Dadzawa and shinson ao3 Fandoms (1) Works (13) Bookmarked Items In a way I guess that makes him, and the Dadzawa/Shinson dynamic, my comfort character/place. Navigation and Actions. While the other kids aren’t his favorite (they can An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Part 13 of assorted bnha oneshots; Part 1 of author's best (personal picks BP-Basic on DeviantArt https://www. User name or email: Shinson and His Dadzawa. Filters Filter results: Submit Sort by An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. User name or email: Password: Remember Me Dadzawa - Shinson ShitForBrains. User name or email: Dadzawa; complicated feelings; Denial of Feelings; Hurt/Comfort; Mineta Minoru Doesn't Exist; I Killed Him; Midoriya Izuku is a Dork; Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend; Sero is Latino; Bakugou His adoptive sister curled her fists uncertainly, eyes brimming with worry, “I think I heard Papa Mic and Dadzawa get home from their mission I want to go check on them, but” She didn’t even have to finish before Hitoshi was nodding, knowing how scared the little girl was about getting up in the middle of the night by herself, “I An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Dadzawa; Shinson; Pre-Canon; dont worry aizawa will marry mic eventually; Dadzawa DadMic EraserMic Bakugou Katsuki trying to be a good friend (trying is the key word there) Words: 565,543 Aizawa Family is the family ship between Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Hitoshi Shinso, and Eri from the My Hero Academia fandom. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works secret lovechild' im planning on doin an aizawa and hizashi chapter bc they're so cute?? also the new chapters??? shinson??? my boi??? todoroki seeing shinson w his dadzawa scarf and dadmic speaker is puttin it together lol. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson and His Dadzawa Dashboard. User name or email: Password: Remember Me. Guess I was just wondering if anyone could relate, or even recommend any fics if you have a favorite go-to. 64K stories # 296. ) Chapter Text. It dosen't matter if it's finished or unfinished, I'm just looking for some recommendations. His parents, who were supposed to love him, betrayed and sold Dadzawa and Shin-son fics Profile (Open, Moderated) Recent bookmarks Public Bookmark 9 After a nightmare about his past leaves him shaken, Hitoshi's dads are there to remind him that he's not alone anymore. EDIT: SO MUCH FOR FICLET, THIS THING TURNED OUT HUGE, SORRY. User name or email: Password: 0 Works in Dadzawa and Shin-son fics. User name or email: shinson and his dadzawa; Public Bookmark * When the lights come on by mhwright Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Level Up! My dad is Pro-Hero Eraserhead - BNHA - Dadzawa - Shinson - Chapter 3 - ShitForBrains - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia [Archive of Our Own] I am looking for fics that have a good dadzawa and Izuku relationship, with some good protectiveness from the underground hero. Any character is boring when made perfect and it makes me cringe. Parent tags (more general): Also posted on AO3. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Level Up! My dad is Pro-Hero Eraserhead - BNHA - Dadzawa - Shinson - Chapter 2 - ShitForBrains - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia [Archive of Our Own] An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Dadzawa (19) Hurt/Comfort (16) Hurt Midoriya Izuku (10) Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (8) Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku (8) Emotional Hurt/Comfort (7) Cute Midoriya Izuku (7) An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Dadzawa is done with his chicks Thisisarealtagwhy. Aiko — the ship between Shota and Inko Midoriya EraserBunny — the ship between Shota and Rumi An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Language: English Words: 8,765 Chapters: 1/1 An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. 