Git submodule vs subtree.
Sep 11, 2018 · You don't, for now.
Git submodule vs subtree merge:: Merge recent changes up to Dec 19, 2019 · In conclusion. Use the squash option to avoid pulling in massive histories when merging the library. Ein eingebundenes Repository steht im Folgenden für ein Repository, das zu einem anderen Repository hinzugefügt wurde. It's definitely a huge step forward, although I remain very confused about GIT managing the "nested" dependecies. gitmodules, which is critical to the function of git submodule init, needs to be maintained in the root of the "main" repository (for Nov 21, 2009 · Команда git submodule не понимает стандартных опций --git-dir и --work-tree. There is only one branch - master as of now. Mar 29, 2023 · Git Subtree: Git subtree allows you to insert any repository as a sub-directory of another one. 简介. 2版本开始,官方新增Git Subtree并推荐使用这个功能来替代Git Submodule管理仓库共用(子仓库、子项目) 2 - submodule 与 subtree 对比 2. I find it is not a case of the one vs the other. Recently I’ve been considering moving everything to subtrees, but I don’t see that as a direct replacement. Feb 2, 2015 · A month ago we were exploring Git submodules; I told you then our next in-depth article would be about subtrees, which are the main alternative. If "upstream" changes, then Dec 2, 2024 · If you hate git submodule, then you may want to give git subtree a try. Après avoir utilisé git submodules pendant un certain temps, j’apprécie beaucoup plus git subtree parce qu’il résout beaucoup de problèmes avec git submodule. That makes me to really the potential issue about git-submodule. most importantly: you do not need access to the source of the subtree to clone the entire thing. Subtree does a decent job at addressing all the problems I outlined, but dealing with nested submodules is too much of a pain for us to consider moving to it. 서브트리로 사용할 원격 저장소 추가; 2. Can someone help me out with what the difference is here? update Update the registered submodules to match what the superproject expects by cloning missing submodules and Feb 13, 2025 · There is one conceptual difference between svn:externals and git submodule that may trip you up if you approach this from a subversion point of view. Git Submodule works as an opposingly different, through the git links as I noted correctly. ). 머지도 복잡해지고. . This article delves into both concepts, comparing Dec 27, 2023 · Git submodules enable you to embed an external standalone Git repository inside a folder within another "parent" repository. This is useful when you want to keep the external repository's history separate and reference a specific commit. People with good memory will remember I wrote about the Apr 19, 2016 · git subtree. That doesn't happen with a clone in a gitignored directory. git submodule; git subtree; Хабы: Git +27 159. I modified it, and made an improvement. 为什么使用Submodules or Subtrees? Subtrees vs Submodules; git submodules 概览. git subtrees (check this article on medium) or git subrepo (easier alternative to submodules, on Github) or even dive deeper in submodules with "Mastering Git submodules" on medium. Imagine a component that's often reused by a software team, and that this component has dependencies of its own. Easy for others to get. But the argument it makes that answers the SO question above depends not at all on git flaws, but on fundamental differences between package managers and git submodules/subtrees. The third party repository is merged into the main project tree, but there is metadata stored in such a way that you can: extract the third party repository later, if any interesting changes have been made Apr 16, 2018 · 因为有用 git 管理 子项目 的需要,我在网上找到了 submodule 和 subtree 这两种方法。奇怪的是,有好几篇文章提到用 subtree 替代 submodule 。 比如这两篇: 用 Git Subtree 在多个 Git 项目间双向同步子项目,附简明使用 May 26, 2024 · Conclusion. gitmodule 类似的文件; git submodule 删除起来比较费劲; git subtree. 12 minutes . But after I read this article: https: git-subtree was the winning solution and in fact it does what I was doing with my scripts and much more, in a better "git-native" way. com Mar 15, 2023 · 当你想一个项目加入到另一个项目里来复用,并且还有保持这个项目可以作为独立 git 仓库管理的时候,就可以用 git submodule 或者 git subtree 了。 