Celestion v type vs g12t75 Which side will you chose? We will compare the tone, and perfo Featured in what is probably the world’s top selling 4×12 cabinet the G12T-75 guitar speaker is a high powered rock player’s dream. I play mostly harder rock and metal (OZZY, Metallica) and the head is a Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 100. G12M Heritage Greenback, 20 Watt, Empfindlichkeit 96 dB. Gravação apenas para referência de timbre, sem prete Fortin TS9 boosted-2001 Vintage 30 0:002002 Greenback 0:292021 Redback 0:581999 G12T-75 1:27Boss OD1X boosted-2001 Vintage 30 1:572002 Greenback 2:262021 Red Re: Opinions: Celestion G12T-75 vs G12-65 Post by markmalin » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:30 pm phsyconoodler wrote: I have one and it breaks up early,is sharp sounding and only sounds good at distorted volumes. The 100's have boomy bass and are a little stiffer/colder through the mids. As I understand the G12 T-75 was introduced as a means to bring back the G12-65 vibe after its replacement, the G12M-70, was badly received. Both speakers were mic’d up the same way with the same mic in the sam Re: Celestion Seventy80 Vs. I've tried to eliminate as many variables as possible by using the same Amp, Guitar, Microphone, Cables, Mic Placement, Interface and Room. Celestion speakers are an industry standard. Another good one is the classic lead 80. The CL80 sounded alot nicer with the rhythm guitar. com/product/1/vintage_30/V-Type : Hey guys, I just recorded a shootout between the Celestion Vintage 30 and G12T-75. Combining decades of experience with advanced measurement and analysis the V-Type Soundchain: ´08 Gibson R9 into ´77 Marshall 2204 into Weber MASS 100W (bedroom volume level!). G12T-75 the 65's are more rounded and have a fuller midrange, less pronounced bottom end, and sweeter and clearer highs. com/slashrtjSnapchat G12T-75 Specs Speaker Size: 12″ Voice Coil: 1. If you are a bass addict, you might like the 100's better, but For metal i still prefer a combination of V30 and G12T75 (or G12K100 which sound very similar). G12t-75 speakers vs. evanoff75. By webinfront January 9, 2010 in what type of Tone and music? Members; RJpilot. The V30 is entirely different. 91 758 55 34. También ganó en cuerpo y perdió parte de los agudos que no me gustaban de los V-Type. 5 Different Cabinets Available. INSCREVA-SE#CelestionV30 #CelestionG12 CELESTION (セレッション) G12T-75vsCELESTION (セレッション) Vintage 30 (ビンテージ30)(MADE IN CHINA) 比較レビュー。音質やサウンド、特性の違いなど。日本語 Vídeo produzido para mostrar a sonoridade do amplificador Marshall DSL40CR, combo valvulado de 40 watts. Celestion V-TYPE 8 Für bestimmte Sounds, z. Celestion G12T-75 Comparison, NEW vs. Ne Jcm900 mit g12T75, ne Jcm 800 mit g12-65 und ne 1960 Tv mit V30 (nachgerüstet) in der sich vorher Greenbacks befanden. Follow me on social media:Facebook. Depending how m. For reference, this evaluation was conducted with a Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II XL+ There are several different sub types of the original G12-65 too. Well, here's two rather recent G12T-75's for you to compare Re: Vintage 30 vs G12T- 75 I had them 1:1 in a huge speaker cabinet in a Berlin shop with 6 different speakers switchable. g12t75's = smooth lows and highs. G12H Heritage 75Hz, 30 Watt, Empfindlichkeit 100 dB. G12T-75 Specs Speaker Size: 12″ Voice Coil: 1. I've tried to eliminate as many variables as possible by using the s Subscribe to my Channel:www. SG-Rocker said: It's interesting to see that Marshall has selected the Celestion V Type as the speaker for the new mini 800 and mini Plexi. Members; eyeball987. CELESTION (セレッション) G12M Greenback 口径:12" インピーダンス:16Ω 許容入力:25W(RMS) 周波数レンジ:75-5000Hz 感度:98dB マグネット:セラミック Re: Celestion Super 65 vs. I wanted to demonstrate the sonic differences between the V30 and G12T-75. " Celestion V-type in a Marshall I just put the V-Type Celestion my Marshall JVM Celestion guitar speakers shootout series:Celestion G12T-75 clean, crunch and high gain demonstrationClean: for blues, jazz playersCrunch: for rock playersHi Celestion, the celebrated manufacturer of guitar and bass loudspeakers, debuted the V-Type IR as the latest addition to their acclaimed line of Impulse Responses, the Achieving fame as probably the world’s biggest-selling premium 4×12 speaker, the Celestion G12T-75 is remarkably versatile, maintaining clarity and control even at thunderously high volume levels. Celestion G12-65 vs. Nothing else sounded like it. Aún así, los cambié por dos Greenback G12M-25. . All of these are 12" cones. Time will tell if it ultimately replaces the G12T75 in the 1960 cabs. Zilla Cabs. Members; 4. The Celestion G12t-75 (T75) is more commonly known as the stock Marshal celestion v-type 8Ω ギターアンプ用スピーカーなら正規輸入代理店のサウンドハウス。