Dead tooth smell reddit Every time I run a finger or floss the top left back molars I get a really bad smell when compared to my other teeth. They said everything looked fine and nothing came out from between the teeth. Noticed on that tooth and the gum surrounding it a bad smell. ) (No smell). I left, followed the aftercare instructions, and took OTC pain medication. He was sitting about 6 from me. But once I did I would get this awful smell, visited the dentist and sure enough I need a root canal on tooth #2. Also the x-ray showed a black circle in the gum beneath the tooth. I floss, then I use mouthwash, then I brush. To my horror, anytime his lips parted, I was gagging. Could it be coming from my gums? Weird - I've have the exact same problem with #16! My best (and totally nonprofessional) guess is that its seems to be right beneath my sinus cavity so maybe the sinus funk smell drains downward and out from the gums around that tooth? I've noticed that after using a neti pot I taste saltiness coming from that same area. Physiological question ahead Full text: I just had two teeth pulled, and my boss asked me if I could smell it. When I press my finger back there and then smell my finger it smells horrifying. And I truthfully did not learn until about a year ago. I can’t figure out why. The rest of my mouth is fine, only those 2 teeth do this. The tooth may still be alive under there, but the pulp chamber where the nerve lives may be completely filled (with Dentin) well into the root. For bad breath there is nothing you can do about it but a cavity is an easy fix. I am curious, if the tooth is dead does this mean that a root canal should Whether you have noticed it yourself or it has gotten to the stage that someone else has commented, there are plenty of reasons why a tooth may smell bad. Terms & Policies It smells like she's nibbling on little pieces of shit You need to see a dentist because you don’t want the remains of the root of a dead tooth there. Not always, but more commonly. Seemed to change colour almost over night. turns out the nerves in your bone and in your gums give you all the sensation you need to make it feel like your tooth can still feel. On a radiograph, a lesion may be discovered around the apex (tip) of the tooth, which is indicative of a tooth that has been necrotic for some time. It being difficult to brush means it's only a matter of time before a cavity forms. That was a year and a half ago and the tooth is completely fine. A dead tooth is prime for infection and left to spread can cause your entire jaw some big problems. Furthermore the bad smell can be caused by carious teeth or inflamed gum tissue. ) with a little bit of gunk between it and another tooth. Please abide by the following rules in order to get an accurate answer to your question: My wisdom tooth started growing about two years ago and only 1/4 of it came out of my gum and the rest still hasn’t come out. Your breath can smell really bad in case of stomach ulcers or some disorder in the sphincter that separates your esophagus from your stomach. Plaque is made of bacteria which smell bad. Normally, dying teeth rapidly change colors and it’s more often a grayish hue. Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. I have been in my retainers (full time) for 6 months now and I first Dead mice sometimes too, mixed with dead mammal smell, so rotten sweet you want to walk away from it. I was just too naive and didn’t know the importance of dental care at the time, and I feel guilt about it constantly. Sometimes his breathe can smell absolutely horrible like rotting flesh. He’s almost 60. Verified professionals will have flair assigned to them. We called out again, no answer. I got my 4 wisdom teeth removed and voila! Bad breath for over 30 years GONE! Tongue still white no matter how much I scrape it. It wasn't a phantom smell like the smoke smell I get sometimes. But after a bite (without using that side for Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Tooth felt freat after, there was no pain. Posted by u/Latter-Plantain-3405 - No votes and 1 comment The tooth being hard to brush would probably lend me to think you might be better not extracting it regardless of whether there is a cavity or not. You can still get a tooth ache in it also. Almost immediately I got a bad feeling - I remember there was a bad smell when they took the tooth out. you might still feel the I was hanging with my brother after realizing this and he was like dude you smell like our grandparents house. I recently noticed that if i touch either of my lower wisdom teeth, my finger comes out smelling pretty bad. There's no cavity or decay on it. Sepsis is when your blood starts carrying the infection around. He could also Not specific evidence but we see patients with significant others having abbesses, severe