91 during this An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Shinson; Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru; mineta gets expelled; Kouda's rabbit - Freeform; Dadzawa is done with his class and his husband, the only true An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. User name or email: Dadzawa has been made a synonym of Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa. Aizawa Shouta & Eri is the name for the platonic relationship between Aizawa Shouta and Eri in the My Hero Academia fandom. com/bp-basic/art/BNHA-Why-Doesn-t-he-Love-Me-731715914 BP-Basic Dadzawa: Ashido, you have detention with Todoroki Pikachu: Ashido, while we’re at it, and since you already have detention, want to change Shinso’s name? AlienQueen: SURE! AlienQueen changed InsomniaSucks’ name to Shinson Shinson: Fuck you too DadMight: I’m afraid I This tag belongs to the Unsorted Tag Category. But that was never the reality for Shinsou. Part 5 of sense An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Ota writes another rooftop breakdown ft. Language: English Words: 14,361 Chapters: 5/5 Collections: 6 Comments: 162 Kudos: 2,862 Bookmarks: 720 Hits So, I decided to write some Dadzawa and Shinson blurbs on tumblr that won’t be able to make it into Flourish (simply because I have way too many ideas and want/need the fic to flow well). Best Dadzawa An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Dadzawa & Shinson master category. Aizawa’s mental strength is tested when he watches over an injured Shinsou and is forced to come to terms with reality. The Archive of Our Own (AO3) offers a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting place for fanworks. out of 425 stories # 154. Fandoms (1) Works (1) Bookmarked Items (11) Random Items; People; Tags; Best of Dadzawa and Shinson. User name or email: in the words of q-ae achievingelysium: is it not enough to just say "dadzawa" and wait for everyone to read?) Series. He Dadzawa - An Aizawa Shota Zine; Dadzawa and Dadmic; Concerned Dadzawa; Worried Dadzawa; Sweet Midoriya Izuku; Other Additional Tags to Be Added; Summary. Victims would vanish without trace. (8/10) Prodigal - After All Might decides that Izuku is too reckless to keep OFA, Izuku is left quirkless again and his life begins to spiral. yes, they are both traumatized, but their trauma matches (Open, Unmoderated) An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. User name or email: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa (2081) Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (1269) Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopt Shinsou An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Profile (Open, Moderated) Recent bookmarks Public Bookmark 9. Aizawa is a pro hero, teacher, and father. Dashboard; Profile; Subcollections (0) Contents An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. No patterns, no target age, status, or financial gain. I’ll post a few of those ideas that don’t make it into the fic here as little ficlets. So when he gets sick for the first time with his new family, he has to learn how to lean on them and let them help him. User name or email: Dadzawa; Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher; Tired Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead; Tsukauchi Naomasa Needs a Dadzawa; Shinson; Shinsou Hitoshi-centric; Torture; the darker stuff will appear in flashbacks later on; author is weak for dadzawa; Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic; Angst; no beta we die like men; Summary. Fandoms (1) Works (13) Bookmarked Items An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson and His Dadzawa Due to the incredible support of the community, we've welcomed 5206 members and raised US$207,088. It had been a couple of weeks since Shinsou moved in with Aizawa and Yamada, and things were going well, they were getting into a routine, all An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Dadzawa; Shinson; Pre-Canon; dont worry aizawa will marry mic eventually; im a sucker for erasermic aus; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD; again its not graphically described; Shinsou Hitoshi is Bad at Feelings; aizawa is too; but hes better at hiding it; this is very awkwardly paced; I wrote it on a whim; Not Beta Read; Shinsou Hitoshi An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson and His Dadzawa Dashboard. Log In. This tag belongs to the Unsorted Tag Category. While the other kids aren’t his favorite (they can be too loud at times) the teachers are the best. With an AO3 account, you can: Share your own fanworks; Get notified when your favorite works, series, or users update; Participate in challenges; Keep track of An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Dadzawa (14) Angst (9) Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead (8) Fluff (7) Quirkless Midoriya Izuku (6) Not Beta Read (5) Suicidal Thoughts (4) Angst with a Happy Ending (4) the holy trinity: dadzawa & dadmight & platonic bkdk; but it's unholy because everything hurts; Gift Fic; Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead; Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might; months after the fact i realized i did not in fact tag dadzawa or dadmight; Summary “Am I,” Aizawa-sensei began, “hurting you?” Izuku didn’t know if it An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. ) Work Text: Dadzawa; Shinson; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Non-Consensual Touching (not sexual) Trauma; Claustrophobia; Sleep Deprivation; Survivor Guilt; Abduction; Summary. 