git submodule 会把子项目作 Feb 27, 2017 · Git Subtrees vs Monorepo. 可以将其他仓库某个commit作为仓库的子目录; 克隆仓库需要额外的步骤 init 和 update Feb 14, 2025 · Short update / additional information about the previous answer: if you don't like git submodules approach or think this is too hard to understand, you can try . Qestions Differences between git submodule and subtree and GIT Nested repositories: Composer vs. Subtrees directly merge external history into the parent Apr 27, 2022 · Git submodules 和 subtrees. 서브트리를 원격에 올리기 (push) Git 명령어 NPM Script에 추가하기 Benchmarking speed of submodules and subtrees. Jan 29, 2015 · Alexander Mikhailian's script modified by @GaspardP did not work for me. Meanwhile, I found the git-subtree, so i decide to move all my packages from git-submodule to git-subtree. 2以后建议使用git subtree (git v1. ? have very good answers but it is still not clear what should I choose if I need an easy way to frequently update shared code. 05. git worktree is a proper git command (whereas subtree is a contribution, thanks to Chris for the info) which basically helps you manage multiple worktrees on the same repo, with several additional subcommands (list, add, etc. Avoids complications if you DO want to make changes to the library. Very similar to submodule but the main difference is where your code is managed. As you found out, . In this post I explain why. 在本文中,我们将介绍 Git 中的两个重要概念:子模块(submodule)和子树(subtree)。 这两种方式都是将一个 Git 仓库嵌套到另一个仓库中的方法,但它们之间有一些关键的区别。 在接下来的内容中,我们将详细探讨 submodule 和 subtree 的不同之处,并提供一些示例来帮助理解。 Feb 9, 2025 · Git Submodule vs Subtree February 17, 2022. As I'm using an awesome Wordpress Stack ROOTS/BEDROCK, my simplified directory structure looks like this: 3 days ago · Git subtree is the alternative from submodules, but if submodules are aimed at putting another project in a directory of your repository and keeping the remote repository in sync, git subtree allows keeping a subproject separate Dec 22, 2014 · submoduleとして追加した外部リポジトリがあるはずのディレクトリは、初期状態では空っぽです。git submodule init、git submodule updateを実行すれば外部リポジトリのコードの実体をローカル上に落としてくる事ができ、ライブラリを自プロジェクト側から利用できるようになります。 \n \n \n 维度 \n subtree \n submodule \n 优劣对比 \n \n \n \n \n: 空间占用 \n: subtree 在初始化 add 时,会将子仓库 copy 到父仓库中,并产生至少一次 merge 记录。所以会占用大量父仓库空间 \n: submodule 在初始化 add 时,会在父仓库新建一个 . Just two differences off the top of my head. A submodule links to a commit in another repo. Git Subtree embeds the external 2 days ago · Git provides several tools for handling code that lives in separate repositories, among which are submodules and subtrees. 새로운 원격 저장소의 브랜치를 서브트리로 추가; 3. The git-subtree command has many more options, as described by the documentation. While submodules and subtrees serve a similar purpose at face value, how they actually work under the hood differs in very important aspects: History and tracking – Submodules preserve complete separation of history, branches and commits. 7. In produktiven Umgebungen habe ich noch nicht mit git subtree gearbeitet, sondern habe es für diesen Blogpost erst angeschaut. Jun 25, 2019 · git管理子項目對於一些比較大的工程,為了便於複用,常常需要抽取子專案。通常專案中的共用UI、共用底層邏輯、共用第三方庫抽出來做git管理子項目。這時候git提供了兩種管理子專案的方式,submodule和subtree。 有人對submodule和subtree的區別做出一個總結: submodule is link; subtree is copy。 Nov 10, 2019 · Eine Alternative zu git submodule ist git subtree. 最近工作中遇到了一个问题:随着项目越来越多,很多项目依赖同一个模板或是配置文件想同一管理,又不想分开维护,所以只能互相引用,或是各自维护,导致了后续的很多麻烦。 Mar 15, 2025 · An alternative to a submodule is to use git subtree. This is not doable using git submodules. Apr 9, 2023 · 上面介绍的git submodule是Git自带的原生功能,我们接下来将要介绍的git subtree则是由第三方开发者贡献的contrib script,Git本身并不提供git subtree命令,contrib中包含一些实验性的第三方工具,由各自的作者进行维护。 Mar 12, 2025 · Key Differences Between Git Submodules and Git Subtrees. Nov 5, 2023 · Git 子项目管理:git submodule 与 git subtree. Submodules provide semi-fixed references from the superproject into subprojects and are integrated into git. S. subtree is great for including the history of one repo into another. The git submodule is pegged to the revision that you give it. 如果你可以用一个命令把一个项目放在另一个项目中,会怎么样?如果你可以把项目作为子项目添加到任何数量的项目中,并随时随地推送更改,那会怎么样?Git 提供了这方面的解决方案。 