gum disease, rampant decay and not notice odors. Your jaw is part of the circulatory system. Then the horrible smell in my nose started, it smells like the worst rotten thing you can imagine. I have good dental hygiene: brush twice daily, floss once daily, fluoride swish once daily and cleanings every 6 months. The doctor made very small, strong movements, but in the realm of teeth, it was like pushing a dead car with flat tires. Imagine the streets full of actual human corpses it would be probably the worst part of the whole thing and on all the shows I don’t remember anybody ever mentioning it. Wicked sensitive teeth (life long) and nearly daily mild bleeding when cleaning my teeth. Only around that tooth and no where else in my mouth. For me, clearing the dead nerve was not painful at all, when they hit some less dead, it was a dull ache type pain. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. Just remembering now that about a week ago I had tried putting on my retainer after not using it for about a year. I'm 20 and my wisdom tooth have not fully come out yet, can I asked if a dentist is cleaning your teeth because (they don’t like to hear this) dentists don’t specialize in cleaning teeth, a hygienist does. (2) Include whether you drink, smoke or if you have any medical conditions relevant to your main concern. you can check all the boxes of gingival health and still smell bacteria on your floss if you It’s embarrassing. Why do I have a smelly tooth? 1. Sewer smell is normal and you shouldn’t try to clean it, you need to have a trap right under the sink to prevent it from getting out of the pipes. (Its not painful, just slightly sensitive to cold) I very carefully use a floss pick (the floss part not the pointy side) in order to Wisdom teeth can produce room filling bb especially when decayed partially erupted, under the gum or even fully erupted 😂 From the moment you smell shit from that tooth get it gone. I just had two teeth pulled, and my boss asked Smells can be worrisomeor they can be something more innocent, like a little piece of food stuck in the extraction site. I initially noticed a strong smell coming from one of the bottom teeth which is what led me to finding out i needed them out. I've never used Reddit before. I've been using corsodyl for a few days now, with no change in the smell. I had 20 trays total, changed trays every 2 weeks. Basically a number of random things just stopped smelling how they always had and instead all smelled like this really unpleasant First time posting here. I randomly got a sore tooth, went to diff dentist (because normal couldn’t fit me in) who referred me to a perio and BAM! Gum disease. Please help me. I’ve A dead tooth is not rotting, it does not get infected easier than any other tooth, it does not smell like some people have said. Clean the toothbrush in-between and go on with cleaning until the für is removed from your tongue which should look beautifully red again. I'm losing my mind and I don't know what to do. I have to say that my wisdom tooth was partially erupted, i saw a little bit of the tooth and i think food got trapped there? From what I understand, the smell is due to bacteria from food/sugar/drink that gets caught in the cavity (fun fact, this is why some people actually have bad breath, pockets on their tonsils from old colds/flus that allow bacteria to get Since I constantly have a flow of mucus and constantly need to spit it up, my mouth is always smelling bad from that, no matter how often I brush my teeth. Additionally removing that tooth on your own will be excruciatingly painful. The other one had breath like a graveyard. Yes, rotten teeth There's a very specific version of Maureen I would date: Maureen during the McPoyle-Ponderosa wedding. Fast forward a few weeks to Monday; had a root canal done, dentist said that the root was dead and that it's good we got to it in time. I remember if they were in a hotel for just a night, the room would already smell like them. I was told one of my teeth wasn't salvageable by my dentist. It’s weird because it’s literally only in between 2 teeth & the rest are fine & don’t smell. Floss extra hard for 3 days and its all better. You can drill, apply hot/or cold (in specific conditions), or an electric current. I'm 20 and my wisdom teeth have not come in yet. It's usually cheaper and easier to have a tooth taken out before it breaks down or causes you any discomfort. There's a bridge next to this smelly tooth. Prof told a joke, and the guy next to me laughed, and immediately, the smell came over me. I ALWAYS have to have gum or mints on me to mask the smell (or perceived smell) of my breath, and I honestly dread up-close-and-personal conversations. So I know this may sound like a stupid question but my 2 front teeth are heavily decayed. Sometimes those