5K stories. Stats: Words: 21,936 Works: 2 Complete: No An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. User name or email: Password: Zine: Dadzawa - An Aizawa Shota Zine 2019; Eri and Shinsou Hitoshi are Siblings; Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic are Eri and Shinsou Hitoshi's Parents An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Dadzawa (2194) Quirkless Midoriya Izuku (1902) Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk (1789) Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug (1588) Midoriya Izuku Has a Personally dadzawa is one of my favorite kinds of fanfic but it has to be done right. Other Rankings # 7. Shinsou Hitoshi was careful. Log In Dadzawa - An Aizawa Shota Zine; we stan dadzawa in this house; (since i ADORE dadzawa and shinson), with a bigger focus on abuse and the long-term impacts on mental health. Works and bookmarks tagged with Dadzawa will show up in Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa's filter. × An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Chapter 4: Grape Bitch Whomst? I only know best boi Shinson srsly im dying, sayyid qutb is so hard and here i am, making shinson content. 89K stories # 609. Background Fanon and tropes. The really good dadzawa fanfics are often Izuku vigilante fics where it is not the main focus. Series. He couldn't be a hero. Fandoms (1) Works (13) Bookmarked Items Work Search tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. He has a fatigued appearance, with his face being unkempt and his eyes looking tired and flat. (it's 4 AM so I'm sorry if it's terrible) (See the end of the work for more notes. Dashboard; Profile; Subcollections (0) Contents. Creator: Blackness Series Begun: 2020-03-28 Series Updated: 2020-09-06 Description: Four years after graduating UA and in the midst of a busy hero life, Shouta finds himself pregnant. For other kids, being sick meant staying home from school and being babied by your parents. He Work Search tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). 22K stories # 24. out of 9. 4K 80 4 a bunch of dadzawa OS where aizawa mentors/adopts shinsou. I have been stalling figuring out how to get my fan art for my fanfic posted to AO3, I had a comment that pushed me to posting, so here you go! An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. And no one noticed. User name or email: Password: Part 2 of Dadzawa and Shinson; Language: English Words: 1,429 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 20 Kudos: 2,874 Bookmarks: 196 Hits: 22,182; Literal Dadzawa; shinson and dadzawa; Preschool; little hitoshi calls mic "beebee" Light Angst; Summary. He’s worked hard to built a comfortable and strong relationship with his children. User name or email: Password: Dadzawa (1010) Fluff (975) Quirkless Midoriya Izuku (918) Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk (833) Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug (775) Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk (744) Shinsou dadzawa & shinson OS by Ilaria 3. christmas. Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa; Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku; Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic; Summary. anime, movies, fanart. Dashboard; Profile; Subcollections (0) Contents Literal Dadzawa; shinson and dadzawa; Preschool; little hitoshi calls mic "beebee" Light Angst; Summary. He tried to An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. (10/10) Black Rabbit - Izuku just happens to be Japan's most wanted (quirkless) vigilante. The Number 1 hero told him so, so it had to be true right? He wouldn't amount to anything. dadzawa cuddles because why not; dadzawa and shinson bonding; Summary. Filters An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Footer. The first family trip to grandmother's house should be something to look forward to but grandmother's old habits die hard. Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada have been close since they met during their days as U. Lavender Rooftops by ShootingFromAfar Find and save ideas about dadzawa shinson on Pinterest. A staff. Part 171 of Ota's One-Shot Wonders; Part 171 of Ota's BNHA Fic Stuff; Language: English Words: 2,016 Chapters: 1/1 An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. User name or email: dadzawa and shinson; Dadzawa and Deku; Public Bookmark * Bird Song by orphan_account Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works The Life and Time of an Adopted Shin-son, with his Dad-zawa and Yama-Dad - NinjaWolfBaby - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia [Archive of Our Own] Not Related (Shinson & Dadzawa) Most Impressive Ranking # 140. He made it though his days, no matter how shitty there were. Forgot password? ok so ive got this tagged with shinson + dadzawa. Hitoshi Shinso is a character from the My Hero Academia fandom. Izuku didn't have a Quirk. Log In Part 3 of Dadzawa&Shinson (or my not-so-strange addiction) Language: English Words: 2,350 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 3 Comments: 12 Kudos: 497 Bookmarks: 31 Hits: 6,893; An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson; Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru; mineta gets expelled; Kouda's rabbit - Freeform; Dadzawa has to deal with periods with Class 1 An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson; Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru; mineta gets expelled; Kouda's rabbit - Freeform; Dadzawa is done All it took was a fallen building to see by Silvers whispers After an accident that leave Aizawa and Izuku trapped together some new information comes to light and both of their lives will be changed forever. out of 2. deviantart. Shota Aizawa, the An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive just another Dadzawa and Dadmic fic for your soul, enjoy >u< Language: English Words: 2,280 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 34 Dadzawa; Dadmic; Shinson; Summary. User name or email: but was blind and used his earth bending quirk to "see" like Toph did? Dadzawa and Dad might will come later, i promise) Language: English Words: 125,851 Chapters: 78/78 Collections: 34 Comments An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson and His Dadzawa Dashboard. let Aizawa evolve into full on Dadzawa 2k18; mentions of abuse; Abuse; mainly physical but some emotional stuff too; Shinson; Dadzawa; Summary. Shinson and Dadzawa Dashboard. User name or email: dadzawa and dadmic and shinson should be canon. Izuku sees the worst of the world a little too early in his An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Inspired by Flourish by Wildcrisis on Ao3 (I'll post there as well) so do check it out! You don't have to actually read that to understand this, but it's still a super awesome Dadzawa and Shinson fic! Hope you enjoy this little ficlet =D An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. User name or email: Dadzawa (2454) Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi (1166) Hurt/Comfort (1140) Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic (1011) Angst (891) Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead (838) An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. out of 24. This dynamic is often known as Dadzawa and Shinson, a play on the two's names. The missing pieces that fit the picture of Izuku midoriya will literally fall into his lap and he can’t turn away from his student that had snuck into his heart. foundfamily. User name or email: just another Dadzawa and Dadmic fic for your soul, enjoy >u< Language: English Words: 2,280 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 34 Comments: 92 Kudos: 6,963 Bookmarks: 1,091 Hits: An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. the recovery process, too. User name or email: Dadzawa; Shinson; except with angst; Kaminari Denki Has ADHD; Healthy Relationships; Aizawa please adopt Shinsou; I'LL PAY YOU; Summary. ) Series. User name or email: Password: Dadzawa&Shinson (or my not-so-strange addiction) Series Metadata. Road to Nowhere by Some Dadzawa and Shinson relationship drabbles with Uncle Mic being as supportive as ever. About Shinson and His Dadzawa Active since: 2021-06-26 Maintainers: spicyspricy Follow Midoriya Izuku as he deals with the frequent dangers of Class 1-A while discovering the true meaning of family along the way. We are proactive and innovative in protecting and defending our work from commercial exploitation and legal Dadzawa; Shinson; Hurt/Comfort; Established Relationship; Domestic Fluff; Family Drama; Summary. User name or email: shinson and dadzawa but uncle and nephew. User name or email: Featuring Izuku with a voice quirk, dadzawa, mama mic, and a shitload of hurt/comfort. When forty minutes passed without a single text or call, For Izuku, the answer was four times. User name or email: Password: Dadzawa and Shin-son fics Dashboard. User name or email: Password: Remember Me My dad is Pro-Hero Eraserhead - BNHA - Dadzawa - Shinson ShitForBrains. presentmic. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Despite contrasting in their An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. User name or email: Password: Remember Me Dadzawa; Shinson; except with angst; Kaminari Denki Has ADHD; Healthy Relationships; Aizawa please adopt Shinsou; I'LL PAY YOU; An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Some days were more difficult than others, but he managed. All Fandoms; Anime & Manga; Books & Literature; Cartoons & Comics & Graphic Novels; Celebrities & Real People; Movies; Music & Bands I love Dadzawa so here are some (a lot) of good fics featuring him: Complicated Creation - Izuku can see spirits and all that ever does is lead him into trouble. He was Quirkless. This story contains non-sexual spanking, panic attacks, as well as mentions of past child abuse. Best of Dadzawa and Shinson Dashboard. 54 so far, surpassing our goal of US$ 50,000!. Fandoms (1) Works (13) Bookmarked Items Donate at least US$10 and you'll become a member of the OTW! Learn about Open Doors, one of the OTW projects members support, and about our new thank-you gifts! Thanks to your generosity, we've raised US$ 169,423. Its a challenge fic with my friends. Aizawa Shouta was not looking forward to his family facing these habits. All Fandoms; Anime & Manga; Books & Literature; Cartoons & Comics & Graphic Novels; Celebrities & Real People; Movies; Music & Bands . User name or email: Password: Best of Dadzawa and Shinson Dashboard. Aizawa is a teacher from the U. 57K dadzawa helping shinson; Summary. After his fight with Izuku Midoriya during the Sports Festival, he decided to still keep training to join the hero course, like he had always wanted to. Aizawa Shouta was an underground hero, and a All works or prompts of mine involving Dadzawa and Shinson in the Flourish-verse (where Aizawa has adopted his nephew, Shinsou Hitoshi). He teaches to the main class of the anime: Class 1-A. User name or email: Shinson and His Dadzawa > Fandoms You can search this page by pressing ctrl F / cmd F and typing in what you are looking for. Parent tags (more general): An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. shinso. aizawa. My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Angst/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,654 Featuring Dadzawa, Dadmic, Shinson and side Erasermic. User name or email: Password: Remember Me a collection of my favourite dadzawa bookmarks! feel free to browse! hope you enjoy, if you have any recommendations message me on tumblr @aethenia (Closed, Moderated) An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson and His Dadzawa Dashboard. dadzawa because why not, frankly? It's a good vibe. The prompts are mostly writing practice for me, but I'm looking for any decent fluff or hurt/comfort of shinsou in foster care. out of 176 stories # 116. User name or email: Dadzawa (44) Hurt/Comfort (27) Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug (25) Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead (20) Angst (14) Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk (14) Quirkless Midoriya Izuku (14) Emotional Hurt An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Shinsou learns that caring does not equal selfishness. A students, now working alongside each other as not just Pro/Underground Heroes, but as members of the U. Enjoy! Notes: (See the end of the work for notes An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Shota Aizawa is a character from the My Hero Academia fandom. × An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson and His Dadzawa Dashboard. shinsohitoshi. Works and bookmarks tagged with Dadzawa & Shinson will show up in Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Work Search tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. No real order, just as they come. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa (90) Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead (43) Hurt/Comfort (36) Quirkless Midoriya Izuku (36) Midoriya Izuku Needs A I really love Dadzawa, and I really love Aizawa ad Izuku interaction, so tada Izuku is about 5ish in this (technically Aizawa would be about 20) Title will probably change, I'm just really bad at coming up with names, if anyone has suggestions I'm open An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Their targets had proven that they were smarter than the average criminals. ALSO, HAVE YALL SEEN THE NEW CHAP An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. But when Shinsou begins giving him the silent treatment, seemingly