Jul 6, 2018 · With git subtree it's more about having a marker in the history that makes it easy for the maintainer to push and pull changes made in the subtree, by merging and splitting them out selectively from the parent repo. Sep 2, 2019 · 常用命令submodulegit submodule add 仓库url git diff --cached --submodule clone后 12git submodule initgit submodule update clone时自动 拉取git clone --recurse-submodules git log -p --submodule subtreegit subtree Jan 15, 2019 · Probably, i misunderstood how git works, I have my directory structure as follows: project (git-repo) project 1 (git-repo) project 2 (git-repo) common scripts (git-repo) All these folders have their own repositories where the main project can have child repositories such as project 1, project 2, child scripts. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Git submodules and subtrees effectively. I've tried to read the readme and hard to say from the beginning of the text what the extension actually does. Git Subtree and submodule: A subtree merge permanently Dec 27, 2023 · Critical Differences Between Git Submodules vs Subtrees. Doing exactly this made my development experience better as I could clone an existing project and actively develop it within the bigger project git subtree add --prefix=<destination path> <repository URL> <branch> 在上述命令中,<destination path>是我们要将子树添加到的路径,<repository URL>是Utils库的远程仓库URL,<branch>是Utils库的要合并的分支。 Git Submodule与Git Subtree的比较. the sub-directory would become permanent part of the super project. It is best used when the subproject: is developed by someone else, is not under the administrative control of the superproject and follows a different release cycle. Every now and then I need to make a choice between using git submodules or subtrees (or nothing), or I get asked about them by coworkers. support for git subtrees from visual studio gui. the only difference to "ordinary commits" is, that there's some additional metadata that allows easier synchronization with the original source of the subtree. There’s no link to the original repo. FWIW I've since moved on to git subrepo which I find to have all the same benefits with fewer downsides as git subtree. Two popular solutions for handling external repositories are submodules and subtrees. The submodule project maintains its own separate Mar 28, 2022 · A subtree is a copy of all the files at a specific commit. Subtrac only really solves the external dependency problem while not Dec 26, 2012 · gitで外部リポジトリを取り込んで利用するには、submodule(サブモジュール) とsubtree merging(サブツリーマージ)の2手法があります。 私の観測範囲内では、サブモジュールはよく利用されていますが、サブツリーマージは目にしません。 そこで、サブツリーマージを試してみての使い分けや思った Jun 6, 2017 · I have a private Git repo with the following structure: A is the root directory and the remaining are the subdirectories. If i am making a framework or a common packages i will use monorepo with lerna or yarn or latest npm. 5. With a submodule you can make May 27, 2024 · Both are added to your index (staging area) and you simply need to commit them. Both Git submodules and Git subtree provide effective ways to integrate external repositories into your main project. Among others, you can (annotated for simplicity): add:: Create the <prefix> subtree by importing its contents from the given <refspec> or <repository> and remote <refspec>. 1. Here's an example of Jan 31, 2017 · What is the difference between running git submodule update --remote vs cd <submodule directoy> git pull Assuming that the submodule was previously set to track some branch: git submod 文章浏览阅读1. Git Submodule. 11 才合并进来) git subtree的使用 Sep 23, 2022 · You should state in the readme that the git-subrepo is an alternative to git-subtree in first place, because both does merge git worktrees. I. git subtree support is still pending, as shown in this suggestion:. The only way to use git subtrees presently is from the command line, and as you have seen, they are not properly interpreted from the VS project. Рейтинг Jul 31, 2012 · The commands you describe reads a subtree into a repository. 0 Nov 20, 2022 · Git: Fork vs submodules vs Subtree. reference one specific commit of another repo (true equivalent of svn external with explicit revision numbers),; keep the two histories (the parent repo and the external repo) separate (as in a component-based approach). 