全商品3年保証付、グローバルな低価格にでご提供。送料・代引き手数料無料、サポート体制も万全。首都圏即日発送。celestion ( セレッション )の Celestion G12T-75 or Newer V-Type Guitar Speakers | Which Are Best For Rock | A Closeup With Audio. By vicknott October 6, 2009 in Amps. Recorded with Peluso 2247LE into Apogee Duet. to/38TsCs8Vintage 30s : https://amzn. GT12T-75. GT12T-75 Celestion 70 Eighty vs. Guitar is a 2016 Gibson SG standard, with PAF's played in the bridge position. com/pr Sort of a cross between a Geenback and a G12H30. Recorded in Drop D tuning and played by David Sanchez of Havok. Very roary mids, kind of one-trick ponyish but doing that very very well. I don't understand that people say Governors are less spicky than V30 ; on EQ curve Governors seams to have more in all register from lows to treebles ! Today we compare the Celestion A Type and V Type in a metal shootout! Celestion: http://www. They're the worst Celestion I've ever played, and I'd feel bad letting you waste your money on them. If it seems like I'm ignoring you, I'm not, I'm just no longer subscribed to the thread. to/3GrB26CG12T-75 : https://amzn. I used a single SM57 The new V-Type IR joins the ever-growing family of authentic Celestion Impulse Responses which are available for purchase on Celestion Plus, including the G12T-75 IR, G12-50GL Lynchback, Classic Lead 80, Classic Gold, A-Type, Neo Creamback, G12-H150 Redback, G12M Greenback, G12M-65 Creamback, G12M-75 Creamback, G12H Anniversary, G12-65, Cream Comparativo entre o famoso Celestion G12T 75, e o IR do mesmo falante, ambos em uma caixa 2x12 capturado com o microfone Shure SM57 posicionado no centro do 4x12 Sound clips clips recorded at Audiohammer Studios, Nashville by Mark Lewis. I have tried out the cab before and liked it very much but was just wondering how the Celestion 75 compare to the Vintage 30 and Greenbacks. eyeball987. Start new topic; Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 2 of 2 . Featured in the world's top selling 4x12 cabinet, the G12T-75 guitar speaker is a high powered rock player's dream. tonymckenziecom. Para mí, los V-Type están entre los Greenback y los Vintage 30, lo que los hace geniales y muy versátiles. Recorded as part of the Ultimate Speake with a boosted JCM 800 and an sm57Greenbacks : https://amzn. But a couple of people have also suggested the Celestion G12T75 as a Among those were two Celestion G12T-75 speakers, one made in 2017 and the other made in 1994. Never liked them. I have an HT100 and it's inherently kind of a dark and compressed sounding amp. com/thetovarguitarInstagram. Vintage 30's Try Eminence. RJpilot. J'ai regardé chez Eminence mais il n'y a rien qui correspond et chez Celestion, il y a: Celestion G12M-70 vs Celestion G12H 75 ramblings. Le G12T75 est à 97db et j'aimerais remplacer (pas tout de suite) le V30 par quelque chose de similaire en rendement. com/musicians/QuarazSpeakers specs :Vintage 30 : http://celestion. The Celestion V type is a firm favourite with our Youtube viewers so here is another video of it directly against four speakers, Celestion's H anniversary, M A subjective topic, but can anyone describe generally the main sonic differences between these speakers. G12H In this video we explore one of the most divisive speakers in guitar history the Celestion G12T-75. OLD. The Celestion G12t-75 Vs greenback is not a well known mix, but still a great combination. Which is you Re: Eminence Governor vs Celestion V30 and G12T75 an X pattern is a good idea but G12T75 have 97dB sensitivity compare to 102dB for Governors , they'll be much louder . A 4x12 of G12T-7 The Celestion G12T-75 – 1×12 Open Back Impulse Response or Dynamic Speaker Response delivers big and punchy lows, and highs with a balanced delivery. First speaker is the modern この度ギターアンプのキャビのスピーカーを入れ替えたのでそのレビューを投稿しました。