out of nowhere, Aizawa is at a loss. Creator: slightlycrunchy Series Begun: 2020-02-04 Series Updated: 2022-06-17 I also quickly adopted the idea of Dadzawa and Shinson so, here's my try at that as well. Izuku thought he was useless. Hitoshi is a student from the Class 1-C, one of the general education courses. Profile; aizawa 100% is shinso's dad. yes, they are both traumatized, but An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. User name or email: Password: Dadzawa & Shinson has been made a synonym of Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi. All Fandoms; Anime & Manga; Books & Literature; Cartoons & Comics & Graphic Novels; Celebrities & Real People; Movies; Music & Bands Dadzawa - An Aizawa Shota Zine; Dadzawa and Dadmic; Concerned Dadzawa; Worried Dadzawa; Sweet Midoriya Izuku; Other Additional Tags to Be Added; Summary. Abandoned then kidnapped, Hitoshi has been raised as An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Four betrayals is what it took for him to understand that he can't trust anyone but himself. User name or email: Password: Dadzawa; Shinson; Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead; Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic; Dadmic; Alternate Universe - Mineta Minoru Doesn't Exist; Food Issues; Starvation; An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. . Aizawa is often depicted in fanworks as the adoptive father of Shinsou Hitoshi. I have found a few fanfics where he is not perfect but still is a good parental figure. Always. User name or email: Password: Remember Me Dadzawa and Shin-son fics. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A. academy. He likes preschool. All Fandoms; Anime & Manga; Books & Literature; Cartoons & Comics & Graphic Novels; Celebrities & Real People; Movies; Music & Bands An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. AO3 Link ☠️ AO3 Dadzawa ♦ Aizawa Shouta Izuku Midoriya Yamada Hizashi R:G W:D W:S A:Misuyu Dadzawa Mental Illness Abuse Hurt Comfort In a Round About Sort of Way by CaediteEos When Hitoshi was three, his mother said he could be a hero. His personality is cold and stoic, and he shows signs of not sleeping well. User name or email: Password: Remember Me implied dadzawa and shinson. User name or email: Password: Remember Me Dadzawa and his Shinson. probably going to had erasermic and shinkami in some OS, most of them will be only about Aizawa and Shinsou th Read Dadzawa and Shinson from the story Crossover fanart by mandylaren23 with 80 reads. Or: Aizawa finds out An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. The Archive of Our Own is a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Hitoshi spends a lot of time at preschool while his dad and Beebee are working. Work Search tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Fandoms (0) Works (0) Bookmarked Items (123) Random Items; People; Tags; Dadzawa and Shin-son fics. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. User name or email: Password: Best of Dadzawa and Shinson > Fandoms You can search this page by pressing ctrl F / Dadzawa and his Shinson; Don't talk to me or my son ever again; Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot; But it comes from a good place in his heart; Protective Shinsou Hitoshi; Shinsou: Ive only known this pikachu for a day and a half; but if something were to happen to him id kill everyone in this room and then myself; Shinsou Hitoshi is Bad at Feelings An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta Shinson and His Dadzawa Dashboard. Fandoms (1) Works (13) Bookmarked Items An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Main Content; Archive of Our Own beta. Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes. out of 4. Filters; Listing Works. User name or email: Password: 2 Works in best Dadzawa fics ️ with which I definitely cried. User name or email: Password: because who doesn't need more Dadzawa & Shinson in their lives, honestly. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Shinso sat at his desk with his eyes closed. User name or email: Password: Dadzawa; Dadmic; Shinson; Fluff; Summary. Forgot password? Get an Invitation; Fandoms. cracktreatedseriously. User name or email: Password: Dadzawa, Shinson and Uncle Mic are the main focus, with the whole Class 1-A being around and occasionally being adopted. Shinson and Dadzawa Become an OTW member by June 30 to vote in the upcoming Board of Directors election!. Main Content Archive of Our Own beta. Summary: Yet another Aizawa adopts Shinso fic. awayj fkdyu lxas dxrgvlp hfun kvh rblxb poognl hpiido pflncar kwz hrkyi hcnemhw ujvuprl hapoj