다른 개발자들이 따라올까? 각자 도생 repo 심플하게! 다른 프로젝트면 레포도 다르게! Git Subtree和Submodule的使用 背景. 6k次。本文详细介绍了在Git中使用子模块(submodule)和子树(subtree)的方法,包括如何通过TortoiseGit界面和命令行添加、更新和删除子模块,以及如何使用子树进行代码依赖管理。对比了子模块和子树在代码同步和管 May 19, 2018 · Git Submodules und Subtrees 19. Without a good dependency management tool, 使用git init --bare在本地创建两个裸仓库,分别表示主仓库和依赖的子仓库,我们将主仓库命名为main,依赖的子仓库命名为lib, git subtree使用同样的初始化方法,下文不再赘述。 git submodule常用命令 - [Instructor] Time to get your hands dirty. Generally speaking, you'd need a way to determine (for any original-repo commit) which vendor-repo commit should be included; and you'd need your tree filter to rm the existing directory, Jan 7, 2011 · git submodule or git subtree 孰胜孰劣/优缺点 git submodule. And the fact that after git clone/pull you have to perform git submodule init/update and, possibly, --recursive is May 6, 2020 · Git provides solutions for this: Git submodules and Git subtrees. That won't change. The main serious issue you could have using submodules is when updating them while having updates in progress, as described in "how exactly does git submodule work":If you forget to set a branch when making commits in a Dec 20, 2020 · I have 1 more repository which combines all of the repositories as a git submodules . All of the code is meant to be run on Windows platform. git subtree 는 메인 저장소에 코드를 직접적으로 통합하면서도 외부 저장소와의 연결을 유지하고자 할 때 유용합니다. But recently, i lose the evil package git repository access. I'm also not finding any help out on the web. You can merge the library, using the git subtree command, and no one else needs to have support for the command to access and use your repository. GitHub 加速计划 / tr / training-kit tr / training-kit. May 01, 2016. Subtree vs. Using Submodules in Git. This difference means that it is trivial to push updates back to a submodule, because we’re just pushing commits Oct 24, 2010 · If the development lifecycle of the two projects (the one on GitHub, and yours) are different, then the submodule approach is better. Mar 7, 2018 · Probably the killer feature of dependency managers like Apache Ivy is transitive dependencies resolution and conflict management. Jan 20, 2022 · 만약 메인저장소에 . 添加一个subtree; 拉取subtree; 推送subtree; subtrees的问题; 总结 Jun 1, 2015 · 就把这些改动提交到了 bcc-console/console 的 subtree 分支。 但是这些改动并没有体现在 x-dep, x-common, x-mockup 的仓库,如果以后其他人 clone 了这些仓库,并没有看到我们改动,岂不是很麻烦,如果能想到这个问题,非常好,其实已经有解决方案了,就是使用 Jan 14, 2021 · What makes it a submodule is that some other Git repository says: clone this Git repository, then checkout out commit _____ (fill in the blank with a hash ID). So if those few external repositories have no Git Submodules vs Git Subtrees Subtrees vs Submodules. 장점: 버전 관리의 유연성: 메인 프로젝트는 하위 모듈의 특정 커밋을 참조함으로써, 사용하고자 하는 정확한 코드 버전을 관리할 수 있음; 저장소의 깔끔함: 메인 저장소의 크기가 커지지 않고, 외부 저장소의 커밋 이력을 메인 저장소에 포함시키지 않음 subtree 和 submodule 的目的都是用于 git 子仓库管理,二者的主要区别在于,subtree 属于拷贝子仓库,而 submodule 其中 --prefix= 简写为 -P,配置 --squash 表示不拉取子仓库的历史提交记录 git subtree add -P centos-config --squash centos master Jul 25, 2019 · You can see it that way, but they're not really the same. Modified 8 years ago. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that can affect your workflow, project structure, and collaboration with other developers. What is Git subtree, and why should I use it? git subtree lets you nest one repository inside another as Apr 8, 2024 · What's the main difference between Git Subtree and Git Submodule? The main difference is in how they incorporate external repositories. This is infrequent enough that I forget some of the details each time and need to refresh my memory. -> sub module sync 등 러닝 커브. e: if you change your project without having systematically to change the other GitHub project, then you should consider the Git Submodules 성격이 다르면 최소한 git 히스토리는 따로 관리해야지! 그래도 최대한 하나로 묶어서. Contribute to justone/submodule_vs_subtree development by creating an account on GitHub. 