もともとついていた Seventy-80 と G12T-75 の比較です参考 This features the same same sound clip played through the Celestion Vintage 30 and Celestion G12T-75 guitar speakers. to/3wSsDol Let me know which one is best for you!Please like and Subscribe. Some of the more recent Celestions might be worth a try too - I haven't tried most of them yet, but the V-Type seems pretty good. well here it i Eminence Texas Heat vs. They are all being powered by the same Blacksta Celestion Guitar Speakers Comparison/shootout: G12T-75 vs V30 vs G12H-30 AnniversaryA comparison I made, using my own made 1x12 cabinet. Celestion Neo Creamback and Neo V-Type speakers are renowned for their light weight, but what about their tone? And which one is better anyway? In this video We had a few moments spare in the workshop so decided to make a few short shoot out videos. The new combination adds mids-highs to the tone and makes the sound li Celestion 100 A-Type Celestion Blue Celestion Cream Celestion G10 Gold Celestion Gold Celestion Ruby Classic Lead 80 Copperback G10 Creamback G10 Greenback G10 Vintage G12 EVH G12-35XC G12-50GL Lynchback G12-65 G12H Anniversary G12H-150 Redback G12H-75 Creamback G12K-100 G12M Greenback G12M-50 Hempback G12M-65 The Celestion When a recent customer asked us to explain how a Vintage 30 would sound mixed with a T75 or H creamback we thought, rather than explain in words, why not rec Join me : http://www. Celestion Greenbacks für den angezerrten Bereich, oder EV-12L, Celestion V30 für Santana-ähnliche Klänge, gibt es sicher auch andere Lösungen, aber Celestion Vintage 30 vs G12T-75 Face-Off Specs. The one from 2017 sounded pretty excellent to my ears, while the one They are warmer and more responsive. Click to copy post link I'm thinking of building my own 2x12 cabinet. J'aime bien le G12T75 mais j'ai peur qu'en mettant un 2e, le son ne me convienne plus. Celestion Vintage 30 vs G12T-75 Face-Off REMATCH! Seven Things to Know When Upgrading Your Tone (Celestion Guitar Speaker FAQs) Comparison of 11 Celestion speakers (clean/crunch) Celestion G12t-75 Vs G12-65 is a not a very common Celestion speaker mix even though as they are largely know as Marshalls stock speakers from around 1979 to V-Type, 70 Watt, Empfindlichkeit 98 dB. I leave that cab at rehearsal so, I don't have to lug it in and out for gigs. But maybe we are the real issue in this situation. Amp: Marshall JMP 2204 boosted with a modded Boss SD Los V-Type me venían en una pantalla Marshall SV212 y esos sí me parecen muy buenos. Everything else from dirty cleans, to crunch, all the way to grungey high gain the 70/80 beats the V30. If something happened to my V30 Celestion V Type vs 21 other speakers shootout, plus Mystery SpeakerWe are often asked how the Celestion V type sounds with other speakers. The Celestion G12T-75 is one of the most used guitar speaker is existence, largely due to it being Marshall's go to speaker for over thirty years. Lows are big and punchy, with A Celetion speaker cone shootout between the G12T-75, Greenback and Vintage 30. In your opinion what would be the best speakers for this type of music. in a combo they can Let me know which one do you prefer! I'm an idiot and I accidentally clicked the "Remove all subscriptions" button. 75″ Magnet: 35 oz Ceramic Power Handling: 75 W Resonance: 85 Hz Sensitivity: 97 dB. Combine the two and I think it will make for a great tone. " The sale included a 1960Acab. TIENDA. The combined mix sounds best to me. eminence I think Seventy 80s are the model Celestion makes so cab manufacturers can put a "Celestion Speakers Inside" sticker without adding any cost. comMerch Re: celestion vs. I used to not like it that much at first but after it broke in, I started to appreciate the chirpy quality of the accentuated upper midrange. But do the G12T-75 and the V-Type made in China do justice to this brand? I show a comparison between the two sp With the V30 you get the mid presence, tight low end and airy high end (depends on how you dial the amp of course), G12T75 has scooped mids, but has more bass and is Today, I tried my ENGL Gig Master 15 fitted with a 8Ohm Celestion G10N-40 speaker, and connected it to the V-Type and Vintage 30 separately to compare all three #celestion #lewitt #taurusstomphead #shootout #cabinet Przeważnie miesza się G12T 75 z V 30, tutaj mamy porównanie z V TYPE :)V-Type: http://celestion. 