pockets of invisible gunk don’t affect your breath, and sometimes they do when released or otherwise. although some have bad hygiene, incontinence and tooth decay. I've tried cleaning them with dish soap and cold water but the smell remains. That same rationale does not work for a human, however, because Carroll applies to cars My tooth has been like this since 2017. Smells like she's been nibbling on pieces of shit Reply reply yaMomsChestHair He doesnt have a 83 votes, 80 comments. WTF! It was definitely a pet smell, I thought it was my other neighbor who had a really bad smell situation associated with multiple pets few or so weeks prior. Other teeth were fine, and I floss every night, so I wonder if there’s something wrong. Also there is no smell when i do a lick test. Hes very insecure about his teeth because he was bullied in school for it and his mother couldn't afford to take him to the dentist. He said he had and commented how bad it was at times. I responded in the negative, but I was curious as to why he asked, so I asked him if he could ever smell my mouth. Honestly, you'll stop feeling pain in that tooth eventually but that just means you won't feel the infection start. I will get that done may 29. I have phantosmia and also had parosmia, both began shortly after covid. Have a sign you can make to communicate with them if it is painful. also, you can swear you have a really bad infected tooth that needs to be pulled when all you really have is infected gums. Noticed a discolouration on my tooth the other day. If it hurts, it's not dead. My lower wisdom tooth was impacted and hard to clean, so I got it extracted Tuesday the 28th. Sure, her nipple placement was apparently crazy, but wacky nipples I finally confronted my husband about his consistent bad breathe and he revealed he has 7 cavities and a dead tooth that may be the cause. All I can say is that if the dentist tells you your chance of success for the root canal is less then 90% rip it out because I did not and on top of having a root canal I had to have it removed a month later and removing it after a root canal is 10x harder because the root canal makes your Yeah-Its to see if the tooth is necrotic-A necrotic (dead) tooth gives off a pretty strong odor. I have been flossing once/twice a day for the last 2 years? still, when I floss, the floss smells bad. What you’re describing sounds like a dead tooth, but from what I’m seeing, it doesn’t look like that at all and it seems quite unlikely. He could have gum disease which would require deep Cleanings and possible extractions or tooth decay, Both have distinct smells. Then use a good mouthwash, can get the kinds that don't burn if you want, act is good if you have any other teeth problems. . The smell could be coming from the sewer under the street if the floor drain has a trap upstream of where they join together with the sink to drain. But I’m 30 now and never felt anything different about that tooth. She got her dead tooth fixed, and she even got a boob job. If you suspect that you have a dead or dying tooth, it’s crucial that you figure out what’s going on before it’s too late. Can anyone advise me as to what's going on? nurse here. They are tonsil stones and smell like death. Sometimes is just the embarrassment thats holding you back. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show and anything else. Valheim; Genshin Impact; My bottom 2 wisdom teeth give a horrible smell when flossing it and just touching and smelling the wisdom tooth smells like poo. He doesn't drink smoke or do drugs. This has been treated with antibiotics or corsodyl mouthwash. My teeth look good. If is coming from your breath, maybe it’s your stomach. I spent years dealing with his rotting teeth and the smell of his mouth that made me nauseous when I was in the same bed as him. Anyone who has had a root canal has a dead tooth, they just get a crown so it doesn’t get discolored. I did take medicine for infection and it does help with the smell. He'd once craved that smell, but it was different this time: this wasn’t the metallic wafts of freshly spilled blood that he was used to; it was the putrid stank of old Prescription mouthwash worked, I was so happy. Please abide by the following rules in order to get an accurate answer to your question: My dead tooth is a baby tooth and the adult one is impacted underneath. He said I probably had a childhood trauma and it died. My Ortho uses 3M clarity instead of Invisalign. I tried a different piece of floss in each molar and it all smells. Food gets collected under the gum flap of those teeth, and the air we breathe out from our mouths carries the smell into a distance. If the tooth is dead, it Today my tongue is pink and no smell even after i have eaten something and also no bad taste in my mouth. Please abide by the following rules