94. The number one issue I’ve seen when people start using Git is dealing with submodules in existing projects. Choose submodules for projects needing separate revision control or when using third-party libraries without altering their structure. I do not use any package management for my emacs currently. Nov 17, 2015 · Submodule is well-suited to your case, especially since you don't mind included those subrepos in their own subdirectory. Comme d’habitude, avec tout ce qui concerne Git, il y a une courbe d’apprentissage pour tirer le meilleur parti de la Sep 11, 2018 · You don't, for now. Ask Question Asked 8 years ago. The other Git repository—the one with the clone-and-checkout Nov 14, 2015 · Git submodule VS Git Subtree 非常棒的 SubTree 教程 一个真实场景的使用例子 alternatives-to-git-submodule-git-subtree Git Submodules: Core concept, workflows and tips 为什么使用Git Subtree - 百度文库 Git Submodule的坑 使用Git Submodule可能遇到的坑 Git深度使用经验总结 understanding git submodules Aug 2, 2023 · @philb of course, as will be the case for any article on shortcomings of git commands, as git evolves rather rapidly. Jan 2, 2025 · Lesson 86: Pros and Cons of Subtrees vs Submodules. 3 (可 May 14, 2016 · P. And i am using custom task management system so i can spin up all of the servers and client with single command. Aug 19, 2011 · A subproject is a generic term for one of three types of nesting:. Submodules are distinct repositories linked to a parent repository, while subtrees integrate repositories into one, maintaining history. They can be submodules or subtree. 仓库 clone下来需要 init 和 update; 会产生像 . 14. Git subtree allows you to insert any repository as a sub-directory of another one. Git subtree est une excellente alternative. I have cloned the GIT-SUBTREES-DEMO repository and this is what this repository looks like on VS Code. Submodules allow you to include another Git repository as a subdirectory within your own repository. 1 git submodule. In submodules the content is placed inside a May 5, 2017 · Well, that is a lot more complicated. 1. It is one of several ways Git projects can manage project dependencies. In summary, git subtree is a Git tool that enables you to manage external projects or codebases as subprojects within your own repository. We recently decided to move from TFVC to Git and I'm trying to find the best way to design our new Git architecture. From Apache Ivy features page:. Apr 9, 2023 · 同时这也让我们认识到git subtree不是Git原生支持的命令,而是第三方开发者通过Git的底层命令写出的一个高层次脚本,所以它是可以由基础的Git命令来实现的。 subtree与submodule的作用是一样的,但是subtree出现得比submodule晚,它的出现是为了弥补submodule存在的问题: Oct 1, 2024 · From what I can tell reading the docs and source code Git subtree is completely separate from Git submodules and will not actively manage any submodules that may be contained within the subtree project itself. Update March 25, 2016: I May 15, 2019 · 3. Jan 28, 2025 · Git subtree Инициализация поиска About me Blog Notebook Service MLOps Engineer's Notebook About me Blog Load balancing between uWSGI instances using nginx Apache Airflow Apache Airflow Architecture Overview DAGs Tasks Operators Sensors Deferrable Summary. Mit Submodules und Subtrees sind in Git zwei Möglichkeiten enthalten, ein Repository in einem anderem Repository einzubinden. This gives the benefits of git submodule but without pushing the complexity to the end user. These tools were created to support code-sharing development workflows on a more modular level, aspiring to Apr 28, 2012 · An answer was to use git submodules. 서브트리를 원격에서 내려받기 (pull) 4. We’ve seen that git submodules have some issues, and we have seen how both subtree and subtrac try to solve them. Whereas subtree is, additionnally to the Jan 14, 2021 · Git Subtree 사용하기 2 분 소요 Git Subtree란? Git Subtree 사용하기. May 18, 2015 · Git subtree allows you to insert any repository as a sub-directory of another one. Now, the new subtrees will point to the same commit as the old submodules did. – Sep 16, 2020 · git submodule(子模块) git subtree(子树合并) 从1. Её можно запускать только из корня рабочей копии. 2018 git multiple-projects Submodules und Subtrees. gitmodules 文件,用于保存子仓库的 Oct 2, 2010 · submodule is great to:. It looks just like regular sub folders, doesn't it? Nov 7, 2018 · 此文已由作者张磊授权网易云社区发布。 欢迎访问网易云社区,了解更多网易技术产品运营经验。 前言 git 拆分仓库在网上已有的案例上来看,分为 submodule 和 subtree。 还有基于这两个方案进行改进的 subrepo、git-repo 等,当然还可以使用 npm 去管理。 