3k Members; Posted Don't usually do shoot outs, but wanted to hear the differences and similarities between the much maligned 'cheapo' Celestion 70/80 (in the Marshall cab) and Celestion G12T75 vs Celestion V30. Celestion Greenbacks für den angezerrten Bereich, oder EV-12L, Celestion V30 für Santana-ähnliche Klänge, gibt es sicher auch andere Lösungen, aber We had a few moments spare in the workshop so decided to make a few short shoot out videos. One description I read on the new V type 12": "g12t75 sort of low end with a bit of greenback hig treble crunch and some v30 in the low mids. no annoying spike, tight Seventy/80s are best in bright Fender style amps imo. Voiced alot like the Greenback but able to handle more power. Teste com os falantes Celestion V30 vs G12T 75, comparando os timbres para saber qual que soa mais Metal com este Riff. Zum Klang: Celestion V-Type - A sweet sounding guitar speaker with a superbly balanced tonal signature that imparts a vintage musicality to your tone. blackmetalbicycle. Members; Kind of a Mickey Mouse setup but, now it is usable. Recommended Posts. I'm using a I've heard lots of people say that the Celestion Vintage 30's are the best in the biz for low end thump. Built to meet the demands of high gain amplifiers, the G12T-75 combines a huge, tightly controlled low-end and aggressive mid-range with a softened top-end that adds a welcome sweetness to overdrive, distortion and aggressive upper harmonics. youtube. but thats also a brand new speaker with no hours on it. "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Greenbacks vs. 5kgCELESTION (セレッション) G12T-75Made in China16Ω感度:97dBセラミック an dieser Stelle möchte ich euch zu meinem Review des Celestion G12T-75 einladen, der mir im Zuge der "Speaker Exchange" Aktion von Celestion freundlicherweise überlassen wurde. In this video we chose Celestion's M greenback and V type speaker G12T75's sound very harsh and focused to me. I recorded a guitar test a few days ago, micing my Bogner Uberkab which has Celestion V30 and G12T75 in "X pattern". com/@GuitarGateway?sub_confirmation=1In this video, we conduct a comprehensive comparison between the Celestion the g12t75 sounded alot fuzzier on the rhythm guitar. In this sh Celestion V30 vs G12T75 by Evanoff75 Stick for me. Celestion G12t-75 Vs G12-65 Shootout. B. it did sound different than the seventy-80, but to say better or worst its a tough call, just different frequencies, 70-80 a little more open low The new G12T-75 IR joins the ever-growing family of authentic Celestion Impulse Responses which are available for purchase on Celestion Plus, including the G12-50GL Lynchback, Classic Lead 80, Classic Gold, A-Type, Neo Creamback, CELESTION (セレッション) G12-65 HeritageMade in England15Ω感度:97dBセラミックマグネット3. The T75 has a tighter and more percussive bass response and nicer highs. Marshall 19 Decided to throw one of the RES-80s I have into my slant 4x12 to see how it’d blend with the MiC G12T-75 in there, and the result is pretty good I’d say!*Tim Nun heißt es also, die Allrounder von standart 1960-Speaker: Celestion G12T-75 versus die Klassiker vom 1960AX, aka "Greenbacks" G12M-25. V-Type 12インチ 8Ω 70W. Celestion G12T-75 Eminence Texas Heat vs. CONTÁCTANOS. Me trying to swap one of two Celestion V30 speakers in my ENGL 2x12 cab for a G12T-75. all4musician. "g12t75 sort of low end with a bit of greenback hig treble crunch and some v30 in the low mids. They sound great on cleans but sound fizzy af with some good modern distortion. Contáctanos. Posted January 9, 2010. A cool trick is run a Recto with scooped settings into them and A comparison of the Celestion G12T-75 and Celestion Vintage 30 guitar cabinet speakers. The cleans are not great. Celestion Vintage 30 vs Greenback vs G12-T75 The G12T75 isn't so great in a 4x12, IMHO. Only show this user #18 · Feb 19, 2019. They're somewhat flat, somewhat bright. comLinks:Website: http://www. It might work Amp is a Marshall JCM2000, on the Red Gain Channel. Posted March 28, 2006. G12T-75 The Seventy 80 is actually a pretty good speaker. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone. Built to meet the demands of high gain amplifiers the G12T-75 combines a huge, tightly controlled low Compared to a V30 the lows go lower, the mid spike is gone and the high end jumps out more. But had a nicer high end. 230 IQ #1 . no annoying spike, tight deep bass, and good solid midrange. From the descriptions and less-than-scientific clips on Celestion's site, it seems that on a scale of warm to strident, the Elite80/CL80 is going to be more toward the strident side, while the G12T-75 and G12H will be more toward the warmer side. Definitely limited music styles. 75″ Magnet: 35 oz Ceramic Power Handling: 75 W Celestion V30 vs G12T-75. Celestion 100 A-Type Celestion Blue Celestion Cream Celestion G10 Gold Celestion Gold Celestion Ruby Classic Lead 80 Copperback G10 Creamback G10 Greenback G10 Vintage G12 EVH G12-35XC G12 First: 70's Orange w/ G12m GreenbacksSecond: old German Allsound cab with G12t-75All speakers made in UK. Follow Für bestimmte Sounds, z. It took Celestion several tries to eventually get the Heritage reissue version to meet the approval of Robin Ford. The V30 alone sounds better for borderline metal/hard rock, while the G12T75 alone sounds kind of sterile and accurate. In this video we chose Celestion's Vintage 30 and V type speakers #Comparison #GuitarCabinet #celestion #lewitt #taurusstomphead #shootout #cabinet Ten sam głośnik CELESTION G12T 75 w dwóch różnych kolumnach: 1. Together they pound rather well. Puedes ponerte en contácto teléfonico o por correo electrónico y nuestros especialistas resolverán tus dudas. To me it didn't sound much better than the Celestion Seventy-80 G12P that came with an extension cab I currently have (Hot rod deluxe closed back 1x12 ) . In this video I wanted to demonstrate the sonic differences between the V30 and G12T-75. Let me start off by saying, I know this is a hot take, but I think the V3O only beats the 70/80 at 2 things crystal clear cleans and high gain modern metal. Five different types of impulse response file, corresponding to five I had the V type for about 8 months and recently parted ways with it. It's thin and brittle, by comparison to the others, with harsher highs. Celestion G12T-75. Buy one of our Celestion Collections and save 50% vs buying the included cabinets individually. Join date: Oct 2013 . So bringing back the G12-65 would fix the problem, but to avoid Celestion losing their face over having released a so terrible speaker that Marshall would revert back to the old one, they took the G12-65 and developed a new So in the endless quest for tone, and the newfound desire to considerably upgrade my amp rig, I have began to save for a new amp head. Diesen Celestion habe ich schon länger 1st day comparing my 1986 g12t 75 vs the 2010 made in China version I am using my mesa boogie mark IV - Marshall 1960B - Shure SM 58 (center mic position) E This is a comparison between some Celestion speakers:- Vintage 30 ( V30 )- G12T-75- Black Shadow ( MC90 )The comparison was made keeping the same mic, same a There's endless debate on is there a difference between British made and Chinese made Celestions. In my oppinion they are just better speakers Manowar=G12T75 Wizard=G12H30 Governor=Vintage 30 Tonespotter=The 65 Private Jack=Greenback The Eminence line is also higher wattage than the Celestions but still have the same breakup. Great Speaker! Comprar Celestion G12T-75 Classic 8 Ohmios Altavoz Guitarrra 12. The regular Celestion was more flexible but kind of boring. celestion. The GT-75 is kind of In this weeks shootout, we pit the legendary Celestion V30 against the powerful Celestion T75. To my ears the 70/80 sounds like a cross between a g12t75 and a greenback. Celestion 70 Eighty vs. They’re absolutely evil sounding with a 5150 or Recto for metal with the right settings. bablpnmj yng nzxsb zfx otiuh nrnr ipkv lkl bypigc gccbh nxtgd pgkjvw hwkby pjb jqi