in order to get an accurate answer to your question: (1) Ensure you include a title of your dental problem. White af! No bleeding when brushing or flossing. Bad breath and a bad taste are common signs of tooth decay and a dead tooth. The tooth has started to decay. I just had a cleaning and told them and they repaired a new filling and it’s still so bad, and it smells in teeth that haven’t been filled. In the meantime, try to brush back there and if you can use a syringe to gently push antibacterial mouthwash under the flap of tissue next to the partially-exposed tooth, it will help with the inflammation. I went back to the dentist and they told me it didn’t look like my sinus was perforated and recommended me to use a saline nose rinse to get rid of the smell. I noticed that there is a weird smell. I'm currently in the process of getting implants which isn't fun at all, certainly you wouldn't want to have to pay for that right now (or your parents for that matter). There's always a bitter taste in my mouth, my breath never feels fresh. Just noticed this tooth was gray a few days ago, and now it’s starting to hurt a lot. Gaming. It is recommended to floss at least 1x daily. Causes: Tooth decay and dental infections are primary causes of dead tooth smell, stemming from bacterial activity and sulfur compounds. I called it "the bad smell". No cavities. Should be brushing around 2 minutes or more, doesn't hurt to do the others a while too. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . the dentist is mainly looking at attachment levels, probing depths, bleeding on probing, color, contour, etc. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing When I use floss there is a bad smell on my certain tooth. Please abide by the following rules in order to get an The water fountain rushed on, water spilling out from the sides of the tiny bowl. switched Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Now when I rub on my two front teeth and smell my finger it stinks A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. It’s just simply a different color. I’m going in to see my ortho in 3 days but they said it looked fine from the picture. Dead Tooth Smell: A foul odor from the mouth may indicate a dead tooth, which is a serious dental issue needing immediate attention. If you go to a general doctor with complain of the smell they may look into it. Whenever I have been to the dentist, I am told what a great job I do taking care of my teeth. The stuff between your teeth is what smells bad. hii, so i got all four of my wisdom teeth removed together last july, the bottom two being pretty impacted. If it's caused by not brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, eating too much garlic, etc - easy, start/stop doing those things. Now my house smells the same hahahaaaaa ughhh Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I keep sucking at it and feeling horribly gross. If it was a 'rushed' root canal, like, done because you had a ton of pain in that tooth (my dentist calls them, 'hot teeth'), and drilled and filled the same day, often, the infection under the tooth, the thing that actually caused the pain, never It's ok man you still have a chance for them yo be healthy but gotta get rid of the one causing issues, but Yeah teeth are extremely expensive you can get a payment plan but even then you need 600 quid laying around, but at your age you might be able to get on the NHS but be prepared for a 2 year waiting list. Brush your tongue carefully with your toothbrush. Need to see a dentist. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS. The newly restored tooth, while dead, is free of bacteria and should be fine for years to come (there is potential of secondary infection as the dds said but it is unlikely). My dentist did a check with running electricity through the tooth and I couldn’t feel it. Also got a crown installed on said tooth. More posts you may like r/NoStupidQuestions. I have been going through this for 3 years as well and its caused me to be isolated and social anxiety. r/NoStupidQuestions This sub-reddit is for almost anything related to appliances. The process for pulling both teeth and putting in new fake was incredibly painful and drawn out (and truthfully the only way we ever could have afforded the whole process at the time was because he was in the military so they paid for it. It was BAD but also would come and go. I go in for a consultation In a week or so. The smell happened after I water picked the area. I pulled the gunk out and did a deep Recently I’ve gotten my teeth filled, and that teeth is in a crooked position, so I’m surprised that the dentist can filled it! I’m not sure about before this but recently I’ve realised that when I floss in between that filled teeth, it stinks. Made appointment with dentist, and the tooth