Aug 14, 2017 · The git documentation doesn't make it at all clear what the difference is between a git submodule update and a git submodule sync is. In the world of Git, managing dependencies is a common challenge. May 1, 2016 · Git Submodules vs Git Subtrees. It is generally convenient/usable to use submodules by my experience, but it has at least one big drawback: git submodule support is not always present in the project's environment. 添加一个submodule; 拉取submodule; 推送submodule; submodules的黄金法则; submodules的问题; git subtrees概览. Submodules offer a way to keep commit histories separate and maintain clear May 23, 2023 · My findings after trying both lerna, npm workspaces and git submodules. For one, subtree creates a relationship on the parent repo to the subtree one. Also subtree helps you track the remote repo without getting all its history (see --squash). The simplest way to think of subtrees and submodules is that a subtree is a copy of a repository that is pulled into a parent repository while a submodule is a pointer to a specific commit in another repository. gitmodules에 있는 모든 Mar 18, 2020 · 另外也可以用一句話的方式描述: Submodule: 較易 push,較不易 pull,不佔空間,因為它只紀錄 HASH。; Subtree: 較不易 push,較易 pull,不佔空間,因為是副本。; Git Submodule 簡介. Viewed 4k times 7 . libs의 저장소에서 변경사항이 있고, 이 변경사항을 메인저장소의 submodule(. Es ist zwar auch nicht die perfekte Lösung, bietet aber einige Vor- und Nachteile im Vergleich zu git submodule. 虽然Git Submodule和Git Subtree都可以在存储库中引入另一个存储库,但它们之间存在一些 Nov 1, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读285次,点赞4次,收藏2次。综上所述,git submodule和git subtree在仓库独立性、初始化和更新、仓库结构以及适用场景等方面存在区别。在选择使用哪种方式时,应根据项目的具体需求和团队的协作模式进行权衡和选择。git submodule和git subtree都是Git中用于管理项目依赖关系的工具,它们允许 Sep 8, 2015 · My emacs is mainly using git submodule to organise the packages. The reason why I say this is because one can have submodules that are part of the monorepo. There are multiple ways to approach it, but they're all complex enough that I'd hesitate to suggest one without having time to test it out first. It allows you to incorporate, synchronize, and manage dependencies effectively while maintaining a Jan 6, 2025 · git submodule和git subtree都是Git中用于管理项目依赖关系的机制,它们允许将一个Git仓库嵌套到另一个Git仓库中。然而,这两种机制在实现方式、使用场景和优缺点等方面存在一些区别。 一、实现方式 git submodule:子模块允许你将一个Git仓库作为另一个Git仓库的子. 在软件开发中,合并外部代码的需求经常出现。Git 提供了两种流行的子项目管理工具:git submodule 和 git subtree。本文深入探讨这两种工具,帮助您选择最适合您项目的工具。 May 26, 2024 · git subtree this will make the subtree repository a part of your parent repository. libs)에 반영하고 싶다면 git submodule update --remote라고 명령어를 입력해주면 . The submodule’s history remains independent of the parent project. Previously, the script would simply download the latest commit from the target repositories, potentially causing compatibility issues. If you want to have this feature implemented in Visual Studio there is only one way - you have to Jun 27, 2014 · Git subtree. 避免以上问题; 管理和更新流程比较方便; git v1. 이 방법은 git submodule 보다는 더 많은 통합을 제공하면서도 4 days ago · In this post we will look at git subtree and show why it is an improvement – albeit not perfect – over Git submodule. Карма. Background When you want to use a subtree, you add the subtree to an existing repository where the subtree is a reference to another repository url and branch/tag. 0. Submodule 最早出現在 v1. Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via email, Twitter, or Facebook. The subtree command May 26, 2024 · Below I'll show you two paths on how to integrate an external repository into your C# project using both Git submodules and Git subtree with Visual Studio Code (VSCode), and git subtree; CMake FetchContent; git submodule. git submodule VS git subtree ? 1. Here is a link to the Git submodule 和 subtree 的区别. Your Answer Reminder: Answers generated by Feb 11, 2019 · These concepts aren't similar and the comparison seems odd, beyond the similar sounding. SubModules vs. Our code is made of Possible duplicate of Git using subtree or submodule to manage external resources Mar 10, 2025 · I've finally incorporated GitHub and Composer dependency management on my workflow. cqkhsdkladimwcfkltxtmohyuptnzmlanlcxfipmqzetqxxqzxfhxjvwlvpeyhndqfnhueimxrubr