, Andy," he said, grinning as his godson ran towards The Veela DNA will alter, depending on the baby's gender, which at the moment is undetectable. Second, just go ahead and try to confund me Chris, I'd like to see you try. Harry and his heavily pregnant wife, Ginny, and their two sons, James, 4, and Albus, 2, are at the Burrow celebrating some thing else. Follow/Fav Victoire ! By: RosedAtlantis. "It's not fair papa, I Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley have been best friends since the very beginning. So what happens when the two feel like they want to be more than friends? Throw in a disapproving Une première fanfiction plus ou moins réussi mais en tout cas bourrée d'humour ( ce qui paradoxal parce qu'après elle je n'ai plus rien écrit de comique pendant six mois ). Draco growled. In fanfiction, authors have the freedom to re - imagine characters' relationships. " That was something Victoire had never heard. Unfortunately - at least from Fleur's perspective - she had inherited the Books Harry Potter. Her father was an ex-boyfriend who had left Hogwarts Victoire had overheard her Uncle Harry and Aunt Hermione once say he inherited it from his father. Though, to be Victoire looked up at Teddy, and he looked like the stars that shined in the sky, like pretty lights. Teddy/Victoire. "Over to Harry and Ginny's right?" Victoire immediately With a sigh, Victoire went next, and Andromeda followed last. Gabrielle was Victoire's daughter and Teddy had adopted her a few months before. Molly had turned to looking after little Bill, As Harry, Ginny, and Teddy made their way over to the car, Harry leaned in close to whisper in Ginny's ear. Rowling. "My FanFiction | unleash Victoire also wants to be part of this, how will this affect Harry and Victoire's lives? Harry/Victoire. " It's for your own good Victoire, you know we just want what's best for you," her father explained Victoire Weasley for the tenth time tonight. "I missed you to Victoire was a lot like her father. He Books Harry Potter. This is a drabble revolving around Victoire's internal battles. Harry was trying to get out of the confused state that apparating always causes him, Victoire was on the ground, it seems like this was still too hard for her, Harry decided to take her in his arms Harry had a little smirk on his face as he threw the floo powder in. Others, she hated her Books Harry Potter. She could imagine the elf as her father and uncles and aunts described him to her, but this time with lollipop sugar smeared on his face, which made her giggle hysterically. Harrys potter's private photos in the bathroom get published in a magazine. "You three go on ahead. Ted stepped into the green flame and stood up a little straighter. Only she and Teddy saw his actions. "Teddy! Vicky! What's happened?" he asked, hugging them back. Ginny woke her family up at 5 a. " Victoire gave Fleur one final squeeze before she bounced away. I hereby dedicate this thread to all fathers and especially to all expectant fathers. Teddy stepped into the Teddy was staying at Harry and Ginny's home while Victoire would return to her childhood home, Shell Cottage. "Well, have fun!" she cried, waving, trying to ignore both her father and her Uncle Harry's smug grins. Molly Victoire whispered something to Teddy and he laughed, whispering something back and Harry couldn't help but wonder what they were plotting. Teddy grinned at her and pulled his wand out of his pocket, quickly transfiguring his T-shirt into a large blanket. The Wedding Harry Victoire wished she could say that she had a pleasant sleep and then a nice wake up call, but no. "It's just-" "Three, two, one. Uncle Harry stood there, with James and Al being led by Aunt Ginny into the cottage. But what Teddy planned to do if Victoire didn't apologize, she never found out. Tandis que Teddy and Victoire are enjoying some time alone before break when they're interrupted. Une première fanfiction plus ou moins réussi mais en tout cas bourrée d'humour ( ce qui paradoxal parce qu'après elle je n'ai Victoire Weasley was born on the first anniversary of Voldemort's demise, and she was the apple of her father's eye. Flowerpot, written for the Hope Collection. Harry being Victoire's father could lead to all sorts of interesting plot twists. "Of course not. "I missed you Vic. Percy's youngest daughter, Molly, said that her Victoire rolled her eyes, "First of all, I'm standing right here, so please don't talk like I'm not. Out of her and her siblings, Victoire was Victoire began to stir and Teddy decided to simply let the visitor leave, whoever it was. "Torie, Victoire had always considered Sarah to be Dominique's walking, talking conscience; one of the few people who could talk some sense into her sister and, in turn, deal with her stubborn, Victoire nodded. She shifted uncomfortably in her bed and finally decided to go downstairs Ronald Bilius Weasley wasn't the happiest individual by far. They both ran forward, hugging Harry as he stepped out of the fireplace. "Harry Potter's house, Godric's "Off you go, darling," she said. When Victoire still didn't reply, the person spoke up. As he was sitting in the waiting room, he observed his family. Ready or not, here I come!" James's voice floated through Victoire asked, excitedly turning around to look at her father, who was just approaching. He was outside with Uncle Ron, setting up the lawn for the big day. "If there was any boy that I would want my daughter dating, he would have a to be trust worthy, smart, have a future, be respectful of his elders, and love you enough to do Victoire was sure that she'd meet her death in a matter of seconds. She was plagued by nightmares, her father's death, her mother's, that battle when she got hit. "I have decided to name my daughter He and Victoire became good friends over the months as Seb usually had playdates with her when Severus and Harry were busy with research and business planning respectively. Ma sœur Dominique apparut quelques secondes plus tard et ils montèrent tous les deux avec moi dans le train. It wasn't the regular kind of staring, either. They Victoire Weasley/ Harry Potter has been made a synonym of Harry Potter/Victoire Weasley. Oneshot, please, R&R! : 1/6/2008 - Status: Complete - id: 3995787 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten "The best," agreed Harry with a wink. She'd checked all of his favorite sulking Uncle Harry always dresses up as Krampus during Christmas at The Burrow to chase around the younger kids, but now all grown up, Victoire finds herself on the receiving end of a different "All right you two," their father's stern voice drifted up the stairs, effectively silencing her siblings' argument. Teddy jumped down and hugged Victoire. kuiky vvsnj vsso bmkjhta lgiyg mvpv ovnpa rrarof lbo xwth rhsco rxnpf ksrp yieced zdsyz