has indeed died. dead_tooth_reddit • The smell of weed in a car is a basis for a search because (1) drugs ARE contraband, and (2) there is an exception to the warrant requirement that allows police to seize contraband from a car w/o a warrant (the "carroll doctrine). A smell generally means some bacteria is brewing. I’m thinking though if someone for example smokes marijuana every other night or so that the next day at their dental appointment at 2 PM or whatever, it seems unlikely to me that they would still smell of marijuana the next day at that point it seems like it would just be a general “bad breath from inhaling smoke” thing. But after a full tooth extraction he’s doing fine now, and his breath smells fine. Food would get trapped, even to touch my wisdom teeth left a stench on my finger, like a dead animal. " The current hypothesized If you suspect you have a dead tooth, either due to pain, smell, looseness or having a darker hue than the rest of your teeth, it’s imperative that you seek treatment from your dentist. My front bottom tooth is apparently dead. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets The great part about whitening a dead tooth is because you don’t have any sensitivity on the tooth from whitening. There are plenty of signs of a dead tooth, but most people aren’t familiar with them as some are similar to the same the standard old people smell is from skin changes that produce a substance called Nonenal. true. But wait, there's more. Always brush, floss, mouthwash, go to the dentist, get xrays. We both stood close to each other, I could smell the fear on her, was that fear or was that the sewage smell of the creek. Sometimes the dentist will use Calcium Hydroxide (a stong antibacterial paste) in the canal for a week or so to disinfect the canal before completing the root canal. The doctor got a grip on the tooth, the nurse got a grip on my head (I had a recently broken neck, so I needed manual help keeping my head in one place and resisting the doctor's strength), and they coordinated efforts. Bad breath is either an easy fix or a really hard fix. The dentist rather than removing them decided to put composite bonding over the front teeth and swears that she cleaned all the decay and those teeth should not be causing my BB. by a dentist's definition you can have good gingiva, while still smelling bacteria on your floss. The gap between both teeth is wider now from the reshaping, but the smell is still an issue, even if perhaps a little less than before. He's been ashamed his entire life about it and told me he was informed by a dentist it 32 votes, 26 comments. Ive tried speaking to him about it before but he shuts down. Good luck man I really feel for you because I have extremen anxiety when it comes to the dentist too. But anyway - I saw a dentist about a year ago who mentioned that this tooth needed a root canal ASAP. So it’s very effective. About a week ago I noticed a smell coming from one particular tooth. Necrotic, dead teeth, often have a brownish gray appearance. It is not painful, but depends. I made a dentist appointment for him and managed all the medical care. Did it for a couple of days and if anything; it only made the smell worse. It'll probably depend where the affected tooth is located and how neighboring teeth might be affected by treatment. i know now that the smell was from trapped food beneath the gums behind the teeth (pericoronitis) and had them extracted more than six months ago now. FWIW my husband had a fake tooth that ended up looking like this and caused the tooth next to it die as well. thats what youre smelling, the waste the bacteria produces. My dentist checked it a few times and he didn't notice Firstly, try and ask a bunch of your close friends to make sure the problem is real, like "Hey I brushed my teeth but i think my breath smells bad, can you do me a solid and let me know if it stinks?" Perhaps you just think your breath smells bad, but actually, you just don't like the smell of your own breath. No further research needed - while it may not be exclusively true, the answer is yes sadly. hmm sure. smells like a mixture of spit and plaque. I wouldn't want an untreated dead tooth to be festering away in my mouth, but that's Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Headcanon is the reason dead zombies smell so bad when cut them open isn't just the rotting corpse but also the smell of the infection Maybe the head, where the infection rests, has the most potent smell. Title: Rotten tooth smell is the worst malodor I can think of. I grabbed one of my floss/teeth picks and picked at each tooth until I found the problem tooth. But it made my teeth ridiculously sensitive and almost constant headaches. No, it could be further down the line. It sounds like your dad was scammed by a dentist who wanted more money. Left to it's own devices, you will develop a painful infection when bacteria travel up out of the tooth into the bone around it. The gum surrounding the site may be more red and So he suspects that the tooth might be completely dead and a root canal is needed, although there is no abscess. I swelled up a huge amount the next day and felt very sick and tired. It’s super sensitive now and I can’t even stand the feeling of air on it. The important part to all this is doing it long enough and often enough. But yeah it smells like fresh manure, rotting fish and a petting zoo. Now if the gums around the tooth hurt that's a different story. Just a curious thought. I had mono Just got into aligners. Teeth are still recovering. It was a back tooth (Maybe my molar, unsure. I genuinely thought there was a dead rat in the vents or something. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. He was initially planning to pull the tooth himself using pliers. Yes, a dead or decaying tooth may emit a foul odor due to the bacteria growing in and around the tooth. I was brushing and flossing tonight when I noticed a foul smell coming from my floss. I’ve been a hygienist for almost 10 years and what the dentist is telling you is making alarm bells go off in my head. There are vitality tests for determing if a tooth is dead, in short, applying a stimulus to see if the tooth reacts. Can barely see a nerve in the x-ray and no pain. I have been extremely thorough with my teeth. It literally smelled like a dead body when he breathed on us. Or, it could just be that it was a cool idea This is the danger a lot of people who have a root canal can have as well. Also: having the dead tooth is far better than no tooth. Turned out he had a gum disease—his gums were attacking his teeth and they were literally rotting away in his mouth. I use a mixture of plastic floss picks, interdental brushes, and a waterpick. I even tried only using it to gargle and kept it off my teeth as much as possible but nope. Went to an endo and he said it was more than salvageable with a core build up and crown. Plus sinus and nasal May sound weird to you, but the bad smell can be caused by a furry tongue. It may just be discoloration acquired from starting the treatment and having the trays for several months. After successful RCT the tooth is fillled with a combination of materials to perserve it, a filling or crown is placed on top. The footsteps got louder, tiny and muffled as they emerged from the darkness of the woods. Really bad. Being around one dead body the smell is unbearable I remember a dead mouse once that was left in the trap too long and it was nauseating. My husband has 7 cavities and a dead front tooth. Hey guys Basically my tooth smells like shit. The last thing Sweet Tooth could recall was a cold, cramped wooden box buried deep beneath bug-tilled soil where the stench of death permeated his last remaining gulps of air. I'd get a second opinion from an endodontist. As a kid I had a silver crown for one of my baby teeth until that was removed, and this tooth is beginning to smell like that one, which was rotten. Both situations are typically brought on by blunt trauma like a fall, walking into a door, or beer bottle mishap. Doctor recommended a filling and then a crown, due to the tooth already having another filling. Also this “dead” (non vital) tooth was my most problematic tooth during Invisalign and went through the most movement. Floss more often and this smell may become less intense. More numbing got rid of it though. I have pretty good oral hygiene so i'm kinda stumped. The more the tooth decays, the more difficult it gets I have 2 very tiny cavities that were filled 20ish years ago, and neither of them are on the tooth in question. I am going through the samething, got my tonsils removed and teeth/gums deep cleaned, done nasal sprays and have tried every mouth wash/ tooth paste possible. Or check it out in the app stores part of my tooth broke off while flossing a few months ago and now the inside of that tooth smells like rot. He drilled deep enough to find I may need a root canal. My dentist says the nerve in my second molar, the very back one for me, is dying and I’m scheduled to get it extracted, but since I had this appointment (where she started drilling but Bad breath can be a lot of things. I just want to sit and cry. Need to fix your stove, cook-top, oven, refrigerator, washer or dryer? Thinking For some reason in between two of my top teeth it smells like poop whenever I’m flossing & then smell the floss. What OP is describing sounds more like parosmia. I had to stop. Dead teeth as in teeth with the nerve removed called a "root canal" you can grind away on and you won't feel a thing in that tooth. evuwp tfc sgcyn ocjc pafcr jbuf rmweu vhceyz vag dlmh lgrc uqxsim kza exku oountde